My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 283 The Clown Carrying the Lamp


Eric looked at the head in the lantern and shouted in surprise.

That's right, the green wet hair that seems to have rotted moss for hundreds of years, the round green weird eyes that ooze treacherous gazes, and the blood-red corners of the grinning mouth that are pulled to the ear, all of which indicate that the person in front of him is clown!

Suddenly, the clown rolled his eyes and grinned, "You should have knocked on the door first, don't you understand...Damn it!"

Eric looked at the clown in the lantern and fell into great shock.

"How did you...?"

"Still alive? I don't know either! Hahaha, why are you still alive? I don't care, because you are here! You came back to find me! Crossing half the world, you finally found me!"

The clown head in the lantern laughed.


Then he stopped laughing and blinked, "Why did you get bigger and fitter, or did you get some kind of weird plastic surgery?"

The Joker immediately noticed that this Batman seemed different from the Gotham Bat.

But he said in a more cheerful tone nervously: "Oh! Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore, I found my bat! I am so happy that I almost want to sing a song, you must listen to it, I The lyrics are very humorous and will definitely make you laugh!"

Maybe it's because he hasn't communicated with people for too long, but the clown can't stop talking when he speaks.

The raven on Eric's back poked its head out of the cloak, looking curiously at the head in the lantern.

"Hey, there's a girl on your back, a girl I envy. Bat, I really want to be like her right now, leaning on your back, or giving you a big hug, I mean...  ..if I had a know."

"Clown, where's your body?"

Eric asked the question he wanted to ask the most at this time.

"What? Isn't that great, I feel like I've become more manly. Haha, it's a good feeling, man, I haven't talked to a person in ten years, you don't know how...  .”

"Who did this to you?"

Eric didn't let the clown chatter, and asked directly.

The clown rolled his eyes upwards and said, "The problem is, I can't remember very clearly... It feels like sand has entered the oxygen pipe, and bird droppings have entered the blood vessels of the brain. Who knows?"

"But I know I remember something, man, make sure you take me with you, I'll tell you all about it!"

Recommend an app, which is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and can exchange all source books for \\Mi\\Mi Reading\\\\!

The clown was afraid that Eric would leave him, so he begged Eric in a flattering tone.

Eric shook his head and hung the lantern on the iron hook, "Someone needs you more than me."

As he spoke, he stepped forward to leave here.

"Hey! Hey! Bat, I can help you understand what's going on in this world. If you put me here, maybe tomorrow I will be eaten by a passing monster. God knows what will happen to this crazy world tomorrow!"

The Joker yells at Eric.

"Maybe we should help him, Mr. Batman."

The raven on his back looked at the head in the lantern and felt that he was a bit pitiful, so he pleaded with Eric.

"That's it," the clown agreed with Raven's words, "Do you know the horse that pulls the carriage? Bat, I'm that horse. Without me, your carriage will overturn! It will overturn!"


Before the clown finished speaking, a thunderbolt flew down into the sky.

Lightning carrying a destructive aura descended from the sky.

It seemed to split the entire sky, making a deafening sound.

Looking in the direction from which the lightning came, he found that in the distant sky, which could not be seen in the desert, there was a cloud of pale yellow lightning storm entrenched there.

With the stirring of the wind and dust, it kept moving.

It seemed like a storm cloud that could destroy everything.

Just looking at the past can make people feel palpitation-like fear.

"That's the Speed ​​Force Storm! Nightmare around here, you gotta take cover, but come on, Bats! Take me with you..."

The clown looked at the Speed ​​Force storm clouds in the distance, and asked Eric again.

"Shut up!"

Eric took the lantern off with one hand and handed it to Raven for her to carry.

Because I had to carry the raven on my back, I couldn't spare my hand.

"Ha ha!"

The Joker shrieked, "Look at us, the same old Batman with the little head! Isn't that right, Bat?"

Carried by the raven, in the lantern that swayed as Eric walked, the clown's head chattered again.

"I suddenly remembered, Bat! I'm not a pony pulling a carriage, I'm a dog chasing a cart. I don't know what I'm going to do, but once I catch's okay Done! Haha, now that I have caught up, the two of us have something to do!"

The clown babbled like a chatterbox inside the lantern.

He is like a parrot that has been locked in a cage for a hundred years. When he is released, he can't wait to say all the words he has hidden for a hundred years.

"Bat, are you a dummy? Why don't you talk?"

Seeing that Eric ignored him, the clown felt a little boring, so he continued to tease him.

"Shut up! Or I'll throw you into the speed force storm!"

"Well, Bat, you always have a way. I admit that you, a big man, can be bad sometimes, but I like you-this kind of despicable and not completely bad."

Eric walked in the opposite direction of the speed force storm, and he asked the clown: "What happened in this world? Why is it a scene of the end of the world?"

"The end of the world? Bah, bah, bah!"

The clown spat and tried to blow the dust off the lampshade, "Bat, I don't remember that much, but I can remember some things in half, such as who destroyed the world? Haha, this is not a good thing memory."

"So what happened?"

"You're too impatient, Bat. Well, let me piece it together for you from memory, but I can't guarantee the truth. After all, I've had a bit of a clogged brain lately, got angry and lost my memory. I just remember Somebody gave our citizens supernatural powers, drugs? compounds? something else, I forget..."

"But you know, what are the people? They are a pile of endless troubles, their morals and principles are a cold joke, and they are thrown aside when they encounter troubles. Their advantages are limited. So they get a lot of money. Power that belongs to them, and they will begin their path of destruction."

The clown's voice became excited, "Look, at this point, they're all devouring themselves. So, I'm not a monster, I'm just farsighted. Humans are monsters!"

Eric heard the clown's story, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart - he remembered the bottle of Compound No. 5 that he had given to Diana when they parted.

Could it be that the destruction of this world is related to that bottle of Compound No. 5?

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