My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 166 The Appearance of the Storm

"So, is this true?"

Xingguang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, asked Eric who was driving nervously.

"What? Oh, by the way, you fought the invisible woman just now, are you healthy?"

Eric was driving the car and asked Xingguang with concern.

Xingguang was interrupted by him, and immediately forgot what she wanted to ask. She coughed and patted her chest lightly, "It hurt a little at first, but it's much better now. You know, I can resist it." The impact of a 7.62mm bullet."

"Wow, that sounds very...very good!"

Eric praised sincerely.


Starlight smiled and looked at Eric, "It was you who successfully solved the big man and the rubber man, I just... I just helped a little."

Xingguang was a little ashamed of Eric for pushing him to the foreground, and always felt that he was trying to take credit for it.

"That's no small favor."

Eric drove the car and entered Fifth Avenue.

There are more and more people parading in the streets.

The speed of the car is also getting slower and slower.

"By the way, you changed the subject just now. You haven't told me, is that true?"

Starlight puffed his cheeks, and soon realized that Eric hadn't answered his question yet.

"You mean the hearing?"

"Yeah, I always thought that was crazy! Live, what can Walt do? Unless they want to cut themselves off from the people."

Starlight feels Walter is completely dead.

No matter what the other party does, it can't change the situation where they are finished.

Besides, this is a live TV broadcast in front of the entire United States, and Walter's every move will be seen by the people in front of the TV.

"That's why I don't recommend you go to the hearing. You don't know Walt well enough, Anne."

Eric was driving the car and parked in front of the zebra crossing, and a group of pedestrians walked by in front of him.

A fat man in a Batman suit held up a large bucket of popcorn and gave himself the middle finger.

Seems like a big Batman fan.

Facing the salute from his loyal fans, Eric certainly would not remain indifferent.


The loud car horn sounded suddenly.

Scared the bat fat man and others who crossed the road.



"go to hell!"

The cordial American people send all kinds of greetings to Eric.

Seeing this ridiculous scene, Xingguang sitting in the co-pilot couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.


Laugh like a hen hatching an egg.

After some episodes, the two drove to the Capitol.

On the steps in front of the Capitol, I saw an unexpected person.


Delicate, beautiful, superhero in red and black uniform - Storm.

The heroine Storm, who has the ability to control lightning and fly at supersonic speed, is one of the first superhumans to appear in the last century.

It's retired before, don't know why it's reappearing now.

Storm was standing in front of a crowd of supporters to speak.

Her hair is well done, and small light makeup such as eye shadow and lipstick make her look more youthful and beautiful.

It doesn't look like an old woman who has lived more than a hundred years old.

The supporters of the storm sat under the steps in an orderly manner, listening to her speech quietly.

The placards held by supporters mostly read "Fight for Freedom", "Superheroes Save America" ​​and the like.

"who is she?"

Xingguang was very unfamiliar with this guy who suddenly appeared.

"You don't know her?"

"Is she very famous?"

Starlight asked Eric back.

"Yeah, there used to be very famous superheroes, from your grandmother's generation."


Xingguang looked at this woman who was only in her thirties at most, and felt that Eric must be teasing her.

Storm took the microphone and said to the gathered supporters: "One thing will not change, how beautiful our country used to be? Do you all remember?"

The crowd quietly listening to her speech under the steps responded to her, "Yes!"

"A kingdom under God? Right?"


Storm held the microphone and approached the supporters, "But those super terrorists have invaded our country, hurt our people, and trampled on our land wantonly. And those righteous demon hunters like Victoria Newman, what do we want us to do? ?”

There was a disdainful expression on Storm's face, "Let them in? Offer them iced tea? There is nothing more absurd than this."

"Punish us for stopping them? Has anyone in history been persecuted for protecting their own people?"

Storm is obviously in favor of Compound No. 5, and she continued to give a speech, "The horn of war has sounded, and we need Compound No. 5!"

"Walter Company uses Compound No. 5 to create superheroes. This is not a deliberate concealment from the public, but for our protection! We need Compound No. 5, we need superheroes, and we need Walter! Only in this way can we stop those Super terrorist!"


"We need Walter!"

The crowd below responded to him one after another.


Hearing such destructive remarks, Xingguang's eyes widened.

"What is she saying?"

"It's infectious, actually, isn't it?"

Eric felt that the other party's speech was very inspiring.

"Of course not, she is completely wantonly distorting the facts!"

Starlight's cheeks puffed up like a hamster.

"Of course, we all know she is talking nonsense, but what she said also represents the views of some people."

Eric didn't know why this guy jumped out now, but it was obvious that the person who came was not good!

Now it's getting more and more interesting!

Eric got out of the car to watch Storm's speech, and soon sharp-eyed reporters spotted him.

Immediately, three or five reporters rushed forward, with the microphone sticking out of his mouth.

"Mr. Eric, are you also here to attend this hearing? I heard that you once invested in Water's superhero industry. Do you think this will be a case of your own investment failure?"

"What's your take on the connection between Compound Five and the super-terrorists on Governor's Island?"

"What do you think of Batman? Do you think he's our city hero?"

The reporters rushed to ask him questions.

This group of reporters was really elusive. Just now he was chatting with Xingguang, but now Xingguang has been squeezed to the outermost edge by them.

"Sorry, I don't know more about this incident than you. I just hope that this hearing can give everyone a satisfactory answer. As for Batman, I admire him very much. I think he is a very great superhero . If possible, I would like to be able to work with him."

Xingguang, who was standing outside, heard Eric's words, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: Eric doesn't even blink his eyes when he talks nonsense!

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