The origin is different from ordinary artificial intelligence. It is a super artificial intelligence that has surpassed this era. At least in this era, there is no intelligent life comparable to it.

The human neuron control system can control the machine to such an extent that the nerves can control the slight movement of the fingers.

At the same time, the neuron control system can perfectly simulate the way human neurons transmit signals, so as to achieve the ability to control large mechas up to more than 80 meters high.

It can be said that the human beings who control the mechs in this way have truly reached the point of "comparable to gods with mortal bodies".

When standing in the cockpit and looking down at all living beings on the earth, the driver will feel for a moment that he is really omnipotent.

But no matter how much they think they are omnipotent, they are also warriors who defend their homeland and borders. If alien life dares to step into the territory and try to cause damage, then we must use all our strength to eliminate them all!

"Warriors, attack!"

The holographic projection images of the eight mech pilots are presented in front of the world in a shocking way. This is an unprecedented battle.

In the past, in the face of the giant alien monsters, people could only use weak artillery fire and cockroach-like tanks to resist tenaciously compared to their size.

No one expected that Datang Technology would be able to develop such a large combat mech.

The appearance of this mecha looks similar to the mecha in the movie "Pacific Rim". Although the outer shell is different, the core parts are basically unified.

"The [New Year's Eve Operation] begins! We will definitely live up to our mission!"

After the eight soldiers left such a sentence in front of the holographic projection, they turned off the video and jumped off the Yuhuang-class space battleship at the same time.

The size of the battleship is very large. Even if it is a large steel armor with a height of more than 80 meters, compared with the Jade Emperor-class space battleship, it is only the ratio of humans to destroyers.

In the past few months, Datang Technology has been expanding and strengthening the Yuhuang-class space battleship in order to install a new generation of ion engines.

At the same time, a large number of weapons were installed on the Yuhuang-class space battleship, making this battleship completely become the pinnacle of the entire northern hemisphere, fighting in the air and sky, and even hunting down enemies on the ground.

It will be the absolute overlord.

The eight large steel armors directly activated the ion engines on the soles of their feet and palms, scattered in all directions, and completely disappeared into the night sky.

New Year's Eve, the last night at the end of the year.

The last day at the end of the year is called "Sui Chu", which means to remove the old year and replace it with a new one. In addition, that is to remove the meaning; Xi, refers to the night. "New Year's Eve" means New Year's Eve, also known as New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, etc. It is the last night at the end of the year.

New Year's Eve is a day to remove the old and make new ones, family reunion, and ancestor worship, and Qingming Festival, July half, and Double Ninth Festival are traditional ancestor worship festivals in China.

New Year's Eve has a special meaning in the hearts of Chinese people. This is the most important day at the end of the year. No matter how far away the wanderer is, he has to rush home to reunite with his family, bid farewell to the old year with the sound of firecrackers, and greet the new year with fireworks all over the sky.

According to fairy tales, there was an evil beast with four corners and four legs in ancient times—Xi, who was short of food due to the heavy snow in winter and often went to the nearby villages to find food. A great disaster has come.

At the end of the twelfth lunar month, people tidy up their clothes, help the old and the young, and go to the nearby bamboo forest to escape the evening. Later, a clever child taught everyone how to get rid of Xi, and his name was "Nian".

Because "Xi" is not dead, so every year on the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, everyone waits at the Broken Bamboo Festival, hoping to get rid of "Xi" as soon as possible.

But year after year has passed, and no one has seen "Xi" again. There are only firecrackers set off by everyone to prevent "Xi" from coming and red cloth strips hanging in front of the door. A traditional custom: On the night of the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, everyone gathers together to have a New Year’s Eve dinner, watch the year together and wait for the bell to ring on New Year’s Eve.

Set off firecrackers and post door couplets. Wait until dawn to visit each other's neighbors to give greetings and blessings. On the morning of the first day of the new year, the villagers visited each other to see if the neighbors were injured and said some auspicious and polite words, hoping that the "Xi" of the twelfth lunar month in the coming year would not come again.

This is a remote village on the southwestern border, and the traffic in the whole village is extremely blocked. Even now, it is only at the level of being able to connect to electricity.

Even so, the hundreds of families in the village have not given up their understanding of the outside world. Now the economy is getting better year by year. Many villagers in the village who got rid of poverty through poverty alleviation work have bought TVs, and even For those with a little more money, they replaced the Nokia that I don’t know how many years have been used, and used a smart phone.

They are not so isolated from the outside world. Most of the villagers feel that the outside world is too far away. You have to take the train for several days and nights.

For some villagers who have stayed in the mountains all their lives, the windows through which they can see the outside world are the few TVs in the village.

Basically, on the day of the New Year’s Eve, everyone will finish the reunion dinner early, and finally gather at the homes of the villagers with TVs to watch the Spring Festival Gala happily and celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

However, in the middle of the Spring Festival Gala, the link was suddenly interrupted, and instead, the news of the attack on the headquarters of Datang Science and Technology was broadcast. A picture of a pterosaur.

It can be said that the villagers at the beginning even thought that the world was crazy.

How could there be monsters in this world?

Those iron men flying around in the sky, although they are so small, can easily kill such a big monster.

If you can have such a robot to plow the fields for yourself, at least you don't have to worry about getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.

The outside world is so far away, relying on their own feet, 90% of the people in the village will never be able to walk out of this mountain in their lifetime.

So everything outside is so hazy, but what's on the TV is so real.



Two kilometers away from the village, the ground began to shake slightly, as if something had broken through the ground.

After that, in the next few minutes, the magnitude of the vibration began to increase gradually. At the same time, the few villagers who did not watch TV could hear what seemed to be a huge monster approaching the village in the distance.

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