It is undeniable that every leap and improvement in human medical technology often requires a very high price, and life often occupies a large part of it.

Of course, these are not human lives that are consumed.

For example, if a pharmaceutical company wants to develop a new drug, it needs countless initial animal experiments. Although they are not human beings, nine out of ten they will die in the experiments.

This means that human beings need to spend a lot of lives while exploring new things in medical treatment.

And even if the animal experiment is over, the final human experiment will be carried out on countless voluntary human experimenters. During this period, it is unknown how many people have left permanent sequelae and how many lives have been lost.

To explore new technologies, there will be sacrifices, which is an inevitable thing.

The crude consciousness transmitter used by those scientific lunatics on Lan Lan is already the limit of what human technology can do today.

And before Lan Lan used that thing, it was unknown how many experimental subjects died in the experiments and explorations of those scientific lunatics.

Everything has its bright side and its dark side.

Those scientific lunatics have never figured out that the value of the artificial intelligence they worked so hard to create is actually not as valuable as the consciousness transmitter they made.

Ye Fan rubbed his temples, and said: "Origin, after collecting the zero-degree metal, immediately start making a fully functional version of the consciousness transmitter."

"Good master, the zero-degree metal has been carried on the A4 mining spacecraft. When the outer shell of the mining spacecraft landed from the atmosphere, the damage state was within the budget, and the zero-degree metal carried inside was not damaged in any way.

A total of ten tons of zero-degree metals have been collected, and a complete production line is required to manufacture the consciousness transmitter. At present, all technologies on the earth cannot smelt zero-degree metal ores.

Therefore, it is still necessary to build a new type of boiler according to the record that you, the owner, entered into the computer before. It is estimated that an investment of three billion will be required. All parts of the consciousness transmitter need to be built from scratch.

The total construction time is 60 days. If the construction is carried out regardless of the cost, the construction period can be shortened to 30 days, but the required investment budget will reach 6 billion yuan. "

After Yuanyuan received Ye Fan's order, he quickly analyzed the budget and time spent for Ye Fan.

The manufacture of the consciousness transmitter is not a rigid need for Ye Fan, so in terms of time, he can wait for 60 days.

At present, the consciousness transmitter does not need to be promoted on a large scale, so Ye Fan intends to make a consciousness transmitter this time.

And this time, a whole production chain is set up just for this consciousness transmitter.

Therefore, the single cost of this thing will reach 3 billion. The main reason is that it is not mass-produced, and it will not bring any benefits to the company.

Although Datang Technology is rich now, and it is not short of money, it is not a good habit to spend money like this.

"Master, we have already started to arrange the construction of the production line for the production of consciousness transmitters, as well as all the supporting production facilities. The construction funds will be gradually deducted from your funds."

"Yeah." Ye Fan nodded, after all, Ye Fan has done this kind of thing countless times.

As big as the floating city of the Nantianmen Project, as small as the update of Datang Technology's mechanical equipment, many things were done by himself. In the end, Ye Fan only needed to give the final approval.


The existence of artificial intelligence has made many things easier, but it is inevitable that it will happen as in the movie, where artificial intelligence rules the world.

As the current creator of artificial intelligence, Ye Fan, it is inevitable that security measures will be added as the last precaution. At least in terms of security, Ye Fan does not need to worry too much.

On the side of Datang Technology, Ye Fan was naturally very happy when the third batch of mining spaceships returned. After all, under his leadership, human beings can finally embrace the stars and oceans of the universe.

But countries around the world are not happy, because Ye Fan planned the mining spaceship by himself from the beginning to the end, and did not announce it to the outside world.

And it is indeed impossible to announce such a thing. After all, this incident also caused very serious consequences, and it also captured the fact that the Space Defense Council is deploying nuclear bombs in space.

If they had greeted the three major organizations in the space defense circle before the mining spacecraft came back, at least it would not have caused such serious consequences.

However, in fact, when the Space Defense Council moved their method of maintaining military supremacy to space, and it might have an impact on Ye Fan's plan, their ending today was already doomed.

On the side of the Space Defense Council, not only was there a commotion about the observation post, but also the deployment of nuclear weapons in space was also secretly exposed by Ye Fan on the Internet.

With the help of artificial intelligence, their online public relations personnel are almost overwhelmed, and they can't stop the gradual fermentation of the incident.

Just like they used the pressure of public opinion to attack Datang Technology, this time Ye Fan also wants to let them experience the power of being attacked by public opinion.

So things turned out to be interesting again.

The Space Defense Council not only had to take responsibility for most of its own space facilities, which were destroyed by the nuclear missiles it deployed, but also dealt with a large number of people seriously.

This includes Sam, the head of the Space Defense Council, and Anthony and a large number of his designers of outer space nuclear missile launch bases, all of whom were imprisoned without exception.

At the same time, Hans, who was the fuse of the incident, and Karafsky, carried a high degree of alcohol into outer space, and at the same time shut down the remote communication in order to avoid inspection, which caused a series of consequences.

However, the law does not talk about cause and effect, only about results, so these two suffering brothers and sisters also got the punishment they deserved.

Hans eventually kept the job, but he could no longer go to space, so he became a ground crew, and he could no longer hold up his middle finger at the distant Asian Space Force space station through the porthole up.

But Karafsky was even worse. The old man of the goose country was directly sent back to his country, and he was banned from aerospace-related careers for life. Therefore, for a long time, he has been drinking vodka and drinking alcohol to survive.

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