My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 455 Human Alliance?

"It is said that because the sun has entered an active period, it may take less than two hundred years for the surface temperature of the equator to rise to 70 degrees. Hawking once said,

Whether human beings can complete interstellar migration within two hundred years determines whether human civilization can continue to exist. "

"No, didn't Datang Technology already say that it is going to develop the environmental modification of Mars?"

"Don't listen to Datang Technology's blows, transforming Mars? Are you kidding, the earth has not been transformed yet, what are they using to transform Mars,

You asked the top scientists from Ameijian to come, but they didn't dare to pat their chests and promise that they would be able to transform Mars. You don't even believe what scientists say, but why do you want to believe what a businessman says? "

"What if all the bullshit that Datang Technology has boasted about is realized? Such examples are not unheard of in real life. You can't use conventional technology to measure Datang Technology."

"Yes, if the world's human beings form a unified alliance, and Datang Technology, which has the most powerful technological strength, leads us, then we will not be far away from reaching the sea of ​​stars."


Ye Fan flipped through the many comments on the Internet, and couldn't help rubbing his chin in thought.

Now that mankind has experienced too many crises, the desire to realize the unity of mankind has begun to grow stronger in the hearts of the people.

Because the previous human beings were still too ignorant and arrogant, there is no problem in doing whatever they want in one-third of an acre of land on the earth.

However, now that the threat of intelligent life from space and aliens has come, people have gradually realized that it is not a big problem to use existing technology to kill each other, and it is even possible to completely destroy the earth's biosphere.

But does it make sense?

Human beings have wasted too many resources, manpower and material resources in confronting each other. If it was the day of natural disasters, if I did not activate the star destroyer inside the moon, I am afraid that the entire civilization would be completely wiped out.

Technology determines strength, and in this universe where the strong prey on the weak, the weaker side is doomed to be beaten, eaten and annexed.

Just like the human continent, the predecessor of human civilization, human beings can be said to be very powerful. However, when encountering the more advanced civilization of the gods, human beings are still defeated. In the end, only a few remaining warships of the Space Force can start to fight. An interstellar escape, to ensure that the fire of human civilization is not completely cut off.

Whether it was the resistance army who sacrificed to escape, Wang De who died with the Space Force Command, or Xu Yan and thousands of soldiers who were willing to stay with the Titan-class warship to block the pursuit fleet and finally annihilated together with the Titan-class warship, All turned into the dust of the universe.

Even the eighteen last rescue teams who voluntarily sacrificed themselves to protect their "home" from falling to the earth 10,000 years ago, and in modern society, in order to promote the united front of human civilization, sacrifice their lives and brilliant careers, Dr. Cannabis who wants to send radio signals to alien life.

And on the day of natural disasters, the air force who knew that their chances of success were 0%, but still drove their fighter jets to high altitudes to intercept meteorite fragments, all used their actions to prove the desire of human civilization for survival.

In this universe, survival is originally a luxury, but it is only so cheap because human beings have been blessed by the environment in which they have been in their infancy.

Although human beings have the so-called "bad nature" that has been criticized by others, it is just a conspiracy in peacetime.

If a life-and-death crisis is really encountered, human beings can really unite to a very terrifying level.

Before the crisis of human destruction, whether the instinct of the continuation of the entire human race can surpass the interests of individuals and achieve unity, at least from a historical point of view, there will be an extraordinary unity when a nation lives and dies regardless of race, let alone race of life and death.

No one can easily ignore issues related to life safety.

The life and death of a country may be busy with internal struggles. If it perishes, at least everyone is human. If the earth is destroyed, then there is really nothing left.

Therefore, the formation of the United Human Alliance is an inevitable thing, but it is the future, not the present.

Now for emergencies, as long as there is no such thing as another meteorite with a diameter of more than 300 kilometers hitting the earth, the towns and governments of various countries are able to settle it.

Unless the crisis of annihilation comes again, the possibility of the establishment of a unified alliance is not too great, because the entanglement of interests is too huge.

This is not a problem that can be solved overnight, and Ye Fan is not an expert in this related industry. When the real crisis comes, no amount of conflicts of interest will be left behind.

So Ye Fan is waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity that makes everyone willing.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye. After the monster attacked the Rising Sun Empire Tokyo, it seemed to have disappeared and never appeared again.

Even the monster activities under the ocean began to weaken a lot. In the previous four months, warships cruising in the ocean would be attacked from time to time, but in the past three days, the weather was calm.

At least on a global scale, there has not been any incident of attacking a warship. At the same time, the monsters tunneling under the coastline of Jiangcheng have also stopped their activities and disappeared one by one.

This is an abnormal signal.

After all, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and Ye Fan doesn't know what the other party wants to do.

It's just that because of the lack of intelligence, they are still in a passive state. As the saying goes, the enemy is hiding in the dark, and I am revealing. It will not be clear for a while what the other party wants to do.

But one thing is certain, that is, so far, Datang Technology still has a very large technological gap with those monsters.

The opponent is limited to close combat, so Datang Technology, which has advanced thermal weapons, can easily kill them before they show up.

It's just that there is no news of the monster reappearing, and people's panic mood is temporarily relaxed.

During this short period of vacuum, Datang Technology's annual meeting was also announced. Although the employees were also afraid that monsters would attack the city, they knew Datang Technology's strength no matter what.

They can't guarantee it in other places, but in the Huaxia region, every one of the monsters that attacked the city of the Sun Empire would end up being killed.

In this way, according to the date announced by Ye Fan earlier, a grand annual meeting began to proceed in an orderly manner at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

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