My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 443 Sudden Assassination

In the past, there were not no companies and institutions that launched something related to the transformation of Mars, but they were all regarded as idiotic dreams, and they lacked money and then engaged in concept financing.

Today's Datang Technology is also considered to be the case.

It's just that to use Ye Fan's words, let time prove everything. Only when the results are made can those people be convinced.

"Okay, this press conference ends here, thank you for coming."

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he left the rostrum directly, preparing to leave the venue.

However, led by which reporter, they all rushed towards Ye Fan's direction, frantically asking Ye Fan questions.

"Mr. Ye, when did you formulate your plan to transform Mars? Can you really complete the plan to transform Mars within our lifetime?"

"Mr. Ye, this time you are throwing out your plan to transform Mars. Is it to divert the previous topic, or is it a helpless move because of a shortage of funds?"

"Ye Fan! Even though you have published a long speech, our point of view will not change. You, Datang Technology, are selfish and do not share your technology, so you let two billion people die in the world!"

"Ye Fan! You Datang Technology will bear the wrath of God! All of you will be cast into hell by God and suffer eternal torture."

"Go to hell, foreign devils, you western shit gods don't even have the qualifications to enter our Chinese country!"

"What God is a Sabi who was crucified on the cross, do you have the right to speak nonsense in our land of China?!"

"Fake, you Chinese people who have no faith!"

"You dare to insult our God, I will fight with you!"


Unknowingly, the Huaxia reporter started a verbal conflict with foreign reporters, and even a physical conflict broke out on the spot.

The scene, which was already a bit chaotic, became chaotic again at this time.

Datang Technology's security guard hurriedly stepped forward to pull the two parties apart, while Ye Fan glanced at the group of foreign reporters with disdainful eyes, and was about to step out of the gate of the venue.

"Ye Fan, you are too arrogant. Do you really think that with artificial intelligence, we can completely annihilate our "Blood Moon" organization?"

"Artificial intelligence is your greatest assistant and your greatest vulnerability."

Suddenly, a big man with a camera appeared at the gate of the venue.

Ye Fan frowned suddenly, looking at the white man in front of him, Ye Fan was sure that this was the person who was allowed to pass through the source after going through the security review and screening.

This is the analysis method used by the rapid review of big data to facilitate the review of a large number of people in a short period of time.

The general review model is to inquire whether there are serious criminals within three generations, whether he has committed any crimes, and analyze how dangerous this person is to Ye Fan based on the character model.

However, when the word "Blood Moon" came out of this person's mouth, Ye Fan already felt that something was wrong.

You must know that last night, the entire Blood Moon Organization had been cleaned up by him, and all of them were uprooted. Even the members on the high seas were destroyed by the steel armor.

"Bang! Bang!"

Hidden inside the camera is a special .22lr caliber firearm, a fully automatic weapon that can unleash a large amount of ammunition on a target in a short amount of time.

At this time, the security guards around Ye Fan had never seen this kind of special firearm before, and they only reacted when the gunshot rang out.

However, it was too late.

Many people think that .22LR has very little power and is only suitable for shooting rabbits. The charge of .22LR is very small, and the charge of 15mm long shells is less than half of the volume.

But at this point, the fast-burning gunpowder can accelerate a 2.6-gram bullet to 320 m/s in a pistol with a barrel length of less than 10 cm.

At this time, the muzzle kinetic energy reached about 140 joules.

Because it is a fast-burning drug, even if it is given a longer barrel, the muzzle velocity will not increase much. Even if it is given a shorter barrel, such as the RUGER LCR revolver, the barrel length of the .22LR version is only 47.5mm, and it can easily Hit any target within 50 meters.

This type of warhead is the cause of the largest number of deaths in shootings every year, because it is very concealed, and its recoil is small, easy to aim, and its lethality against unprotected targets is quite strong.

Therefore, many people in China have a deep misunderstanding of .22LR, so that they miscalculated its power, so that they do not understand why there are .22 caliber sniper rifles like SV99.

The .22 caliber American-180 submachine gun has three types of drums with a capacity of 165-220-275, and the rate of fire varies from 1200 rounds to 1500 rounds per minute depending on the bomb clock.

Fires 20-25 bullets per second. Although a single bullet is not very powerful, but because of the extremely small recoil of this gun, the probability of many bullets concentrating on one place is quite high. A short burst can be hit by 10 rounds of .22LR damage as much as being hit by a shotgun.

In less than a second, nearly twenty bullets were all shot at Ye Fan.

However, what made that person unbelievable was that a circle of light blue light flashed in front of Ye Fan, and all the bullets flying towards Ye Fan were all blocked by this light blue light.

These warheads were not directly distorted and deformed as if they were shot at the steel plate, but still kept their shape intact, and stopped 50 centimeters in front of Ye Fan, as if they had lost all their kinetic energy.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Wu Qi's reaction was very quick. He took out a pistol from his waist and shot the man in the head with precision.

The man looked at Ye Fan unwillingly, and finally fell down powerlessly. The camera-shaped weapon in his hand also fell to the ground, and was kicked aside by the security guard.

Everyone at the venue, including the reporters who knew nothing about the situation, as well as the employees of Datang Technology, was frightened by the situation at the scene, and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

However, there were three other people standing. These three people were all white men with delicate features, and they didn't look like killers at all. However, they were sitting like killers.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The three reporters also shot at Ye Fan with this kind of camera weapon, but all the bullets were blocked.

Two people were injured by Wang Fugui and Cai Kun, and another person, seeing that the attack was ineffective, tried to attack a security guard with a gun, trying to snatch the gun from the opponent's hand to launch a new round of attacks.

However, the security facilities inside Datang Technology immediately reacted, and an energy ray from a distance directly shot through the one-centimeter-thick steel plate of the outer shell of the venue, hitting the man's forehead on the spot.

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