My Super Black Technology Empire

Chapter 241 The future of heavy nuclear fusion

This powered exoskeleton armor can greatly improve the survival probability of soldiers on the battlefield.

Like some sci-fi games, such as the face armor in "Crysis", although it cannot fly, and compared with the steel armor, it also reduces a lot of functions.

However, this stuff is cheap.

Of course, this kind of "cheap" requires comparison, and the object of comparison is the steel armor.

This kind of power exoskeleton armor is already very cheap at 30 million units. You must know that a set of steel armors costs more than 3 billion yuan. The gold-titanium alloy on the exterior alone costs 80 million yuan. more than ten million.

Not to mention the more sophisticated second-generation steel armor, as well as its complex craftsmanship and design logic, the cost of the second-generation steel armor is at least 4 billion.

Therefore, the 30 million power exoskeleton armor can be said to be a hundred times cheaper than the pure steel armor.

What's more, the current price of 30 million is only for the purchase of 100 units. If the high-level side purchases 1,000 units and 10,000 units in large quantities in the future, then the price will naturally be cheaper.

Guo Fengxiao purchased another batch of super batteries and some miscellaneous things, and left Datang Heavy Industry satisfied.

Then Ye Fan gave them some information about the heavy nuclear fusion reactor. After all, it is indeed risky to put this thing in private hands.

Heavy nuclear fusion reactors, hidden in private hands, cannot be completely promoted nationwide.

With a heavy nuclear fusion reactor, it is equivalent to having unlimited electrical energy, almost unlimited energy.

Under such an environment, the country will completely get rid of the oil control in the Middle East, which means that oil will not become an important imported material, but an ordinary resource.

A batch of fuel-based vehicles with internal combustion engines will be eliminated first. With the supply of super batteries, the world of electric vehicles will definitely be the future.

A single charge can even run until the car is scrapped, and the shortcomings of electric vehicles such as long charging and short battery life will completely disappear, thus completely replacing vehicles with internal combustion engines.

Therefore, a group of oil-exporting countries in the Middle East will gradually weaken their international influence, and the local tyrants and the like will directly return to their original shape.

This is an inevitable trend,

Without such things as the exhaust gas emitted by internal combustion engines, the impact of so-called global warming will be greatly reduced.

At the same time, humans will have unlimited water resources.

On earth, the water resources that can be used by human beings only account for about 0.9% of the global water resources, and the rest are seawater or groundwater buried deep in the ground.

If there is unlimited electric energy, seawater desalination will be promoted on a large scale, and expensive seawater desalination will gradually spread across the country.

Wherever there is a shortage of water, a large-scale seawater desalination plant will be built where the seawater is desalinated into fresh water, and the problem of water shortage will be solved.

Maybe the largest desert in our country, the Taklimakan Desert, will be transformed into an oasis, because we can start construction with robots driven by infinite power, and dig a ditch from the coast to directly input the water source. In this way, we only need to build a few at the source. A large-scale desalination plant will do.

And the problem of food will also be solved easily, because after having unlimited electricity, the current era of human beings relying on land to grow food will completely become a thing of the past.

We can build huge factories one after another in deserts, old forests in forests, or even in snow-capped plateaus, build greenhouses in the factories, irradiate them with 24-hour sunlight, and use electricity to simulate any environment suitable for crop production.

In this way, there will be an exponential breakthrough in human arable land. At that time, farmers will completely withdraw from the stage of history, and food companies that focus on producing food will be launched.

It can be said that if heavy nuclear fusion is promoted, whether it is an environmental problem, a food problem, or a water source problem, it will be easily solved.

After breaking through nuclear fusion technology, human civilization can directly leap from the current level 0.7 civilization to a level 0.9 civilization.

In the future, what will lead the entire human race to achieve a leap will be completely dominated by Huaxia!

The era of hegemony in the Western world has been completely lonely.

"Mr. Ye, we will build ten heavy nuclear fusion reactors in East China, North China and other places, and then we can solve the problem of shortage of electric power and energy in the country.

At that time, during the construction process, there may still be some technical problems, and you should keep in touch at that time. "Guo Fengxiao held a document in his hand, and because of his excitement, he held it tightly, and even wrinkles appeared on the page.

"This is for sure, if this technology is just relying on me, relying on Datang Technology, there is no way to promote it, only to you,

Only in this way can the benefits of this technology be maximized, and only in this way can everyone enjoy the convenience brought by the improvement of technology. " Ye Fan also nodded lightly.

Some things can be handed over to the town government, and some things can be kept in their own hands, each taking what they need and what their strengths are. This is the real win-win situation.

"What about a heavy nuclear fusion reactor? If this thing is ignited successfully, it is harmless, because after the ignition is successful, the fusion reaction conditions that need to be maintained are very harsh.

Whether it is high temperature or high pressure, the absence of one of the links will cause the heavy nuclear fusion reaction to stop instantly, so even if there is an earthquake, fire or even man-made damage,

Nuclear fusion will stop immediately, because the reaction environment has been destroyed, and this thing does not have the kind of radiation of nuclear fission reactors, it is a very safe energy source, but the problem lies in the ignition stage. "Ye Fan said seriously.

"How do you say?" Guo Fengxiao also seemed to realize something, stopped and asked.

"Presumably that night in early May, the big explosion that happened in our Datang Heavy Industry was destroyed during the ignition stage, so that its ignition could not be interrupted.

The big explosion caused by the final loss of control, in this case, if there are more reactants, the entire Datang Heavy Industry will be bombed to the sky, so the ignition stage must be cautious,

This is also for our safety, because this thing can really be converted into a hydrogen bomb. "Ye Fan also sighed.

He never imagined that his security team would be infiltrated by the "Brilliant Black Fang".

If it wasn't for the sake of safety, if only one-tenth of the reactant was placed, it is estimated that everything within a radius of five kilometers from the origin of the explosion would be instantly evaporated.

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