My summons are weird

Chapter 150 149. Vanessa's Heartfelt Voice

The door of revelation left by Vanessa is located in a rift valley.

The rift valley was formed during the largest earthquake in the Everglades.

According to the legend of the lizard people, the blue water finally disappeared in the wetland because the mother goddess of the earth was angry. This statement is actually correct.

Part of the reason for the migration of the Bluewater Clan is that the earthquake destroyed almost all the buildings made during Vanessa's period.

The reason why Vanessa's former residence can be preserved is also because the mushroom people in Blue Water tried their best to protect it, so it was not affected by the earthquake.

Lu Yu's description of Ye Shui still didn't have much sense, but when Ye Shui pointed to the huge rift valley in front of him that was nearly ten meters wide and tens of meters deep, and told Lu Yu that this was part of the blue water habitat that used to be, he was shocked up.

That great earthquake swallowed half of Lanshui's residence. If Vanessa hadn't given them a lot of help, this natural disaster would have wiped Lanshui from the world.

The Lanshui tribe, who took Vanessa's former residence to escape the big earthquake and several high-intensity aftershocks, held a vote in anxiety.

It is to continue to search for a new residence in the Great Wetland and start again...

Or leave the Great Wetland and look for a new residence and future?

Not everyone is willing to leave. The idea that Vanessa will definitely come back to find them is deeply rooted. Many Bluewater people who admire Vanessa feel that leaving the Great Wetland is a kind of betrayal to Vanessa.

Ye Shui said bluntly, if it wasn't for another major earthquake during the voting period, causing the ground to collapse and countless creatures in the rainforest to be swallowed by the sudden black cracks, most of the tribe would still choose to stay in the Great Wetland.

Countless creatures were engulfed by the earthquake, which shocked the Blue Water Clan. At that time, the aggressive clansman took the opportunity to shout: "If all the clansmen die, the Mother God will be sad when she comes back."

Thus, the great migration of blue water began.

Ye Shui admitted frankly that Lan Shui's vote on this great migration was actually not completely recorded. She felt that both the cause of the migration and the voting process were missing, but until now, it has been impossible to verify it.

All that is known is that Lan Shui dragged his family and took Vanessa's former residence with him to collect food while walking along the water source in the wetland that just entered autumn.

After a long period of sun rising and moon setting, the blue water left the great wetland and arrived at an area called "Mostana" by the locals.

In the language of Mostana, the name means "Land of Harvest".

Ye Shui wrapped Lu Yu and his party with wind magic, and slowly descended to the bottom of the rift.

The habitat of the Bluewater Clan is relatively high, so there is no pool of water. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Ye Shui to find the Gate of Divine Revelation without any effort.

Hundreds of years have passed, and many monsters lived in this precipitous place created by the earthquake. The plants here are lush and the rocks are rugged, and they are very friendly to some nocturnal monsters. Therefore, as soon as Lu Yu fell to the bottom of the valley, he I can feel a few freshly awakened breaths around me.

"What a strong hostility." Ye Shui muttered.

"Because it's still daytime, it's their rest time." Lu Yu said.

Before the Bluewater Clan decided to migrate, they found the Divine Revelation Gate that fell into the rift valley along with the earthquake, and immediately tried their best to record its address.

Every ten years, Blue Water would send people back to the Rift Valley of the Great Wetland to confirm the status of the Gate of Divine Revelation.

They are not worried about the door being stolen, because the door of divine revelation is not a door, but a house constructed by Vanessa kneading soil and metal with magic power.

There are also enough magic crystals inside the house to maintain the operation of the gate of revelation for hundreds of years.

To open the door of divine enlightenment, one must be a sixth-level magician.

With the strength of a house falling intact from a high place, the weight that makes a few fourth-level mud giants helpless, and the threshold of a sixth-level magician, looking at the Great Wetland, there is only blue water that can open it.

Although the monsters along the way were extremely vigilant against outsiders like Lu Yu, grinning and making threatening noises, but that was the end of it, and none of them dared to make further moves.

Ye Shui led Lu Yu to a place overgrown with weeds in the rift valley, and brushed aside the hanging branches and leaves of the tenacious trees growing on the rock wall, as well as those green vines that looked like hair.

Behind the layers of green that dotted the Rift Valley with vitality, a house about the size of Vanessa's cabin in the Silent Mountains quietly "stands" there.

To be precise, it's not a house, it's a cube.

Its body is already covered with vines and moss, and unknown plants grow up along the outer wall of the "house", stretching out a pair of hands, absorbing the little sunshine cast by the sky with only "one line".

Lu Yu and the others were like wanderers returning to their hometown after a long absence, disturbing the snoring old man in the village.

The flying insects hidden in the plants reluctantly flew up, with some complaints, and flew towards the light above their heads.

Ye Shui stepped forward, his hands trembling slightly.

"Mother God...we are back again."

"It took a long, long time ... but we did it."

Ye Shui's voice was trembling, and he choked up as he spoke.

Lu Yu was standing not far away, faithfully fulfilling his duty as a witness.

Ye Shui put his forehead on the stone gate of the Gate of Divine Revelation, letting the magic power flow out from his hands gently.

The aura of the sixth-level magician erupted little by little, and the monsters in the rift were shocked to silence.

Lu Yu didn't see the light flickering inside the gate, nor did he see the sudden vision that accompanied the opening of the gate.

The heavy door only slightly revealed a gap, letting Ye Shui know that the verification had passed, and nothing else happened.

It couldn't be more simple.

The picture is different from what I expected, and I don't know what Vanessa left in this cube-like house.

Ye Shui nodded slightly to Lu Yu and the others, then opened the door little by little, and got in.

The door closed again after the night water entered.

There are very few things inside the seemingly large door of divine revelation.

What Ye Shui came into view was that it was quite dark, only a few working magic crystals remained.

These magic crystals are inlaid on the magic circle arranged on the ground by the gate of divine revelation, which not only maintains the verification, but also maintains the protective ability of the magic circle.

There are not many magic crystals left, and after a few years, the verification will begin to fail, and it will become a venue that anyone can enter.

Considering that the goddess Vanessa doesn't seem to have laid any traps inside the Gate of Revelation, the secrets here may be easily taken away by anyone.

However, looking up, the door of divine enlightenment was actually empty.

What Lan Shui guessed, there were none of the tomes and scrolls with the revelation of the mother goddess.

Ye Shui walked around the empty door of divine enlightenment, but there was nothing there, even the walls were bare.

This made Ye Shui a little confused, she didn't think the mother god would play such a big joke on Lan Shui.

Since the mother god named this house Shenqi, it means that there must be something behind it that can inspire them...

But, what about things?

With a flash of inspiration, Ye Shui released the magic power again, filling the entire gate of revelation.

After a while, Ye Shui's eyes lit up.

Writings began to appear on the originally empty walls.

This is exactly what the Mother Goddess taught them!

"The Lanshui ethnic group who opened the door of divine enlightenment can see this text, which proves that you are already a sixth-level magician."

"Blue Water's first sixth-level magician, I am sincerely happy for your progress and achievements."

With tears in her eyes, Ye Shui murmured, "Master Goddess..."

"Everything is an arrangement of fate. The portal sent me to you, and the kindness I inadvertently spread has contributed to your growth little by little, and linked Blue Water to me."

"Although you call me a god, in fact, I am not a god. You who came here as a sixth-level magician must understand what I said."

"The so-called gods are just the totems drawn by the weak you who cannot understand the unknown power."

"I am not a god."

"Traveling many places and communicating with various races, I firmly believe that the 'god' who has surpassed the limit of the magician's exploration has not yet appeared. Maybe that day will come, but at this moment the earth is still bound by the 'shackles'."

"Greedy and foolish people shape false beliefs and create false gods."

"The ignorant classifies the unknown as 'god'."

"I'm just another totem created by Lan Shui... But, I'm very happy to be able to help you."

"There is no need to upgrade everything about me. Like you, I am a creature of this land, walking around and exploring the mysteries of magic."

"Latecomers standing here, I am just your predecessor, and there is no need for false beliefs. If you really have a special impression of me, please turn that impression into longing."

"Looking forward to becoming another me, a more powerful magician."

"Looking forward to surpassing me and becoming a better magician than me."

"There is no need to feel that this is a blasphemy. It should be an honor to surpass me, not a burden."

"There is no need to worry. These handwritings exist in the form of magic power. With your means, they can already be erased. If you don't want your tribe to see what I said, you can interfere."

"I know that the accumulation of faith over time will gradually become an uncontrollable monster, and even a wise man can hardly put the rein on him."

"The decision is up to you, please choose not to hurt yourself as much as possible, and the choice of Blue Water."

Ye Shui trembled all over.

In fact, as the strongest in Blue Water, her devotion to the mother god is completely different from other clansmen.

The stronger she became as a magician, the more she realized that the Mother Goddess was actually a powerful magician, not an omnipotent god.

However, Ye Shui still had great admiration for Vanessa.

Because it was she who gave the whole Blue Water the opportunity to grow, and it was she who bestowed them with miracles that Blue Water couldn't even imagine. The savage and ignorant confrontation with the lizard people continued in the big wetland.

But Ye Shui didn't expect that Vanessa would expose her own identity and puncture the godhead accumulated by Lan Shui.

Tears kept rolling in her eyes, and she wanted to cry, but felt that Vanessa's words seemed to be staring at her, so she could only endure it firmly and continue reading.

"I don't know what's going on with the blue water now?"

"Do you still have the habit of making dried fruits? I really like eating the dried fruits you make, but don't forget the craftsmanship. I will go back if I want to eat someday."

"Are the children still using the leaves as snacks? Those are not good for the evolution of the body and the development of the race. It is better to eat more."



Exactly the same as the legendary mother goddess, she is always kind and approachable, like the mother of each of them.

Will worry that you are hungry, and patiently ask you if you are hungry.

I'm worried that you'll catch a cold, and I'll ask you if you want to add another piece of clothing.

Underneath the trivial questions that Lan Shui couldn't hear at all, there was her concern for Lan Shui.

"Children who entered this place, I will be a little disappointed if Blue Water still lives in the Great Wetland."

"Trust me, get out there."

"The world is wider and more exciting than you think."

"You have never heard the song of the sea monster, nor seen the graceful dance of the sea monster."

"Nor have I seen the thunderous mourning song at the dragon's funeral."

"I can't see the magnificence of the 'fireworks' created by King Slime when he condenses the power of the elements, like shooting stars, filling the field of vision."

"Although leaving the place you are most familiar with and entering a civilized area will face huge challenges, and the competition will make you breathless, but...only by going out can you become stronger."

"Here, the sixth level may be the limit... Don't you want to see the secrets of higher levels, even the level above the level I'm looking for?"

"I want to change the world."

"Knowledge should not create countless barriers.

"Knowledge should be expanded, from trickles to rivers."

"I firmly believe that my power is limited. Even if I am extremely poor, I will not be able to expand my path to the limit and trace the mystery of magic back to the root."

"On this road of going back to the root and becoming stronger, what we need is not to be closed, but to be open and to share."

"I know it's impossible to say all this now, and I know it's probably impossible because he's not in the interest of too many people...but I'm willing to start with myself."

"If there is no hope, then don't do it... Wouldn't that be too desperate, someone has to do something, and it should start with me."

"I, in my own way, will open up all that I have learned."

"Just like I did in blue water."

"It's hard, maybe after all, it was the 'fireworks' released by King Slime that briefly and brightly lit up the sky...but at least, at that moment, he was able to illuminate others."

"A latecomer to the Blue Aquarium..."

"May one day, you and I can meet again in this vast world."

Inscribed - Vanessa, the "god" who met you because of fate.

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