My Star Teacher

Vol 2 Chapter 857: [Fighting Liu Dad]

Suddenly, the entire VIP room was quiet.

Luminous stopped talking, and Liu Chiyan's family members looked at him silently.

To be honest, today everyone was a bit scared. The international events that caused the invasion of the national defense system of the country a few days ago were actually luminous!

So, this product is now the world's highest rewarding dangerous person?

I think it's incredible.

Father Liu, Mother Liu, and Grandpa Liu, etc., also had no words for a long time, or looked at Luminous, or looked down and thought.

The army and the sunspot stood side by side, and remained silent. When the two hanged up the phone, and when the father lied about what Ye Guang had done, both of them were shocked.

They also only received the task and took Luminous to investigate, but they didn't know the specific reason. Suddenly, Luminous was the originator of the invasion of the defense system of the country, and they were also unbelievable.

Look, Ye Guang is not like a hacker who can invade the defense system of the country.

The atmosphere was strangely quiet.

For a long time, Father Liu gritted his teeth and broke the silence.

"Dad, your chapter ..."

Grandpa Liu looked helpless, but to be honest, what Yeguang did was very appetizing for Grandpa Liu. To be fair, they put a cannon in front of their house, and his granddaughter gave it to him. Directly, this is a good thing.

In this respect, Ye Guang did nothing wrong, so Dad Liu was angry and angry, but angry because he blame Ye Guang is too ignorant, do not consider the consequences, hate iron is not steel, but in fact this matter In the past, Father Liu did not really blame Ye Guang, after all, he also knew that Ye Guang was actually out of patriotism, but the method was too radical.

However, such things as international politics cannot be discussed in this way, especially between the two great powers. If no one catches the tail in such a move, then no matter who is in the country, they will clap their hands and applaud, but once exposed, The international influence will be very bad, and it is a terrible disaster.

Grandpa Liu sighed and said, "Take it, use it, and I'll give it to you in a while."

Father Liu nodded, looking at Ye Guang again, and he was still anxious in his heart. In the past few years, Father Liu has treated Ye Guang the same way as his dear son. Although he didn't like Ye Guang at first, he slowly got rid of it. Accepted, Ye Guang ’s performance has not disappointed Dad Liu. From an unknown kid, nowadays no matter who raises it in China, he has to give a thumbs up and say a few words. To be honest, Dad Liu is also very happy and proud. Yes, I am more and more satisfied with my son-in-law.

This guy is a good guy, and he doesn't commit anything on weekdays. This crime is almost out of control.

"Junk! Give me a kneel!" Father Liu sang.

Ye Guang bowed his eyes and lowered his eyebrows, and did not answer his lips. He immediately knelt down. Kneeling Dad, he still had no pressure on his heart. In the year of the New Year, he was not allowed to kneel.

"Dad, I'm sorry."

"Sorry useful? Tell me what's so sorry for me? Before you do these things, why don't you move your pig's head and think about it, is this something you should mix? Is it true? Anything can be true? Is it all? Is it that you ca n’t go to heaven? Oh, it ’s heaven, heaven has such a big basket! All boast that you are a great talent, fart! You are a pig brain! Pigs are better than you!

Father Liu split his head and covered his face with a frenzy of training. This was really angry, and swear words came out of Father Liu's mouth. It was so luminous that he didn't want to, and he didn't dare to look at him squarely.

Mother Liu still feels bad for this son-in-law. On the one hand, she pulls father Liu and whispers to persuade him, why should she pull? She was afraid that Father Liu couldn't help but not start talking, but started directly.

"Okay, okay." Grandpa Liu said with a calm face. "Say less curse, what good is it to scold this junk boy now? This boy is really good enough, he is not afraid of me, he ’s still younger than me when I was younger Mixed, since things have happened, there is no way, Zhenzhong, you try your best to operate and operate, I also move my old bones, let go of old faces, and walk around those old guys. "

Father Liu finally calmed down, took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions.

Ye Guang was still kneeling on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, Grandpa, I'm sorry to worry you, it's my fault. I think that since this has come to pass, no matter what the consequences, whether for ten or eight years or many years, I I admit it, I do what I do, I do it myself! "

"You bear a fart!" Father Liu couldn't help but swear, "What other heroes are you talking to me! You bear? You might as well let me slap you right now!"

Luminous was sprayed with water in his head again, and he dared not make a noise.

"Why do you scold again and talk well?" Mother Liu pulled Father Liu again.

Dad Liu glared at Luminous, then took another deep breath, smoothed it, and calmed down, "What about your medal?"

"What medal?" Ye Guang asked, and then remembered something, drew it in his pocket, and found a badge. "Is this it?"

This badge on Luminous' hand is the hero medal awarded to him personally after he shined in the Olympic Games.

After receiving this medal, Luminous was put into the system storage bar, and it was hardly remembered later. At this moment, what medals did Father Liu mention, and Luguang also had a few badges in total. Dad is talking about this heroic medal, which is also the most precious medal that Luminous believes. After all, it was issued in person.

Ye Guang took out the medal directly from his pocket. Father Liu and others had no time to be curious at this moment, how could he take this medal with him.

"It's this." Father Liu reached out and took it directly, looked at it in the palm of his hand, and sighed, looking at the army and the sunspot. "Two comrades, today is the little girl's wedding, just right, the two have a drink together Wedding, let ’s have a meal. Let ’s have comrades outside. Let ’s call in and have dinner together. It ’s hard for you, let you run for nothing. ”

? ? !!

What? Run for nothing?

The army and the sunspot are helpless ~ ~, this task cannot be completed today. Father Liu has spoken like this. This is to make it clear that they will not take away the luminous light. Although the tolerance is, but Liu Dad refused to let the army and the sunspots so daring to take someone away with the luminous light, let alone the two of them, just replaced them with their leader Xu Ju, I'm afraid they didn't dare to be so brutal.

However, since it is for a task, it is necessary to be fully responsible for the task. It is one thing to be able to accomplish it, and one attitude to it.

The army and the sunspots thought that maybe they could fight for it again. Maybe Dad Liu would let them loose.

So Kuroko said, "Liu Gong, the task is not completed. We can't make a difference when we go back. This is also clear. Ye Guang also acknowledged it personally. You see ..."

Father Liu didn't tell him more, and glanced at Uncle Wu, "the strong boy."

Uncle Wu stood up, "You two boys, I haven't practiced you for a long time, it's itchy, go, go and practice with me."

The army and sunspots shrank again.

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