My Star Teacher

Chapter 855: [Please cooperate with the investigation]

A group of human cats in black was in a dilemma outside the clubhouse.

After a while, Kuroko began to say, "His head, it's tidy up in the end. It's time to take action in the morning. It's all dragged on now, or ask for directions?"

The leading man in black thought for a moment, nodded, and went aside to make a call.

After a while, the leading man in black came back and said, "The above said that people must be brought in, and it must be done as soon as possible. But also explain again and again, pay attention to the influence, pay attention to the emotions of Liugong and Grandpa, and do not mess around."

Kuroko was helpless, "This is not the same as not saying, in the presence of Liugong and Father Liu, take away the son-in-law and granddaughter, and they can peel our skin back."

"Nonsense!" The leader yelled, "Liu Gong and the old man are such people, but hey." The leader sighed again.

Kuroko, "Head, what do you think Ye Guang has committed? With so much attention above, even Liu Gong and Father Liu are here to order to take it out. Is this going to be so great that Liu Gong and Father Liu can't keep him?"

The leader in black shook his head. "I don't know the specifics, but I pay attention to it. I think it's a big deal. It won't be your responsibility. We just perform the task." After thinking about it, the leader said, "Kuroko , You and I go in, and the rest stand by. "

Kuroko, "Can you change your head?"

The leader gave the sunspot a glance, and the sunspot chuckled and said, "Well, I miss the instructor's fist a little bit too, go in and slap him."


The lead man sighed again, and today he probably sighed more than he did in a year.

"Master Liu Gongli is a man of profound righteousness. We do business impartially, and the martial arts instructor will not really do anything to us when he comes, that is, those who are in the military area afterwards, and those mules who were originally under the martial arts officer. He took away the son-in-law of the Liu family, and some fights later. "

"I'm not afraid of this," Kuroko murmured.

"Okay, let's go in!" The leading man in black gritted his teeth, tidy up his clothes, pulled the sunspots, walked to the club, with some generosity to death.


"Sorry two, we are a private club. We are holding a wedding reception today. Do you have invitations?" Asked the security guard at the sentry box in the front yard of the club.

The leader shook his head. "Let's find someone."

"Excuse me, who are the two? I can help you with a briefing. I'm really sorry. Some people in the club today are sensitive. Without invitations, the two can't enter." The security attitude is still very good, although they were stopped , But speaking very politely.

The leading man in black didn't say much to the security guard, looked at a man in a black suit standing in the door of the clubhouse, and pointed, "I'll find him."

The security guard froze. The man was also paying attention to the movement here before, but he ignored it, and now he heard the leading man in black said to look for him, looked at the leading man in black and both eyes, and left. come out.

"Who are you? What's the matter with me?" The man asked directly.

The leading man in black put aside the windbreaker a little, exposed a document inside, showed the man, and said, "Squad leader, I'm looking for Liu Gong, or an old man, a martial arts instructor."

The man looked up and down the leader of the man in black again, then nodded, "Come in with me."

The security guard didn't stop this time, and let the man take them in. The man's security guard was also clear. Since he brought people in, the security guard had no reason to stop him.

After entering the clubhouse, he did not enter the main building of the clubhouse, just in the front yard. Two more men came to the leader in black and the men searched. The leading men and sunspots, of course, also knew that they must not bring weapons or anything. Before they came in, they had unloaded their equipment. They had nothing except a cell phone and a certificate.

Father Liu and Grandpa Liu and other family members dine together in a VIP room on the second floor. After the man brought them together, they waited at the door for a while, then went in and talked with Father Liu and Uncle Wu. Sentence.

Uncle Wu glanced at the door, saw the leading man in black and the sunspot, took a slight glance, then waved at the two and motioned for them to come in.

The leading men in black and the sunspots were a little embarrassed when they saw Uncle Wu beckoning them to go in. Although it was said earlier that Grandpa Liu and Grandpa Liu knew well and righteously, they would do things justice, and Uncle Wu would not embarrass them. Said that when I saw the former instructor again, I still murmured when I remembered the feeling that his fist punched on his body.

Stretching your head is also a knife, shrinking your head is also a knife.

The leading man in black and the sunspot walked in, then saluting them upright.

"Well, Taig Liu, good Gong Liu, and good instructor."

"Army, Kuroko, why are you two here? It's not in the army, don't salute, relax." The army called the leader in black. Uncle Wu looked at the two and said, "It just happened that my niece got married today , Sit down and drink two! "

The army looked at Father Liu and Grandpa Liu, looked at Uncle Wu, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

Uncle Wu, "Say anything, mother-in-law, like the soldier I brought out?"

The army and Kuroko immediately stood up again, army, "Let's carry out the task."

"Task?" Uncle Wu, "What task?"

Army, "We sunspots, you say it."

Kuroko's face was dark, and he murmured, "Let's come, let's say it."

Grandpa Liu was amused, "You two comrades are really interesting, what can't be said, tell me ~ ~ Rest assured, they are for the party and the country and for the people, no matter what they do, what they do Task, no one will embarrass you. "

"Yes!" The army responded, then groaned for another two seconds, lowering some of the voices. "We received an order from above, and Yeguang would cooperate with the investigation."

The army used the word "invite" and used the word "cooperative investigation", but did not directly take away what was arrested, but everyone here also understood what people meant.

Dad Liu's eyes widened, Grandpa Liu also looked at the doubts in their eyes, his expression froze, and Wu Shu and Wu Yan were both shocked and suspicious. Liu Chiyan's maid in this VIP room also They all came over.

Mother Liu took the lead in asking, "Who do you want to cooperate with the investigation, what did Lumina do ?!"

"Funny!" Uncle Wu kicked his eyes and stood up. "Army, sunspots, the wings are hard, right? Dare to face me in front of my niece's wedding banquet to take away my niece's wife, is it itchy? ? "

The army and sunspots shrank back.

Looking at the martial arts instructor's stand, sure enough, today I am afraid that I will not be beaten (https: //)

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