My Star Teacher

Chapter 680: [Director Lu who remedies the dead]

[Title: my star teacher Chapter six hundred and eightieth to remedy the situation Luju Chang] [Author: Night of the Light

Welcome to the latest chapter of my star teacher! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Strongly recommended: Taishang Zhang Shengxu, the Snow Eagle Lord, read the Eternal Dragon King legend, the ancient **** King Wu Lian, the peak of the five elements, the gate of the heavens, and the heavens to choose the heavens.

In the municipal government, Mr. Lu has not said good things to Ye Guang in front of the leaders these days, took the lead in supporting and agreeing to see Ye Guang on the plot, and granted it to Xianqi Jian Film and Television Base for use.

That day, Director Lu found another leader.

"Leader, I think, we should approve this land. Although this land belongs to planned land, according to our current development speed, if we want to develop there, we don't know when it will be. Instead of being empty, It ’s not as good as it is now, and I think their project is very good. If it can be implemented, it can greatly boost the local economy. In fact, building a film and television base is actually a disguised construction area, and it will not be too ecological Impact......"

Director Lu basically said all the good things.

The leader is a bit strange these days. Why is Director Lu giving such a good word these days? Although there is such a relationship between the land to be immortal and the land bureau of Director Lu, you are too concerned about it?

No way, Director Lu is guilty.

Because he had drank too much, Liu Chiyan was verbally thin. At this moment, he was afraid that Liu Chiyan and Yeguang would retaliate against him.

Therefore, he hurriedly wanted to release goodwill to Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan, hoping to help Ye Guang take down the land, so that the anger in their hearts could be relieved, and it was better to let themselves go.

Can be regarded as a remedy.

The first person looked at Director Lu, and then said, "This thing shouldn't have been told to you, but since you care so much, let me tell you simply. You don't need to worry about the plot of land, it has been approved for use by immortals. Now. "

Director Lu froze, "What? Already approved? When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

Theoretically, the approval of the parcel of land must go through the hands of his Director Lu.

The leader smiled, and then said, "I haven't had your bureau, in fact, I haven't had my hands. Their project, which has been strongly supported by them, has now become a state-private joint venture. A special project has been set up directly from above. More than 20 billion yuan, they issued instructions asking our city to support and cooperate with each other. They looked at that land and were directly included in the special land, so we don't need to worry about it. "

Director Lu was a little surprised.

What the hell? Why did it suddenly become a state-private joint venture? Is the land approved directly? More than 20 billion yuan has been allocated? Such a bully, is this appalling?

Director Lu really felt that he had been turned on by a ghost that night. How could he be so blind, and the person who drank too much was not good enough to mess with such a character.

Director Lu couldn't help worrying about his future, and in this panic of suffering, he spent the longest week in his life. In these days, he often dreams at night and dreams that he will be the next day. Dismissal investigation.

On this day, Yeguang went to the City Hall to handle some things, and when he came out, he met Director Lu.

When the so-called enemies meet, they are extremely jealous.

Before Luminous, I thought about coming to clean up Director Lu for a meal, but because I have been busy with the affairs of the film and television base, I never remembered it again.

I met him again at this moment. What can luminous care about?

Ye Guang rushed up and caught the guilty Director Lu who was guilty of hiding him. His hand was an old punch and hit his face.

Director Lu also fell to the ground, his face was immediately red and swollen, and a hint of blood came out of his mouth.

The luminous circle is not light.

This is in the City Hall. Yeguang actually hit people here, and they were not ordinary people. This is really a civil servant and a director.

The scene suddenly became a little messy.


Many people came around with the security guards.

"What's going on? What?" Shouted a security guard.

Before Ye Guang spoke, Director Lu immediately got up from the ground and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I accidentally stood still, and fell down."

The effort of talking nonsense with eyes open is indeed not covered.

Just now, many people saw that Ye Guang beat Mr. Lu in a hand, but the one who was hit at the moment said that he fell by himself, which is interesting.

It seems there is a story inside.

The spirit of gossip watching the crowd was burning.

So many people looked at it, and it was in the City Hall. Yeguang didn't do too much. After thinking about it, Yeguang decided to let him go this time.

Humming, Ye Guang said angrily to Director Lu, "I'll spare you this time, and next time you see me go around, or I'll beat you."

After speaking, Ye Guangjiao raised his head and went out of the city hall, leaving Director Lu in a strange and weird eyes.

The onlookers were a little disappointed. The bench popcorn was ready. How did it end?

However, Director Lu felt a little bit fortunate at this time. Seeing this, Yeguang and Liu Chiyan did not tell their parents about the matter that night, otherwise it was not just as simple as beating him.

He thought too much, and Liu Chiyan had only scared him that night ~ ~. Liu Chiyan was not a three-year-old child.

After two beatings, he can keep his black hat. Director Lu thinks it's worth it. Who told me that he was blinded at that time?

Now thinking about it, even if Liu Chiyan doesn't have such a back-office background background, only one luminous light, and the current social status of luminous light, is not something he can handle.

This guy is enjoying one of the top ten outstanding figures in China at the class-level treatment.

How could it be so fascinating? You must be drinking too much. If you can spend it safely this time, drink less in the future, it is best to quit! Director Lu secretly swears.


After working on the film and television base for a while, Luminous was also idle.

During this time, almost all his thoughts were spent on the film and television base. Their movements were very fast. They had already contacted the Construction Engineering Group. After field surveys and explorations, they made a general plan based on the actual situation and terrain.

Luminous also told the Construction Engineering Group of all the requirements that it can think of at present, and it is not necessary to worry too much about Luminous.

Noctilucent's life is slowly returning to normal. Every day I go to school and go to school, live a small life with Liu Chi smoke, and occasionally care about the current state of development of Xianqi. I ’m idle and bored. Some works in production.

In addition, other free time, Luminous was not wasted, he recently started reading.

Well ... I mainly read books on medicine.

There is no systematic way to look, learn, night light is very scattered, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign to see everything, but the main research is one direction infertility. 2k novel reading network

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