My Star Teacher

Chapter 665: [Flag raising ceremony]

The firecrackers sounded one year old, and the spring breeze sent warmth to Tu Su.

Thousands of families of pupils and pupils, always exchange new peaches for old charms.

The new year kicked off after Ye Guang posted this poem on Weibo.

On New Year's Eve, many areas have the custom of vigil, so this night, the night owl is also surprisingly many.

After the little poem of Luminous was sent out, it immediately attracted a large number of netizens' like comments.

"Yo, Ye Daxian is also vigil."

"Haha, our night poet is online."

"This poem is very vivid, but unfortunately, the sound of firecrackers in the city is inaudible."

"I can hear that, from my rural area, now the sound of firecrackers outside is loud!"


Netizens are talking a lot.

Luminous was still on the vigil at that time and didn't fall asleep, so I responded with a sentence, "Happy New Year everyone, remember to support my new movie."

Netizens are really skinny.

When Luminous replied, a very skinny netizen answered.

"No, next!"


Playful friends picked up the queue.

On the first day of this new year, at more than 00:00 am, the longest and least nutritious queue response ever appeared on Weibo.

Second floor: No, next!

Third floor: No, next!


Floor 10086: No, next!


1008611 floor: No, next!

Netizens are indeed boring enough. In such a simple sentence, it has staggered to the queue of more than one million floors.

Of course, this also shows how popular Ye Guang is now.

early morning,

Even before dawn, night light was awakened by Liu Chiyan.

Taking a glance at Weibo, I saw this long queue with millions of buildings, and Luguang was speechless.

Do you dare to be bored? There are thousands of brushes!

Well, in the afternoon, the netizen met his expectations, and the queue successfully brushed up to ten million floors.

When he was speechless, Luminous advertised it again, "You guys did this to me, hum! The baby is not happy. I must go to the" Kung Fu "movie today, smile and be happy.

There is no such thing as shameless advertising.

Luminous woke up very early today and was pulled up by Liu Chiyan, and last night he was vigilant, so he didn't sleep for a few hours at all.

Father Liu and Mother Liu also got up early, and Yiyi was also shouted.

Liu Chiyan has a habit at home. On the day of the Spring Festival each year, Father Liu will take his family to the early morning to watch the flag raising ceremony.

This habit has been maintained for many years. In Liu Chiyan's memory, it seems that there will not be a year when Father Liu and Mother Liu will not go.

Luminous drove by car, carrying Liu Chiyan, Liu Dao, Liu Ma, and Yiyi.

Ye Guang originally thought that this was a big New Year, and that it was so cold in the early morning, that there should not be many people watching the flag-raising ceremony.

However, he didn't realize until after that, how many people were there? It's hard to overstate the vocals.

The whole square was full of people.

Parents bring children, husbands bring wives, youths lead elderly people.

Old, young, young, older, black-haired, white-haired, people of all ages.

In addition, there are people like the Luminous family who have joined the team.

Because it is the New Year, the men, women, and children in the square, whether they know it or not, are very kind to say hello to the people around them and say Happy New Year.

The Yeguang family wears hats, masks, and coats to cover themselves tightly, on the one hand because the identity of the family is more sensitive and special, on the other hand, it is cold in the north in winter at this time The ground is frozen, and you ca n’t stand it without packing yourself tightly.

In the cold wind, they trembled for a while, and touched about seven o'clock, the flag-raising ceremony began.

The ceremonial team on the city tower blew the horn, and the national flag guard was brave and cheerful, walking on a strong and uniform pace, walking slowly and uniformly.

Describe it in two words: solemn! Salute!

"Salute to the flag!"

The national anthem was played after a strong roar of the National Guard.

At this time, men, women, and children in the square all took off their hats and stared at the national flag.

"Get up, people who don't want to be slaves ..."

The people in the square sang the national anthem in unison with the rhythm.

An anthem that you wouldn't normally want to sing. At this time, everyone sings it out.

Singing the national anthem.

Some people look serious.

Some people have reverence.

Some people screamed hard.

Some people were in tears.

Luminous, like everyone else, solemnly saluted the flag and sang the national anthem.

To be honest, Ye Guang's heart was slightly trembling at this time.

This was infected by the atmosphere, and the involuntary ignorance of the national flag and the love of the motherland.

I haven't experienced it at the scene firsthand, I really can't experience the emotions that this one-heartedness and condensed together have.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. It's freezing cold, and people who can go a long way on this day, and come here early in the morning to watch a flag-raising ceremony, can be said that most of them have stronger patriotism.

Like Dad Liu.

After the flag-raising ceremony, Dad Liu looked at Ye Guang, and said solemnly, "I can't be sorry for this flag anyway in the future!"

Luminous nodded solemnly ~ ~, said, "Don't worry, I know."

Yiyi also answered, "Grandpa, I know that."

Dad Liu smiled, touched Yiyi's hair, and said, "Let's go home."


A new day begins.

Today is the first day of the New Year. However, there are no relatives leaving at Dad Liu ’s house. Unlike when Luminous was in Nanchang, on the first day of the new year, there are relatives running around the city to give relatives a new year.

Lunar New Year's New Year Kung Fu was also released today.

At the same time, in foreign countries, Journey to the West's animated movie also screened today.

Ye Guang didn't pay much attention to the release of these two movies. It would be raining if the mother would marry, and the box office or the like was already destined.

For New Year's Eve, Luminous tends to spend more energy with family.

Liu Chiyan had no relatives at home. In the past few days of the Chinese New Year in Beijing, Ye Guang had gone to Grandpa Liu for the New Year and spent a day with Grandpa.

However, some relatives from Liu Chiyan's family who came a little farther came to give Father Liu a new year's greeting, and some friends of Father Liu or their subordinates came to give him a New Year's greeting. Most of them had to drink a cup of tea.

There are few relatives, and the Chinese New Year seems to be deserted. There is no way. The Liu family has been a single pass since Grandpa Liu, so Dad Liu has no brothers or sisters.

Mother Liu is also an only child, and her parents have already passed away, leaving no relatives at home.

Staying in the capital until the sixth day, Father Liu and Mother Liu are going to work, and Yeguang and Liu Chiyan also returned to Nanchang with Yiyi ~ ~ Still looking for the latest chapter? You're out, WeChat pays attention to the public account: excellent reading literature or suduwx beauty editor to help you find books! Really read the book, sister!

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