My Star Teacher

Chapter 609: [0 million summons order]

The main reason for the poor performance of fairy video sites is, in the final analysis, the unsatisfactory content.

Old video site.

Its resources are numerous, although there are many things, each site is similar, you have, I have.

But websites have more or less their own characteristics, or unique, solo works.

And these are exactly the guarantee of a video website traffic.

The copyright of Journey to the West Animation Network is not intended to be bought out, but is intended to be used as the first drainage work for a fairy video site.

From a short-term point of view, this method of luminous is undoubtedly more harmful than good. Even if the Journey to the West animation can successfully drain and start a fairy video website, the short-term benefits are very low.

But from a long-term perspective, if there is a fairy gas that can start its own video platform, as an entertainment company, it can have its own video platform, and the benefits in the future will be huge.

At the very least, with its own media platform, it can relatively have more autonomy, without worrying about being restrained by all parties.


Journey to the West has been broadcast on CCTV for several days.

The heat is also rising every day.

Now open the network, open Weibo, there are reports about Journey to the West, or discussion sections.

The bursting popularity naturally attracted countless audiences who had not watched Journey to the West for the first time, and they became interested in the Journey to the West animation.

However, there is a disadvantage of TV broadcasting. If you miss it, you can't go back and watch it again.

Not all viewers pay attention to the Internet and Journey to the West.

Many netizens did not know anything about Journey to the West, or had much interest in it, before the Journey to the West was broadcast.

However, with the increasing popularity and reputation of Journey to the West, many audiences who had no love for animation before and were not planning to see it were attracted.

No way, everyone around is talking about the Journey to the West. Everyone goes to see it. Every day I go to work and go to school. A group of people chat around and talk about Journey to the West.

Everyone has seen it, and they all have their own words, do n’t you watch, do n’t you watch what you talk about?

Then go check it out!

However, if you want to see it, you can only look at it from the middle.

Part of the previous broadcast, but there is nowhere to find it.

Many viewers who haven't seen the previous episodes are looking for previous episodes on the Internet, but, unfortunately, the animation of Journey to the West, except CCTV is being broadcast continuously, there is no such place at all.

Internet copyright, Luminous has not been sold yet.

Many netizens started to post on Weibo @ 夜光, @ 有 仙气, let him quickly broadcast on the network.

There are also many netizens, because they ca n’t find the resources for the first few episodes, so they chose to see Ye Guang ’s original work, Journey to the West, and got a rough idea of ​​the episodes of those missed episodes.

This made the story of the Journey to the West, which had been almost forgotten before Luminous, suddenly a fire broke out again.

Netizens are clamoring for the sound of Yeguang to broadcast on the Internet getting louder and louder. Even many acquaintances of Yeguang have called specifically to ask when Yeguang broadcasted Journey to the West on the network.

There is a fairy side, and finally I have settled the issue of Journey to the West's advertising on the video platform.

Luminous made a special post on Weibo, announcing the network broadcast plan.

[Journey to the West animation series, tonight at 19 o'clock, there is a Xianqi video network premiere, so stay tuned, old irons who missed the episode can find it back. 】

Finally the network aired.

This is great news for the audience.

However, there is a focus for the audience.

"Has Xianqi video? Does Xianqi have its own video site? When did it happen?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be there. Animated Luminous of the West Journey is to be broadcast on my own video website."

"Mom! I just started a member of TT Video, I just thought that Luminous would still cooperate with TT Video ..."

"Not upstairs upstairs, how do you know that Luminous will cooperate with TT Video?"

"Isn't it always working with TT Video before? Who knows that there is Xianqi making a video site by himself, but that's fine, members of TT Video can look forward to the life they want."


There is a fairy video site, the name is called fairy video.

This website came into the market, and neither Yeguang nor Liuchi Yan did any promotion.

Prior to this, only the official website built by Xianqi had the news that the video website was online. In addition, on the day of the website's launch, Weiqi with Xianqi posted a simple message, but the attention was not high.

Yeguang and Liu Chiyan have never advertised on their own websites.

The content of the website is not rich, and the advertisements are also used in vain. Maybe it will also have a negative effect.

Now, thanks to the popularity of Journey to the West, Luminous and Liu Chiyan are also preparing to exit their video sites.


Relying on one work alone can never support the traffic of a website.

Any video website should be content-based, without rich and attractive content. A journey to the west alone may allow a fairy to enter the audience's field of vision for a period of time.

But after the Journey to the West is finished? What should we use to attract users?

Ye Guang didn't think of making a fairy video with a Journey to the West.

Journey to the West, Luminous just regarded it as an initial drainage means.

The structure of Xianqi Video Website has been perfected.

Yeguang added a lot of new elements that seem strange to outsiders ~ ~ Yueguang release; Journey to the West at 19:00 at night, after the news of the fairy video, suddenly attracted many netizens to visit the video site.

After entering the website.

The first thing netizens see is a navigation page.

The navigation page is divided into two sections, one called video and one called live broadcast.

Left and right, below are two broadcast poster sections.

On the video carousel section, there are several posters featuring Xianqi's main works scrolling. They are me, special forces, running, mermaid, and the animation poster of Journey to the West.

In addition, there is a non-work poster in bold red bold font, called the Ten Thousand Video Convocation Order.

There is a similar poster on the video section called the Ten Thousand Live Broadcast Convocation Order.

Web friendly clicked strangely and entered a page.

Million summons order:

Do you have a dream?

Are you talented?

Do you have unusual ideas?

There is a fairy platform that will face the entire network and provide a platform for netizens to realize their dreams, display their talents and implement their ideas.

Video Convocation Order: Any individual, organization, or institution can publish a video on Youqi Video, become the master of UP with Xianqi video, and the person with the highest popularity after the event will have the opportunity to get a ten-million contract with Xianqi.

Live call convening order: Any individual, organization, institution can register as a host on Youxian Live. After the event ends, the most popular person will have the opportunity to get a tenth-level contract with Xianqi.


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