My Star Teacher

Chapter 597: [Journey]

Luminous won the gold medal.

Exciting and surprising.

However, the audience's surprise has just begun.

Just on the first day, Luminous made all the people who were concerned about the Olympic Games startled, their jaws were almost on the ground.

After the shooting event, Luminous appeared on the field of handball.

However, in the game of handball, Luminous did not play, just sat for a while at the player's rest table and left.

However, the camera swept over him.

Then the audience was puzzled.

Wasn't he just holding a gold medal in the shooting arena before?有 Are there handball here?

Is it possible that you still want to play a handball?

Fortunately, Ye Guang didn't play, and after leaving for a while, the audience also felt that he just had to come in and knock.

It's just that, in the Olympic Games, can it be so casual?


Spectators who have been watching the Olympic Games, once again found the luminous figure.

This time, Luminous appeared on the boxing ring.

The audience is simply crazy.

This ... what and what is Nima!

What are you doing?

You have a part in archery. This is normal.

You also have a part in shooting, okay, you are better than you can barely make sense.

But why still see you on the handball field?

Finally, why are you standing on the boxing ring?

Seeing that these gloves are all worn, this is definitely not Nima's doorstep, but to really play.

What do you want?

Is there such an athlete?

Yes, this is how Luminous is played.

Ye Guang participated in many different projects, and not only domestic audiences were moved by surprise and surprise.

Foreign media and audiences were also very surprised.

So, began to dig deep into the information of Luminous.

This digging doesn't matter, one digging is startled.

This man is actually a global environmental ambassador. He is known as the most linguistic person in the world. He is also a very popular star in China. He is also a poet. He is a calligrapher. The passage read by more than a thousand drummers was actually written by him ...

Every time one was found, the foreign media and audience netizens were a little more surprised, and eventually they were shocked.

The reputation of the great genius of luminescence is just that, and it spreads internationally.

Luminous's first boxing match didn't have much to watch.

However, it can also be said to be very attractive.

In the first game of Luminous, the battle was a black boxer, and his physique looked much stronger than Luminous.

After the black player took the stage, he looked at Luminous, and there was some contempt in his eyes.

This look made Luminous a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, when the game started, it was very direct and decisive. Ye Guang directly hit the black boxer's head with a thunderbolt old punch.

competition is over.

This is probably the fastest time in the Olympics and boxing ring.

As soon as the gong sounded at the start of the game, the game was over.

Speaking of which, it's so straightforward that there is really nothing to look forward to, but it is also the most exciting.

Domestic netizens madly called for Luminous on the Internet, and gave him the title of a one-man punch.


The luminous Olympic journey officially started.

In the next few days, netizens became more and more excited, because after that, they saw Yeguang appear on basketball courts, track and field stadiums, and men's volleyball courts.

After Luminous took another shooting gold medal, the reporter interviewed him.

The first question asked was, "Luminous, how many sports did you participate in?"

Well, when interviewing a gold medalist, instead of asking people how they feel about winning gold medals, they can ask people such questions. It can be seen that domestic audiences are curious and surprised at how many different projects he has participated in.

Ye Guang smiled and waved his hand and said, "No more, no more, there are only seven major events, and a total of fourteen minor events."

Well, these two words are well used.

Luminous originally had more than 20 reported competition events. However, according to the schedule of different events, many of them have conflicts in time, which cannot be eliminated.

In the end, under the extremely tight schedule, the coach of a project project issued a relatively reasonable game plan to Yeguang, totaling 14 game events.

The performance of Luminous in the Olympic arena is really eye-catching.

It seems that the entire Olympic stadium has become his home.

The Olympic Games have been going on, and every TV station broadcasts the game every day. However, after comparing the ratings, netizens found that the ratings are among the top, and all of them are luminous events.

Now, Internet users are still watching this unprecedented Olympic Games, but while paying attention, many netizens will ask the same question every day.

"What games are there in Luminous today?"

Luminous has therefore become the busiest athlete in history.

How many venues are running around every day?

How busy are you? For example, Luminous is in the men's individual archery event. After he finishes shooting, he immediately goes to the next round of boxing.

Then, according to the influence of Cheng Cheng, when the men's archery project awarded the gold medal, the owner of the gold medal was actually absent.

Domestic and foreign media, the cameras of the long gun and short cannon are ready to take a photo of this gold medal winner, but I can't find the figure of luminous.

The commentators almost laughed and said to the audience in front of the TV, "The gold medalist can't find anyone. I have seen this for the first time in many years of business, but I can't blame Luminous, after all ... It's too busy. It should be a boxing match now. "

Fortunately, Luminous did not let everyone wait for a long time, in fact, it came back in four or five minutes ~ ~ came to the stage to receive the gold medal.

And these short five minutes are actually nicknamed the most willful five minutes in the history of the Olympic Games by netizens.

It wo n’t be enough to get a gold medal and let the people in a museum wait for him to receive the award.

The performance of Luminous in the Olympic Games is described by shocking talent, I am afraid it is not enough.

It's really powerful.

He has not participated in several team projects. After all, team projects have limited personal influence.

However, in personal projects, he is almost the ultimate boss.

In the first round of men's 100 meters, this cargo directly ran an amazing result of 9.31.

It broke the world record directly in the first round.

Then, in the second round, it ran 9.25, which almost made other 100m athletes desperate.

Not surprisingly, Luminous has locked the gold medal for the 100-meter sprint in advance.

After the second round, careful netizens found that the data of many athletes in the subsequent 100-meter race found that the data of many athletes were slightly lower than the original record.

Obviously, this is the result of morale being blown. The result of Luminous is indeed high enough to make people desperate.

The amazing results of Luminous in the sprint are also the most exciting for the Olympic Games.

Compared to other events, China's sprint has indeed been in a recession in the history of the Olympic Games, and even the whole of Asia has been joked by some western countries for short legs.

However, this curse has been broken.

Moreover, it was completely broken.

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