My Star Teacher

Chapter 512: [Unlucky Sun Zhi]

Any time.

In any glorious and bright era, there will always be hidden dirt and dirt in the dark corners, and there will always be some gangsters.

They bully others, they are the ones who do evil, they are the trespassers.

This is a one-man society, and the degradation of human nature is always inevitable.

At this time, Sun Zhi was like a ghost who suddenly walked from the dark to the sun, and was in danger of dying at any time.

For example, compare Father Liu to a policeman, and Sun Zhi to a thief. A policeman has limited ability. He can't catch all the thieves in the world. He can only catch what he sees.

Sun Zhi is a thief, but he was originally a living and stable thief, because no policeman would pay attention to him, he could live a smart life, but at this time Sun Zhi sent himself to Dad Liu's eyes. When the thief came to the police, as long as he showed a little clue, he could be stolen and obtained immediately.


Sun Zhi is going to fly abroad in the afternoon and say goodbye to the colorful life at home.

However, if you want to go abroad, you can clean up a little bit, right? The worst thing is, do you have to fill your teeth?

So, when Ye Guang drove past Sun Zhi in the early morning today, Sun Zhi was going to repair his teeth, but he didn't expect to collide with Ye Guang.

Fortunately, Ye Guang just glanced at him a few more times and did not make any drastic actions. Sun Zhi was more fortunate in this regard. Otherwise, even if Ye Guang really hit him again, it would be the same as yesterday. It's all for nothing, I can't find it here.

After Luminous drove away, Sun Zhi was still blocked here. I do n’t know if it was because of psychological reasons. Sun Zhi felt a little dry.

Picking up the water cup on the stand, Sun Zhi wanted to sip, just opened the lid, I do n’t know what happened, the car suddenly stopped and shook. The water cup on Sun Zhi's hand suddenly fell off, and a full glass of water almost poured clean , Spilled him all over, there were water stains everywhere in the car.

"Fuck, what a bad luck!"

Sun Zhi said that he quickly opened the door and got out of the car, because there was water on his seat, he had to clean it up first.

Opening the door, getting out of the car, and paddling under one's feet, Sun Zhi fell on his feet with one foot, and fell naturally.

Sun Zhi fell on the green belt. Although it was a pity to crush a piece of flowers and plants, others were not a big deal, but they seemed very embarrassed.

"Cao Nima!" Sun Zhi scolded angrily. He felt that he was really unlucky today, no, not just today. He had been unlucky since he saw Yeguang yesterday.

What Sun Zhi doesn't know is that his bad luck hasn't passed yet. The skill effect of [No Disaster] lasts for ten minutes, and this has just begun.

Sure enough, Sun Zhi was lying on the ground with his feet on his feet. His mouth was not closed because of speaking, a bird singing in the sky, and a cloud of yellow and white stickiness fell from the sky and fell into Sun Zhi's mouth accurately.


Sun Zhi pouted subconsciously.

Suddenly, I felt a foul odor, and then quickly turned around, spitting in my mouth.

How bad is this Nima to catch the bird's puppet ...

The taste in the mouth, not to mention, in short, Sun Zhi was a little dizzy and swollen with bird flu, which is comparable to a biochemical martial artist.

I want to find some water to rinse my mouth and dilute the stench in my mouth, but the water in the car has just been turned over.

This car, Sun Zhi, is not the one that was yesterday, the one that was yesterday, and it is still being repaired in the repair shop. Today, this car is a car that usually does not drive very much, and there is no water in the car. I want to find water. The mouth is impossible, and Sun Zhi can only give up.

The front has been cleared, and the car horns behind are urging quickly. What Sun Zhi hated was spitting again, holding back the nausea, pumping a few sheets of paper, wiping the water on the seat, and then back on. Car, start the car slowly away.

[No delusion] The effect does not seem to be so strong. It is good for ten minutes, but this time is less than half. After that, Sun Zhi seems to have encountered nothing bad.

The dental hospital that Sun Zhi was looking for was very good, and the doctors who helped him set the teeth were also very good, but his mouth was a bit poisonous.

After seeing Sun Zhi, the doctor stunned Sun Zhi to fight him with a word.

"I haven't been a dentist for many years, and patients with bad breath have also come into contact with it, but they smell like shit. You are the first."


Yesterday's fight with Luminous was unsurprisingly transmitted to the Internet again.

Ye Guang also knew that this would definitely become news. At that time, I saw a lot of parents holding their mobile phones and taking pictures. It was no wonder that they did not get the news the next day.

However, this time, Yeguang and everyone are not the same as before.

This time, almost sideways, the audience was on the luminous side.

No, it should be said, it is on the side of Yiyi.

Yiyi took a few mirrors and really attracted a wave of fans. The little girl with pink carvings and jade carvings is always a favorite. Such a cute little girl has some hands to play. Where can netizens stand?

Many netizens are still stunned. This time, Ye Guang lightened, how could he slap him with two slaps? This inhuman guy has to give him a discount!

There are many netizens clamoring to take out Sun Zhiren's flesh, to yell at Yiyi for him, to give Yiyi gas.

In short, this time the luminous fight, because of Yiyi's reason, in the public opinion, there was hardly any bad influence, and it won the support of the overwhelming netizens.

Violence does not mean violence, and it is never an absolute mistake. Violence is an act, and what is done is right or wrong, only the factor that determines whether violence is right or wrong.

The videos uploaded to the online Luminous and Yiyi fights are complete. They haven't fallen at all from beginning to end.

In addition to the discussions among netizens about the incident itself ~ ~ another topic was also introduced.

Tai Chi Circle!

Yiyi's Taijiquan! And Yiyi's appalling weirdness.

The release of the film "Grand Master" made Taijiquan appear in this world for the first time. After that, netizens' opinions on luminous Taijiquan were polarized.

One thinks that this is just a show, a show, and the soft taijiquan has no actual combat ability. Even taijiquan was created by director Luguang or Feng Kaimou out of thin air.

The other is to believe in the existence of luminous Taijiquan and recognize this skill.

At that time, the two sides, each with their own opinions, were still arguing with each other online. Now, there is evidence of real hammer.

Taijiquan really exists. Moreover, it is very powerful. Didn't see a child Yiyi fought a fight with an adult with Taijiquan, and won it miraculously?

In addition, the most eye-catching image is Yiyi's last broken window, which is beyond the common sense.

When people see abnormal phenomena, they are always used to finding an answer that they can explain.

The party, Luminous, has not yet made any response, and many netizens on the Internet have proposed many possibilities.

Some netizens believe that Yiyi shattered the window is just a coincidence. The window was originally broken, but the damage was not obvious. Therefore, Yiyi fists up to break the window.

Of course, this theory cannot stand up, and not many netizens believe that it is better to believe that the window is a fake and shoddy product.

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