My Star Teacher

Chapter 510: [Little girl grows up]

Due to the material of the car window and the protection of the explosion-proof film, the window glass did not break into one place.

The glass of a car window is not broken when compared with ordinary glass. The glass of a car window is more solid than you think. It is difficult for normal adults to break the car window with bare hands, let alone Sun Zhi This looks like a high-end car, the quality is excellent, and the window is stuck to the explosion-proof film.

However, Yiyi did it. The six-year-old girl broke the car window with one punch in the eyes of everyone.

This is more surprising and incredible than the serious deformation of the car door by Luminous!

This is a little girl! A six-year-old girl!

How did she do it? Or is it because the windows of this car are fake and inferior products?

Many people have an old saying in their minds.

Long Sheng Long Feng Sheng Feng, the mouse's son will punch holes.

Whatever I want, I have such children.

Dunima was so scared to death!

Yiyi's strange power broke out, and Yeguang was slightly surprised, paused, and then hurried to see Yiyi's small hand.

Fortunately, not hurt.

"Go, go home!" Ye Guang embraced Yiyi.

The surrounding parents quickly gave way to Luminous and Yiyi. They seemed to be afraid of being on the road. Luminous or Yiyi would give themselves up.

Holding Yiyi for a few steps, Luminous suddenly stopped again, then turned to the Mediterranean teacher and said, "If I remember correctly, you are the director of teaching, right?"

The Mediterranean teacher nodded. "Yes, we are the director of our school."

Ye Guang said aloud, "I almost forgot, I need an explanation from your school about why the school has private cars coming in."

The Mediterranean teacher froze, "This ..."

Luminous, "Is a car driving in the school rampaging into the school, how much safety hazards will the children need me to say? Why does the school put this car in, shouldn't it be explained?"

Some parents heard the words and echoed.

"Yeah, what a danger, what if I hit a kid?"

"It's too irresponsible how the school can get private cars in."

"You must give an account, or I will definitely respond to the education department!"


The mediterranean instructor was silent for a moment, and then said, "Mr. Ye, this is our negligence. Don't worry, we will give you an account."

Luminous shook his head, "Not to me, but to all the children and their parents!"

The mediterranean instructor looked at Luminous and glanced at the parents present and said, "I understand that the school will give you an explanation as soon as possible."

Ye Guang didn't say much anymore, holding Yiyi away in the eyes of everyone.

Yiyi's class teacher watched Yeguang holding Yiyi's distant voice and sighed slightly.


Out of school.

Ye Guang finally asked Yiyi why he had broken Sun Zhi ’s car.

Yiyi, "We played on the playground. He drove over and occupied our place. I asked him to let go. If he didn't, I kicked him lightly."

"Lightly?" Ye Guang asked with a smile.

Can a kick kick crack a person's bumper?

Yiyi was a little embarrassed, "... a little bit of force, just a little ..."

Well, a little, it is estimated that the strange power of Yiyi suddenly broke out.

Ye Guang smiled and rubbed Yi Yi's small head, "Okay, I know, I didn't blame you." Then, Ye Guang touched Yi Yi's little face again, "Do you still hurt?"

Yiyi shook her head, then nodded again.

Luminous, "Does it hurt or not?"

Yiyi, "It hurts a little, it won't hurt if you kiss me."

Luminous sighed, then took a sip and kissed Yiyi's face.

This is the first time that Yiyi has proactively asked Ye Guang to kiss her. Previously, Ye Guang had slapped her face up, and most of the time, Yi Yi always wiped her face with disgust after kissing.


Ye Guang kissed Yi Yi, Yi Yi also took a kiss on Ye Guang's face, and then two little hands hugged Ye Guang's neck tightly.



"Will you always protect me like this, right?"

"Well." Luminous answered.

"Hmm ..." Yiyi also responded, and then clung to some luminous light.

When Luminous appeared in front of her today, at that moment, Yiyi felt like seeing a world ...

Carry Yiyi home.

The red mark on Yiyi's face had disappeared, leaving no trace.

When he arrived home, Yiyi stayed down at the floor and whispered, "Yuguang, let's not tell your aunt today what's going on?"

Luminous, "Why?"

Yiyi mumbled his mouth and said, "If my aunt knew that we were fighting, she would be anxious."

Luminous froze, then laughed, "OK, then don't tell her!"

Yiyi nodded satisfactorily, then took Ye Guangguang's hand and went upstairs with him.

The family life of a family of three at night was the same as usual, no difference.

Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan tutored Yiyi to write and do homework. They ate hot meals, watched TV on the sofa, or played games together.

Everything is as usual.

However, the keen Liuchi Yan felt a little different, but it couldn't tell the difference.

As if ... Yiyi seems to be closer to Yeguang.

Before bedtime.

Liu Chiyan casually asked, "Is there anything happening today to pick up Yiyi?"

Luminous froze, grinning, touching his nose and shaking his head, "Nothing happened."

Liu Chiyan originally only really carelessly asked, and had no other meaning, but seeing the standard actions of Luminous, with Liu Chiyan's understanding of Luminous, where can I believe that nothing happened.

Putting his face on his face, Liu Chiyan said, "Come on!"

Luminous called a haha, "Why ~ ~ I found our bedside lamp is pretty beautiful. I didn't find it originally. Have you changed a new one?"

Liu Chiyan stared at Ye Guang directly without saying a word, so he kept looking at him so as not to move.

Married to Ye Guang for so long, Liu Chi Yan didn't know about Lu Guang, Ye Guang couldn't stand this trick.

Sure enough, Yeguang lost a while later and said, "Okay, okay, don't stare at me, it's weird that something happened."

Liu Chiyan, "What's the matter? Come on."

Luminous shook his head, "Can't say, I promised Yiyi, can't tell you ..."

Liu Chi Yan suddenly stared at it again.

Yeguang, "However, tomorrow you can go to the news. I feel that there will be reports in all likelihood. What you see yourself will not be what I tell you."

Liu Chiyan's curiosity was hooked, "Since I will know tomorrow, you tell me now that it is not the same."

Luminous still shook his head, "No, gentleman said, it is difficult to chase a horse, I promised Yiyi would not tell you, if she knew that I did not keep my promise, the little girl would be angry, and the little girl did not let me tell you, I was afraid You are in a hurry. "

Liu Chi Yan froze slightly.

Luminous, "Little girl has grown up and is sensible."

Liu Chi Yan smiled and said proudly, "That's it! Our family Yiyi has always been very sensible!"

Luminous, "Where did your inexplicable superiority suddenly come from?"

Liu Chiyan snorted quietly and stopped talking, and fell asleep without asking about Luminous.

No words overnight.

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