My Star Teacher

Chapter 492: [Yiyi's 'Magic']

At the concert.

Ye Guang sang for an hour and a half, and finally stepped down in the resting voice of the audience shouting in unison.

Then, the invited celebrities sang one by one.

Or one song, or two or three songs.

Every invited star sang on stage.

After the rotation is over, the audience may feel that Luminous has rested enough, and then started shouting Luminous' name to let him go on stage.

Luminous did not disappoint everyone, and re-entered the stage.

"Thank you, thank you for your enthusiasm, thank you, and I am very happy to have you tonight. Below, a" Hero Who "belongs to everyone.

The lights went down.

Vaguely, the audience saw a white figure slowly coming out behind Luminous, some small.

The figure walked to the stage and the camera pointed at her, and the audience could see who it was.

"Yeah! Yiyi!"

"Yiyi finally came on stage! I'll wait one night!"

"In other words, can I say that my original intention for buying tickets was because I wanted to see Yiyi?"

"Finally you are here."

"Fortunately, I didn't give up ..."

"Haha, don't make trouble, listen to Yiyi singing."

I finally waited for you, this song, Liu Chiyan last year ... It should be said that the year before last, when the strongest sound of the previous year came out, and then became a classic track. Tonight, Liu Chiyan sang on stage and sang again Up this song.

However, I did not hear Yiyi singing as the audience expected.

Yiyi didn't take the microphone at all, and she was dressed in white practicing kung fu, standing in front of the stage, and presented her hands to the audience.

The audience was still a little confused.

What the **** is this?

Music sounded.

Luminous has already sang.

"The sky is already dusk"

"Thousands of miles and rivers let me fly over"

"Singing and looking around"

"Invite the moon to live in the depths of Qingshan"

"Who is the hero who belongs to me"

"Through all the hardships just to change your heart"


With the luminous singing, Yiyi's small body also kept moving, a set of Tai Chi, the movements were fast and slow, and they were playing like they were.

The audience was a little dumbfounded.

Okay, for a long time, I do n’t sing? Come on stage to dance with luminous.

But what is this dance? It looks weird, but Yiyi jumps up and looks pretty.

Looks good ... Maybe it's because Yiyi is so cute.

Tai Chi, in this world, is invisible to the world, almost unknown, the audience present, watching Yi Yi hit Tai Chi, all regarded this as a dance on the spot, no one thought it was a kind of kung fu.

As the luminous sang to the climax, the lights on the stage shone, and white air columns were sprayed out, rendering the atmosphere.

These white gases, I believe everyone is no stranger, are made from dry ice and are often used in performances and shows.

A layer of white mist also appeared on the stage's surface, which matched the ancient style of the mountains and rivers behind it, but it was somewhat artistic.

Something unexpected happened.

Yi Yi Ruo Ruo is as usual, while Luminous is singing, she is performing Tai Chi.

However, the clouds on the stage began to surge, slowly converging towards the place where Yiyi stood.

Many viewers found this vision, but at first they didn't take it seriously, thinking that there was a vent in the place where Yiyi was standing, and it was normal for the flowing clouds to converge there.

But soon, the audience felt less normal.

On the stage, the clouds and mists flow faster and faster, and begin to rotate. The clouds and mists on the entire stage seem to be moving and converge around Yiyi.

Yeguang and Yiyi's stand are some distance away. At this time, Yeguang can no longer see the clouds around them. All the clouds and fog have gathered around Yiyi, forming a large white circle, very thick, covering Yiyi's half body.

However, through the high-altitude camera shooting the screen on the screen, everyone can see that it is located in the middle of the cloud, but the area around the radius of one meter is clean and there is no cloud.

All the clouds seemed to be guided by the movements of non-stop dancing, led by her commander, flowing regularly around one meter away from her.

Good artifact.

Many viewers look dumbfounded.

It's a spectacle!

It turned out that Yiyi was not performing dance, but magic!

This magic gives full marks! Not afraid of Yiyi students proud!

The audience has to find an answer to this unknown phenomenon that has never been seen before, and it can only be attributed to magic.

But Luminous on the field knew that this was not magic.


It's Tai Chi!

Seeing this situation, Yeguang sang a song, but couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Is this girl really the material for martial arts? Has young Tai, inadvertently, already reached Tai Chi?"

There is a realm in any martial arts, and Taiji is no exception. Yiyi has always adhered to Taiji and practiced whenever he has time. At the beginning, Yeguang only taught to play. Luminous is really taught Yiyi some Tai Chi Kung Fu.

However, Ye Guang didn't expect that Yiyi's understanding on Taiji was so high that she had already practiced it to such an extent.

Soon, Luminous's song was finished.

However, Ye Guang found that Yiyi's movement had not stopped, as if sinking in, and if no one was still playing Taijiquan.

This suddenly dawned on me. No wonder I didn't know when Yiyi had practiced this realm. It turned out that I broke through on the stage now.

The music has stopped.

Everyone's eyes are focused on Yiyi, watching her continue to perform 'magic'!

An audience applauded, and then a crowd of audience members followed the call and got better.

"Yiyi, it's awesome!"

"Yiyi, good job!"


Yiyi seemed to be a little disturbed, and the clouds around him were somewhat divergent, not as round as before.

Yeguang was shocked. Yiyi's Taiji was taught by him. Taiji Yeguang was the master, so of course, I knew how important Yiyi was when he broke through this realm. He was interrupted by surprise, and wanted to make a breakthrough. How much effort was spent.

Opportunity, sometimes just for a moment, so is the practice. I slipped away, and next time I want to seize it, I have to see my luck.

I saw, Luminous lifted the microphone and spoke.

There seemed to be a touch of magic in his voice. When he spoke, the audience at the scene didn't know what was happening, and they all quietly listened, listening quietly as he spoke.

"Tai Chi Promise"

"Mother of Yin and Yang"

"Yin does not leave Yang

"Yin and Yang are also as good as gods"

"The mind and body are running at the same pace"

"Open and Unification of Inside and Outside"

"Yunrou becomes a combination of steel and steel"

"Freedom of silence!"

Yeguang recitation ~ ~ is Tai Chi mentality. Many of the people present did not understand the meaning. Even if they understood, they only understood some literal meanings.

Yiyi also couldn't understand it, but inexplicably, as Yeguang read the Taiji mental method sentence by sentence, Yiyi's actions seemed to be directed.

The original scattered clouds regrouped and became rounded, and then, the faster and faster, the faster, and the faster.

In the end, the clouds swirling around Yiyi wrapped up Yiyi as a whole, forming a ball like a half egg shell, which covered Yiyi as a whole.

The ball formed by clouds and fog will be covered by the shape of the entire person. The audience can only see a ball with a cloud and itinerary.

Many spectators were stunned.

This is absolutely, absolutely!

An audience member whispered to his companion and said, "I bet that the balloon ... will the balloon be OK?"

It's really a balloon, a ball of gas.

Companion, "No problem, how about it?"

"After a while the balloon spreads out, Yiyi will definitely disappear, and it will become alive! This magic is wonderful!"

The companion thought for a while, watching the vision on the stage, whispered, "Maybe, but ... is this really magic?"

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