My Star Teacher

Chapter 483: [Education Yiyi]

Luminous went to pick Yiyi today.

But it is a little different from the past.

Today, Ye Guang was left by Yiyi's class teacher, Teacher Zhou.

As Mr. Zhou came to the office, many other teachers in the office saw Yeguang and looked at them curiously.

Although Luminous came to Yiyi almost every day when it was okay, most of the time he wore a big mask, big sunglasses, and took it away. Except Yiyi's class teacher, he had little contact with other school teachers. When invited to the office, the other teachers were a little curious.

Teacher Zhou sat down at the desk, then turned out a few papers and gave them to Luminous.

Luminous took it and looked at it. The names of these test papers were Liu Yizhang, which was Yi Yi.

Ye Guang was watching here, and Mr. Zhou had already spoken. "Mr. Ye, look at it for yourself. Yesterday our class was tested. Liu Yizheng taught all the subjects in white paper."

Needless to say, Yeguang also saw a few papers and a piece of white flowers, except for Yiyi's name, which is a bright red zero.

Teacher Zhou, "Mr. Ye, you are a big celebrity. I know that you are busy with your work, but you are busy. Your child ’s problems must be taken seriously. The education of children is not just a matter of relying on the teacher at school, but also requires the cooperation of parents. Liu Yi Pu's performance is usually not bad, but in this case ... I don't know how to say it, you ask her. "

Teacher Zhou set her sights on Yiyi.

Ye Guang also looked at Yiyi, who was silent on the side, and asked, "What's the matter, you? You taught the white scroll, wouldn't you do it?"

Yiyi mumbled her mouth, and then said with good reason, "Yes, but I can learn it, why should I write it for the exam?"

Luminous froze for a moment, speechless.

Mr. Zhou shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Mr. Ye, you understand the situation, your children, compared to ... well, have personality."

Ye Guang chuckled, "Mr. Zhou, I know. I must teach her well when I go back."

Teacher Zhou hasn't answered yet, and Yiyi listens to educate her, and quits. "Why teach me? I didn't do anything wrong. I would have done it. Why should I take the test?"

Yeguang gave her a white look and said, "You can do all of these topics? Can you guarantee that they are all good and get full marks?"

Yiyi's eyes dodged a little, and then she shouted and said endlessly, "No, I can't write it."

Luminous aura, "Hey, you are reasonable both horizontally and vertically. You do n’t need to write. If you do n’t write it, it ’s left empty, so you taught the white scroll, right?”

Yiyi bulged his face and stopped talking.

Teacher Zhou, "There is nothing else, Liu Yizheng's usual performance is still very good. This is the problem. I still hope that you, Mr. Ye, will be able to communicate with your children when you go home as a parent."

Ye Guang nodded at Teacher Zhou and smiled, "Well, Teacher Zhou, rest assured, I must educate her when I go home."

Teacher Zhou nodded, "Well, that will not delay your time, be careful on the way."

"Goodbye Mr. Zhou." Yeguang said, then looked at Yiyi, angry and happy, and said helplessly, "Let's go, little girl, go home."

Yiyi said aloud, and said to Teacher Zhou, "Goodbye, teacher." Then went back with Yeguang.

Back home.

Ye Guang told Liu Chiyan the "heroic deeds" that Yiyi handed in at school, and made Liu Chiyan overjoyed. He squeezed Yiyi's little face and said with a smile, "How can you do that?"

Yiyi didn't realize her mistake, she said unhappy, "It was originally, I didn't make a mistake, why should I write?"

Ye Guang came to her and said, "But if you don't write it, how does the teacher know if you will?"

Yiyi said something that sounded quite reasonable, "I go to school, is it to write the knowledge I have learned to the teacher? I know that I can."

Luminous froze, little girl said, does it sound like we have such a bit of crookedness?

True, Luminous put away a smiley face and said, "It's still the problem, can you guarantee that you are all okay? What about those problems that don't?"

Yiyi is still refuting, "No, I am going to study next time."

Luminous, "Next time the teacher will not teach this subject? Then you ca n’t learn it all the time?"

After waiting for Yiyi to continue to speak, Yeguang continued, "The teacher asked you to take the exam just to see what you would and would not do, and then he would teach you again what you wouldn't, so that you would learn everything. Title, if you do n’t write, how can the teacher know what is going on and what is going on? ”

Ye Guang touched Yiyi ’s small head, “I know that Yiyi is very smart and learns quickly, but maybe Yiyi sometimes has a small head that ’s too small. Do you think you learn this knowledge, but it ’s possible that your understanding is wrong. Therefore, only by passing the examination can we know whether Yiyi really learned this knowledge and whether he has misunderstood himself. "

Yiyi blinked and thought for a while, then oh, she was trained by Luminous, a little bit upset, and beaked, a pitiful look.

Luminous smiled and shaved her little nose. "I didn't blame you. Teacher Zhou also said that Yiyi's performance in school was very good, but Yiyi didn't do it right. It can't be like this in the future. It ’s a good boy if you know your mistakes. You can take the exam well in the future. You ca n’t hand in the blank papers. You do n’t want you to be called by the teacher to the office every time your father comes to take you home.

Yiyi tilted her head to the side and shouted, "I know, you're sick of it!" As he said, he broke away from the luminous, "I'll do my homework." Then trot back to his room.

Ye Guang spoke well, and he hadn't found a problem word in his discourse.

Dad ~ ~ Yiguang has long regarded Yiyi as a prostitute girl, so when she blurted out, she didn't find anything wrong, and it felt as natural as when she claimed to be me.

However, listening to Yiyi's ears was not so natural.

At that moment, Yiyi did her best to prevent her tears from falling.

This little girl who has never seen her dad since she was a kid, does not know who her mother is.

Very sensible, proud, and strong, but deep down, she yearns for the love of mom and dad more than any child, desires a mother, a father.

Therefore, this is also the fundamental reason why Yiyi likes Luminous so much, because she can faintly feel Father's love in Luminous. Even if she has never felt it, she does not know what Father's love is ...

But this does not prevent her from experiencing this element from Luminous.

But she also knew that Ye Guang was not her father, not his real father.

Ye Guang professed to be his father, and Yiyi listened in his ears, refusing to refute, and his two emotions converged.

One kind is moving, the other kind, can't say what it feels like, maybe loss and loneliness ...

Liu Chi Yan was not as heartless and heartless as Ye Guang, when she heard Ye Guang professing her father, she suddenly ate. When Yi Yi ran back to the room, she also acutely caught Yi Yi's inability to restrain and began to appear in her eyes. Tears.

With a sigh in his heart, looking at Yiyi's petite back, Liu Chiyan was a little sad and a little distressed.

This girl ...

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