My Star Teacher

Chapter 467: [Leave, Return]

time flies.

Blink, two months have passed.

Lei Yu made a comprehensive report on Yeguang's two-month training period. The report was boring, all-encompassing-excellent.

In this report, Lei Yu was handed to Captain Xu Suyan, and Captain Xu was then transferred to Uncle Wu and the grandfather. The grandfather was very pleased and Yeguang's military training career ended.

On the day of his departure, Thunderstorm looked for the night light in private.

"I'm glad to meet you, sheep. You are the strongest sheep I've ever seen." Thunderstorm changed his usual tough-hearted style with a smile and a smile.

Ye Guang smiled and said, "I'm also glad to meet you, Thunder Leopard."

Lei Yu, "Don't consider staying? I think you are very suitable for the army. It is really a pity that you, as a talent, don't go to battle to serve the motherland and become a director."

Ye Guangxiao smiled and said, "I don't belong here. The army is not suitable for me. I have a loose personality and don't have much discipline. For a long time, it's a long time. I have to commit all the discipline that the army can commit. "

Thunderstorm, "It's okay. If it's you, I'll make a few minor mistakes and I'll see you."

Luminous smiled and said, "Lei Squadron, don't tell me, let's go on. As soon as my mind is hot, I really have a headache if I really stay."

Lei Yu grinned, and stretched out his hand and hammered Lu Guang's shoulder, "Unfortunately, I can't retain you as a talent who can serve the country on the battlefield."

Luminous waved his hand, "It does n’t have to be really on the battlefield to be counted for the country. Special forces have special forces battlefields. On the special forces battlefields, the Snow Leopard commando is invincible. I also have my own battlefield. On my battlefield, I will also play The biggest effect. "

Thunderstorm stunned, "Oh? Your battlefield?"

Luminous, "Of course, my battlefield, the battlefield of entertainment culture, Thunder Squadron does not want to have your children in the future, watching all foreign movies, worshiping heroes in foreign film and television works, right? We have been in entertainment culture these years During the war, it has always been disadvantaged, and now the top five box offices in China are still imported movies. "

Thunderstorm didn't pay attention to the entertainment circle or any movie, so he didn't know the luminous so popular before. However, Leiyu understood what Yeguang said. Indeed, their special forces went to the battlefield, but Yeguang left. The Snow Leopard Commando was also on the battlefield, but he went to fight a battle without gunpowder and a war of culture.

However, this war is even more important!

Thunderstorm, "I wish you every success!"

Luminous, "Thank you, I will."

Lei Yu smiled, stretched out an arm, and whispered softly, "Goodbye, come back to see if you have time."

Ye Guang also stretched out an arm and crossed his thunder with thunderstorm's arm. This was a greeting from the Snow Leopard commando team members. "I will definitely come. Goodbye."


this day.

One of the Snow Leopard Commando personnel who did not belong to the troop formation left the team, but the official establishment, except for the staff, was all there and lined up.

Luminous was in the army's clothes, training uniforms, combat uniforms, and regular uniforms. Originally, he did not belong to the organization and was not allowed to be taken away. When leaving the team, he needed to return it, but Luminous was reluctant. Take it back for thoughts.

At this moment, Luminous was like a veteran, dressed in a uniform without a rank, and solemnly saluting the soldiers who saw him off.

Goodbye, troops.

Goodbye, special forces.

Goodbye, Snow Leopard Commando.

Goodbye, dear comrades.




The soldiers paid their respects to Luguang with a military salute.


Leaving the Snow Leopard Commando.

To be honest, Ye Guang couldn't say how much he was unhappy, after all, he didn't stay long, and he knew from beginning to end that he didn't belong there.

However, this is really about to leave. There is something weird in my heart, and some are sore.

The road is long, and after several rounds of rotation, Luminous arrived home at more than eight in the evening.

It is worth mentioning that when Luminous returned to Nanchang and transferred to the bus to go home, he gave an old man a seat in the car. This is a common thing, but today's feeling makes Luminous feel Some are different.

After the old man sat down, he began to chat with Ye Guang.

"Thank you, Comrade PLA,"

"The PLA is a good comrade. Protect your country and defend your country, and go to battle to kill the enemy. Any floods or snow disasters are yours to come forward and help the people survive the difficult times."

"Okay, only with you, can we ordinary people live and work in peace and contentment."

"My grandson is almost 18 years old. When he becomes an adult, I will let him serve as a soldier. How good it is to protect the country and protect the country, Guangzong Yaozu."

"Comrades of the PLA, you are amazing!"

Luminous is not a soldier in the true sense, but at this time, wearing this military uniform, listening to the words of the old man, could not help but pour out of pride and pride in my heart.

At the same time, Luminous also decided that he would not take out this military uniform casually. He was afraid that he would leave the army and become scattered again. Then he put on this clothes, inappropriate words and defilements, and tarnished the body. Sacred military uniform.

It's July, it's another summer vacation. Before Yeguang came back, he had already talked with Liu Chiyan on the phone. It is said that my mother and father took Yiyi to travel, Liu Chiyan didn't follow, I know Yeguang may be in these days. Come back, so I've been waiting at home.


Luminous opened the door with the key.

Liu Chiyan watched TV in the living room. On the coffee table was a pile of fried rice with a few eggs.

Hearing the opening of the door, Liu Chi Yan looked around and saw the night light.

"Yeah!" Liu Chiyan exclaimed, his eyes lit up, and the luminous light in his military uniform looked really different.

Liu Chiyan didn't watch Ye Guangguang wearing military uniforms. He used to shoot TV series. Ye Guang's clothing was also military uniforms. However, it was really different from watching at that time.

I haven't seen each other for two months, and I had a phone call during that time. Liu Chiyan also missed Ye Guang very much, and ran over with joy, "You are back."

As Liu Chiyan said, he repeatedly looked at Luminous, looked at it several times, and adjusted the luminous collar all the time, and laughed, "It's handsome."

Liu Chiyan's compliment made the luminous light flutter in a flash, and he said, "That's, your husband, my face, this figure, what's so handsome?"

"Get it." Liu Chiyan gave him a smile.

Taking the luggage into the house, Yeguang saw the egg fried rice on the coffee table, pointing and asked, "I'll eat this at night if you don't?"

Liu Chiyan, "Yiyi and my parents went to play. I am alone, I have no appetite, and I don't want to make it, so it is easy." Then, Liu Chiyan said, "Yes, did you eat it? Are you hungry? I'll get you some food ~ ~ Wait for Yeguang to talk back, Liu Chiyan is ready to enter the kitchen.

I don't know why. When the woman at home waits for her husband to return, she always likes to ask her husband if she is hungry.

But speaking, maybe there are only two people in this world who care so much about your stomach, whether you are hungry or not, one is your wife, the other is your mother.

This is not a trivial repetition of life that is dull and repetitive. This is the deepest love engraved in the heart, which is naturally revealed in the most honest way.

Yeguang grabbed Liu Chiyan and said, "Don't be busy. Let's break. I've eaten it. It's you. You can only eat a few mouthfuls of egg fried rice. Can you eat enough, go and order again."

Liu Chiyan muttered, "I don't want to eat anymore."

Yeguang took her to the living room and said, "Eat more, you say that you are all such big people, and they will not eat well, and Yiyi is more positive than you."

That being said, is Yiyi's natural food, can you eat positively?

To say that eating is the most positive, I said the little princess Yiyi, I dare to recognize the second, which one does not have long eyes to recognize the first?

"I really don't want to eat it anymore," Liu Chiyan said.

Yeguang took Liu Chiyan and sat down on the sofa. "Good boy, come here, do you want me to feed you?"

"Oh." Liu Chi Yan whispered, but didn't reach for a spoon for a long time.

Luminous, "Eat."

Liu Chiyan glanced at Yeguang with a grieving voice, and said with a wagging voice, "You didn't say to feed me."

Luminous froze and then smiled, "Okay, I feed you, my princess."

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