My Star Teacher

Chapter 326: [Full sense of violation]

Shu Yong is indeed a wonderful person, very talkative. His greatest strength may be talkative, and his biggest disadvantage may also be talkative.

Too much talk and say everything, Ming Ming and Ye Guang just met, but it seems like a long-time old friend.

According to this confession, since he was a kid he didn't like to practice words, he was not beaten. Now he can barely write a good hand, and he was forced under the stick.


Chatted for a while.

Shu Yong received a call.

After hanging up the phone, Shu Yong seemed to be familiar with Ye Guang, and put his hand on Ye Guang's shoulder. "Go, brother, I will take you for a long time."

Ye Guang looked at the hand that he put on his shoulder, and smiled. He didn't care, didn't dislike it, just felt strange.

Is this Shu Yong so familiar with everyone?

Shu Yong pulled Yeguang forward, and shouted back at the others, "The calligraphy exhibition has begun, and I am interested to see and walk away."

A few people heard the words and immediately followed.

Speaking of this, Shu Yong continued to take the lead in front of Luguang.

Ye Guang asked, "What's up with this calligraphy exhibition?"

Shu Yong waved his hand, "It ’s just like that, it ’s the old man who took out his masterpiece and showed it to everyone. I heard that my old man recently got a masterpiece. It is estimated that he is showing off now. I was showing off, I did n’t give him a chance, and calling me over here definitely made me go and see his proud face, so go, let ’s go, give him a face, who will be Where's my son? "

Ye Guang couldn't help laughing, did anyone say this to me?

This Shu Yong ... how should I say, can only say that he is eclectic? Hmm ... Qihua is quite suitable.

In the presence of others, Ye Guang didn't make a laugh, and he was very hard-working.

Shu Yong didn't care. "If you want to laugh, just laugh. Why?"

With that said, Luminous didn't want to laugh anymore.

Along the way, Shu Yong kept shattering with Ye Guang, most of whom he was talking about, Ye Guang should be a few times.

To be honest, Luminous can't keep up with this leaping thinking mode.

The venue for the calligraphy exhibition has arrived.

Shu Yong and Yeguang went in together.

There are not many people in it. They look like a dozen or twenty people, and they are all young. They are all luminous dads or grandpas.

Luminous glanced around and didn't see Dad Liu.

In the middle, an old man who looks a bit similar to Shu Yong is flying.

"Look at my word, take away the dragon snake, the dragon fly and the dragon dance, vigorous and powerful ..."

This man is Shu Yong's old man, Shu Hai. At this moment, he is spreading a word on the desk, surrounded by people. He is spitting and explaining every detail of the word that makes him amazing.

Shu Yong and Yeguang walked over.

"Dad." Shu Yong greeted, "Hello seniors."

Ye Guang also greeted everyone, "Hello seniors."

Shu Hai turned his head and looked at Shu Yonghe Yeguang, "Come here, come and take a look, look at this masterpiece, you young people have to learn more, you can learn the essence of one-tenth of this word, Calligraphy passed down by our ancestors is regarded as a successor. "

Someone nearby laughed and said, "That's right, the young people now are too impetuous. For example, the kid in my family asked him to practice calligraphy every day, but he just didn't like it. He was in the thirties. This is written. The words are still so bad. "

Another person continued, "To practice the word well is to work hard, otherwise how can it be achieved, young people must learn more, watch more, and practice more."

"Okay, okay, look at the words, continue to look at the words, Lao Shu, you go on."

Shu Hai nodded and continued, "What I just said is the details. Now let ’s take a look at the whole, not to mention the other. This poem alone can be regarded as top quality. Look at this sentence first. At Wanjia, there was a grand momentum in the lines ... "

"The next sentence, Ye Li, has righteousness, and Hua Yan is not flashy. This sentence is written like an iron painting with silver hooks, and the font is thin but powerful. The words are like steel swords, and you can feel the integrity of everyone. ..... "

Ye Guang heard a few words aside, then his face was a little strange, because Shu Hai was surrounded by many people, his front sight was blocked by people, he could not see the words on the table, he leaned to his side, and Ye Guang stomped his toes into it. Glanced.

Sure enough, it was one of the two poems that I wrote in Liu Dad's study that morning.

Ye Guang was a little confused. Why did this poem written by myself appear here? Thinking of Dad Liu carrying a painting tube when he went out that day, Luminous guessed that Dad Liu had given him to write that day and gave it to him, and that when he wrote this "Wing Lan" that day, he made himself write worse, which can't be compared to The previous "Momei" was good, and Luminous couldn't help but feel happy.

This old man is still quite a chicken thief.

Listening to Shu Hai continued to say, "This word is really good. The four lines of poetry contain four different moods. From the perspective of these kinds of moods, everyone who wrote this word must be a man. Everyone who is upright, extraordinary, extraordinary, elegant, elegant, with white beards, and fair-minded! "

A circle around the calligraphers, following Shu Hai's description, also appeared in his mind as an old man with a white-faced beard flying in the air.

After Shu Hai's explanation was completed, everyone sighed, but Luguang looked strange.

"Good word, really good word!"

"Poetry is better, words are better!"

"It's a rare character to see in life. Lao Shu picked it up this time and got such a masterpiece that he can pass it down as a heirloom."

"These cursive books have only been seen in my life, and I am polite to say that this word is not only in the contemporary era, but also for thousands of years. I have never seen such a good cursive script from the ancient copybooks left over."

"This word may be the first cursive script in the world."

"I really want to meet everyone in this calligraphy."


Ye Guang heard a weird look on his side, and said with a heart, the more he held it, the more he lost it. Is there such a good thing?

Ye Guang didn't feel it, and didn't know what this group would do if they knew the word was written by themselves.

"Where have you been."

Luminous turned back, Father Liu was standing behind him.

Luminous hurriedly said, "Walk around casually."

Father Liu glanced at Ye Guang, and said a little displeasedly, "Go back and call me."

Luminous froze, and then I remembered that it seemed that he and Dad Liu had never spoken on the phone, nor had they left each other. Looking at Dad Liu's forehead sweat, Ye Guang realized that he hadn't seen Dad Liu just after entering. Presumably he was looking for himself, and Luminous was a little awkward.

This son-in-law deserves it.

Luminous nodded again and again, "Okay, uncle, I'm sorry, I was negligent."

Admitting a wrong attitude is good, coupled with the large number of people, Father Liu did not embarrass him, nodded, and then walked towards the crowd.

The calligraphers also saw daddy Liu coming and greeted each other.

"Liu Gong."

"Gong Liu."

"Liu Gong is here."


Shu Hai met Dad Liu and greeted him, "What about people?"

Father Liu, "Who is it?"

Shu Hai pointed at the words on the table, "Did everyone, didn't you say you came?"

Everyone also looked eagerly at Dad Liu. All the calligraphy experts were present. Although the calligraphy might be different, everyone still has the appreciation ability. This word really made everyone present amazing. During that bragging, everyone also wanted to see the calligraphy of Xianfeng Taogu who wrote such good words in a righteous manner. No, it is a calligraphy master!

Dad Liu glanced at Luminous and pointed, "Bring it, just him."

The big guy looked at Luminous, all together.

Just him?

Just this little young?

Just this little baby behind Dad Liu?

What a joke!

The righteousness, good manners, extraordinary elegance, elegant appearance, white beard fluttering, fairy style and bones!

Look at the luminous ...

Full of sense of disobedience ...



Not that luminous is bad.

It's just that his image is very different from everyone's imagination.

Fantasy and reality are always easy to make people stunned. This is like you go to meet a beautiful female netizen who chats hot on the Internet. After meeting, you find that her beauty only exists in the beauty camera, and she is two hundred catties ... ...

Shu Hai is the most unbelievable. "Don't be kidding, please invite the master."

Father Liu, "It's him. I told you before, it's a junior in the family."

Everyone looked at Yeguang again ~ ~ Yeguang nodded to everyone, "Hello masters, this poem is indeed written by me."

Everyone can't believe it.

Many calligraphers have a strange look, remembering that when Shu Yong and Yeguang first arrived, a group of people educated the two by posing as elders.

I especially remember what young people want to learn more, especially what young people are too impulsive, especially what young people want to learn, watch, and practice more.

Then immediately after educating them, they boasted that their works were in the sky.

The calligraphers felt that their old faces were a little hot and panicked.

Shu Yong's eyes looking at Yeguang were a little strange, because it was because he did not expect that the masterpiece that his dad had just been bragging about was actually Yeguang's work. Second, he wondered that Yeguang was actually the next generation in Liu ’s family. That's incredible.

Shu Hai looked at Luminous with a strange look. The other calligraphers were similar. It seemed that he wanted to see Luminous thoroughly, and he could see something different from him.

But unfortunately.

Luminous is just an ordinary youth no matter how you look at it.

Looking at the word on the desk, all of a sudden, everyone didn't have the appetite to appreciate the taste, not to say that it was not good because it was written by Luminous, it must be good.

Although the study is endless, the master is the first, but the elders are present, Ye Guang is too young, and may be okay in private, but in the face of Lu Guang, the calligraphers are still subconsciously holding a shelf.

Be face!

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