My Star Teacher

Chapter 272: [Is this my son-in-law? 】

Dinner was done with the joint efforts of Liu Chiyan and Yeguang.

Six dishes and one soup, Yi Yi's most wanted elbow came to her.

At the dining table, Liu Chiyan eagerly offered his father Daddy Liu's diligence, and from time to time he gave Daddy Liu a dish.

"Dad, you eat this. This ravioli is crispy. I made it and you taste it."

"Dad, I'll fasten your elbows for you. The elbows are made by Luminous, but they are delicious."


Apart from Yiyi, everyone knows what Liu Chiyan has to do at the dinner table. It is nothing more than wanting Father Liu to lift their foothold.

However, Father Liu refused to take a stand. Liu Chiyan offered him a dish of rice and served him diligently. He didn't refuse to come, and she had no idea what her idea was, but he just didn't take a stand.

Huh, now thinking of being diligent? You can pass us a pinch of vegetables? impossible! Even if I let you go and let you go out, we won't say it now, just to make you worry!

In other words, Dad Liu's heart is still very cute.

Dad Liu did have some intentions, and Liu Chiyan was really anxious, not to mention anything else, the show was going to be recorded at the latest the day after tomorrow, but Liu Chiyan and Yeguang could not go out from home at a later date. Without two permanent guests, this show is not done yet.

One night, Liu Chiyan changed his ways to offer his father diligently, making tea, rubbing his shoulders, and serving him comfortably, but Father Liu was not slack, and the anxious Liuchi Yan almost I didn't directly ask when Father Liu would lift the ban.

Father Liu would not refuse Liu Chiyan's hospitality at all, and she tossed it casually. Speaking of which, Father Liu enjoyed it. He used to pet his baby daughter. How could Liu Chiyan serve him so diligently today? Arrived.

In the evening, Father Liu and Mother Liu went to rest as early as ever, and Liu Chiyan failed to impress Father Liu, and was a little bit angry and unhappy.

In Dad's bedroom.

Mother Liu said with a smile, "You can really hold on, look at the smoke."

Dad Liu also laughed, "Just to make her anxious, I'm still not angry." Dad Liu said so, but said with a smile, I really don't know if I still have qi in my heart.

"You're almost done, the children still have work." Mother Liu advised with a smile.

Dad Liu did not succeed.

Mother Liu thought for a while and said, "Actually, Xiaoye, I think the child is pretty good." Mother Liu paused. "It's right with us Yaner, a little younger, but quite sensible and capable, My family is a little bit more ordinary, but as long as you are good and we like it, it doesn't matter. "

Speaking of Luminous, Father Liu snorted again. No matter how Liu Liu blows his ears now, it will be hard for Father Liu to fall in love with Luminous for a while. This guy is the man who took his baby daughter away from him!

Laozhang people look at the son-in-law, unless the son-in-law is particularly good, otherwise they will have a little of this feeling. Originally, as the father, he was the sole reliance of the daughter, but after the daughter got married, this dependence became another man. Human nature is inevitable.

Mother Liu is different. As the saying goes, the mother-in-law sees her son-in-law the more she likes it.


The next day.

Father Liu and Mother Liu get up.

When I went downstairs, I saw Liu Chiyan working in the kitchen, and even her aunt beat her.

"Parents, get up, I have prepared breakfast." Liu Chiyan smiled.

Father Liu and Mother Liu glanced at each other and didn't say much. After washing, they started eating Liu Chiyan's early breakfast.

Ye Guang also woke up and learned that Liu Chi Yan got up early to make breakfast. Ye Guang was not as surprised as Liu Dao and Mom Liu. This was a common occurrence in Nanchang. He paid more attention to the sticking of Liu Chi Yan's fingers. Bandage.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Without worrying about Father Liu and Mother Liu being present, Yeguang pulled up Liu Chiyan's hand holding the band-aid and looked at it while asking.

When Liu Chiyan was facing Luminous, he was just like any other girl. He liked to be coquettish, and said poorly, "I accidentally scratched while making breakfast."

Luminous: "Why so careless, it hurts."

Liu Chiyan nodded, "It hurts." It seemed to realize that Father Liu and Mom Liu were still there. Liu Chiyan pumped his hands back, "It has already been wounded, it doesn't hurt, it's okay, you should have breakfast."

Luminous nodded, greeted father Liu and mother Liu and aunt Li, and ate breakfast together.

Liu Chiyan also sat down and ate together. Liu Chiyan was injured by the index finger of his right hand, so the index finger was slightly tilted when holding the spoon, and it was awkward looking between his thumb and middle finger.

While Father Liu was eating breakfast, he looked at Liu Chiyan from time to time. Most of his eyes focused on Liu Chiyan's injured forefinger. His look was a little complicated.

After breakfast, it didn't take long for Dad Liu's driver to pick him up. Dad Liu cleaned up and Mom Liu was ready to go out to work.

Before leaving, Dad Liu said to Liu Chiyan, "Go work if you have work to do. Remember to come back on the weekend and go to your grandpa."

Liu Chiyan heard Dad Liu's words stunned.

Father Liu turned to Luminous again, in a bad voice, "and you."

After speaking, he snorted, and never went out to work.

Luminous is still unknown, so what do you mean?

Liu Chiyan yelled "Yeah!" Excitedly flung to Ye Guang, hung on him like a koala.

Ye Guang smiled and patted her back. "It's such a joy to go out."

Liu Chiyan came down from Yeguang and shook his head. "No, I'm not happy about it. Dad, he told us to see Grandpa, hehe."

Luminous, "What do you mean?"

Liu Chiyan explained: "This shows that Dad is no longer angry with us and will not reject you, otherwise he won't let you see Grandpa."

Luminous was also happy, "So ... is this my son-in-law?"

Liu Chiyan nodded happily ~ ~ Hmm. "

Ye Guang laughed happily, picked Liu Chiyan for several laps, and got approval from Dad Liu. No, it should be said that Dad Liu was recognized. This is indeed a happy thing. Dad Liu has no problem. This means that from now on, the marriage between Luguang and Liu Chiyan will not be hindered in any way.

Is it really?

The ban was lifted in this way, and Yeguang was recognized by Dad Liu, whether Dad Liu liked it or not, but fortunately, he recognized the son-in-law.

Liu Chiyan couldn't wait to pack up and put on a light makeup to go out.

In fact, it's still early. Even if it's left in peacetime, unless it is necessary for work, Liu Chiyan will not go out so early, but people's mentality is sometimes so strange.

Of course, when you are not in control, you can do whatever you want, but when you are in control, you are not allowed to do this, you are not allowed to do that, you will have a little rebellious psychology in your heart, once you are allowed, Would like to wait to try it.

Liu Chiyan was such a mentality. When Father Liu refused to let her go out, she was anxious. Now that she was allowed, she naturally wanted to go out, or else she was staying at home.

Having said that, in fact, it seems that there is nothing to go out. The program has to start recording tomorrow. Ye Guang justifies going out when he wants to go out. Compared with him, he is the chief director of the show. Yes, but Liuchi Yan ...

It seems like nothing is going out.

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