My Star Teacher

Chapter 243: [Run for the premiere]

The show is scheduled, and it's waiting to be released.

These days, Luminous is also fine. The main job is to start preparing for the next program recording, but he mostly just gives orders, and there are not many places to do it by yourself.

Occasionally I had a small meeting with the two principals of Sheshan and Beijing Satellite TV to discuss the program. Occasionally I found a quiet place with Liu Chiyan to date, and I went to Liu Chiyan's house once during the meeting. I went to play with Yiyi for a day, and my childhood was quite comfortable.

Originally, Yeguang was also curious. Who will bring Yiyi at home if he is going to work? This time I went to Liu Chiyan's house and finally came to understand. It turned out that Liu Chiyan's family had a full-time resident Yueyue. It was a distant relative of Liu Chiyan's family. Ordinary family. There was no economic source for being laid off. Liu The Chi Yan family also took care of her, so she was asked to come home to help clean up the house, bring her children, and work was easy. When Luminous came last time, she happened to be home for a few days, so Luminous was not seen.

These days, Beijing Satellite TV has been very dynamic. Zhang Zhi has also watched the running brother ’s movie. After watching it, he shot his thighs and said that he was OK, and his hanging heart was released. He even said that this time he was right. Beijing TV's advertising on Run Brothers is also very strong. Online TV and offline advertising, such as posters at subway stations, mobile TV on buses and the like, are vigorously promoting this program.

For a while, Run Brothers attracted the attention of countless viewers. Just watching some of the tidbits on the advertisements made many viewers look forward to this show. Moreover, Liu Xuecheng and Liu Chiyan ’s gold signs are all Hanging there, this is the first time that Liu Chiyan and Liu Xuecheng Tian Tian Tian except the strongest voice are on the same stage, so the audience is very curious, what exactly is this show.

There have also been a lot of heated discussions on the Internet. Large investments, large productions, and the joining of the Emperor Tianhou, this series have made the discussion among the people who eat melon quite high, making this program feel a little bit out of the air.

Finally, it was Saturday night.

The much-anticipated talks of countless viewers for a few days of running have finally come online on Beijing Satellite TV.

The staff involved in the production of the show gathered early in a projection room. The TV in the projection room was connected to the TV signal of Beijing Satellite TV, and advertisements were still being broadcast. Everyone was waiting for the show time.

Ye Guang, Liu Chi Yan, and Lao Shan were also there. Ye Guang didn't want to come. He had watched the show before, and whether the show could be fired. It wasn't that they would know in the screening room. Now Going to see it is nothing more than watching the program again.

But Liu Chiyan persuaded him, "The staff are here. Everyone hopes the show is good and has high expectations for the show. Ordinary staff have gathered spontaneously. How can you, as the chief director, come to the scene? Not there? "

Ye Guang didn't say anything, just go and go. It's not a problem anyway, just watch the show again.

The show aired down.

After a period of advertising, it finally arrived at 8:10 pm.

The program was officially launched.

Like Yeguang and many other staff members, many domestic audiences have also stood in front of the TV, and they want to see what the show has been so hot these days.

Mom and dad's house, my mom is still packing the tableware and looking at the wall clock. At 8:06, Mom quickly put down the work in her hand, found a remote control to turn on the TV, changed to Beijing Satellite TV, and her mouth rushed Shouted into the room, "Old night, come out quickly, come."

Dad came out of the room. "What's the matter."

Mom, "Watch TV, watch TV, today's son's program is broadcast, come and see."

Dad walked two steps and sat down on the sofa. "It's not started yet, it's still advertising."

Mom said, "Wait a minute, it's two minutes. Let's take a look at this show to see how his son is doing. A hundred million investment ... but don't mess it up."

Dad hummed, didn't speak, stared at the TV with some expectation and some worry in his eyes.

It's time for the show.

A pre-animated animation was played, followed by a stereotype of advertising narration, and finally, the program entered the topic.

"Hello everyone, welcome to Anda's Run Brother! I'm the running captain Liu Xuecheng!" Liu Tianwang, wearing a black dress, faced the camera and smiled handsomely.

After the appearance of Liu Tianwang, the screen freezes and switches to a small film with Liu Tianwang's personal characteristics. Liu Tianwang's personal film is more mature and stable. In the film, several black men attacked Liu Tianwang and saw him. Liu Tianwang was calm, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth. When the man in black approached, he saw Liu Tianwang pull out a short gun from his waist. Then he took a sigh of relief at the muzzle and said, "Isn't it silly for anyone who still fights against you this year?"

The show has just aired, and this short video has aroused many viewers.

"Haha, isn't it silly, who has a gun to fight against you guys?"

"Liu Tianwang is still handsome as always."

Ye Guang and the crowd running men ’s recording staff ’s projection room is also wearing laughter, even if some of them have seen it twice or even three times ~ ~ but still can't help laughing.

The program continued, and the next few resident MCs appeared one by one. When each guest came out, they would play their personal style short videos. These short stories made many viewers find it interesting.

From the broadcast of the show, it seems that the laughter in the projection room has not stopped, but more or less, higher or lower.

Luminous wondered, you've all seen it, is it really so funny? In some places, it's not just a laugh, why can you laugh so happily? Or is it just that you laugh too low?

The show continues.

When it comes to the first game session, fingerboard.

Countless viewers ran to the viewers tonight, brothers, and the laughter kept on, and the most intensive laughter was the game of fingerboarding.

"Hahaha, laugh at me, no, why is it so funny. Hahaha."

"Sapphire is so funny. This aunt has two sapphires. It hurts Sapphire for three seconds."

"Mu Huang is so good!"

"Zhong Jing isn't a tough guy, haha, I was persuaded when I met the fingerboard, haha, I laughed to death."

"Goddess Willow, my Goddess Willow, distressed Lady Willow."

"This game is too awful, who designed it."

"This fingerboard is so inhuman, it really hurts the stars, but why do I want to laugh so much, hahahaha."

"Is it really okay to abuse the celebrities like this? How much money is it to give this crime? But why do I still want to laugh so much, hahaha."

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