My Star Teacher

Chapter 239: [Fight like a man 1]

Sapphire, Zhong Jing and Mu Huang prepared to attack.

In this group, the most combative is Zhong Jing. His block size is the largest. Compared with other people, he has a great advantage. Sapphire and Mu Huang are much worse. Mu Huang is a girl, and he is a man with strength. There is still a gap between comrades. Sapphire is short and small, and it is a lot worse than other people. It is reasonable for the show group to group guests. The strongest and the worst are combined together. Be able to balance some.

They first found He Xing, and when he found He Xing, he was still looking for clues.

Seeing the three of them making a decision, He Xing immediately felt bad.

"What are you doing? Don't mess around, I will shout when I mess around." He Xing said as he stepped back cautiously, keeping a distance from the three.

Sapphire smiled and said the classic line, "What's your name? It's no use just to break your throat."

He Xing ran away, but unfortunately, the range of this room was too small to rush out at all, and the three of them were forced to a dead end by two attempts.

He Xing begged for mercy, "Let me go, let me go, help."

In the encirclement of the three, He Xing was like a little white rabbit waiting to be slaughtered, desperate and helpless, and was eventually violently turned over by Zhong Jing, tearing off the nameplate behind him.

The radio in the mall sounded.

"He Xing, out, He Xing, out!"

Everyone else was a bit surprised.

Ye Guang was also with Liu Chi Yan at this time, "He Xing is out, shit, who did it?"

King Liu Tian and Mu Feng grouped together, "He Xing out, it seems that they are Sapphire hands. Let's go together, don't be caught by them."

The battle started, while the guests were looking for clues, they were also guarding against attacks from other teams. From time to time, hurried footsteps were heard in the mall. This was another person chasing, and from time to time someone heard yelling. Help, or call the names of his team members.

After some competition, Xu Chen was also out, he was also blocked by the three Sapphire, but before the elimination, Xu Chen took advantage of the trio's carelessness to cover Mu Huang's famous brand with lightning. The trend was torn off, it was a change of people, and it didn't die in vain.

Yeguang and Liu Chiyan also encountered a wave of Liu Tianwang and Mu Feng, and while they were not paying attention, Yeguang sneaked in from behind, tearing Mu Feng's brand name.

At that time, Liu Tianwang and Mu Feng both had aggressive expressions, and Liu Chiyan laughed wildly.

After Luminous tore off Mu Feng, Liu Tianwang was furious, and he was going to be a tough guy with him. Liu Tianwang was not big, but it was also very strong. It was about the same as Luminous. It looked stronger than Luminous, nearly forty years old. However, Liu Tianwang is not very old-fashioned. Forty is the age of a man's heyday, so he is not at all ignorant of night light.

Luminous is very rogue, and he has promoted his shameless spirit. After tearing Mu Feng off, Liu Tianwang had to face him up and Luguang suggested, "Liu Tianwang, wait, wait, wait, I have a suggestion."

King Liu stopped, "What's the suggestion?"

Luminous, "Let's make an alliance."

Liu Tianwang said with a smile, "Alliance? You just ripped off my teammates and still want to ally with me?"

Luminous and tempting, "Look, now I'm left on the field, you, the goddess Liu, and then Zhong Jing and Sapphire. You know Zhong Jing's size. I'm afraid neither of us is his opponent. If we are They separated and were blocked by them, but it was not easy. We formed an alliance and at least had an advantage in number. The goddess Liu could hold Sapphire. The two of us worked together to deal with Zhong Jing. I did n’t believe it. They can't fight each other. "

Wang Tianwang thought for a while, and thought it made a little sense, "What about after tearing Zhong Jing?"

Luminous, "After eliminating Zhong Jing and Sapphire, let's have one on one!"

King Liu Tian nodded, "OK! That's it!"

Thus, the first league of running men was born.

Liu Tianwang and Yeguang and Liu Chiyan walked side by side, but Liu Tianwang still kept some distance with Yeguang, "Yueguang, you will not attack the me again because of the alliance."

Luminous shook his head, "How is it possible that we are revolutionary comrades now, and we need to trust each other. Am I such a dumb person?"

Wang Tianwang didn't want to nod his head, "You are, otherwise why would you and me attack Mu Feng behind you?"

Liu Chiyan covered his mouth and smiled, and Luminous had a black line.

Without going far, at a corner, Zhong Jing and Sapphire appeared, and the two men collided in a straight line, standing together and pulling up the stand.

Sapphire pointed to Luminous and Liu Tianwang, who were side by side, "I rely, what is the situation with you?"

Luminous, "We are now unwavering allies."

Zhong Jing is very confident in his strength. "Come on, isn't it one-on-two? Come on! Let's end the battle tonight!"

As a result, the war broke out. This was a dogfight. Sapphire and Liu Chiyan waited for the opportunity behind the two men and horses. Luguang Liu Xuecheng and Zhong Jing were deadlocked.

Zhong Jing's strength is really not covered. Ye Guang and Liu Xuecheng are hard to stop him. The three of them fight together for a while.

The battle scene was fierce. Zhong Jing was still slightly weaker against the two, but he defended well, but no one could do anything for a while.

In the end, Sapphire was very precise about the chance. When Luminous Liu Tianwang and Zhong Jing entangled in a group, several sprints broke into the circle of war ~ ~ .

"Tear it" Another tear of the famous brand.

I saw Sapphire and Liu Chiyan holding a brand name on their hands, and Ye Guang and Zhong Jing were empty on their backs. Sapphire took the opportunity to sneak attack on Lu Guang, and Liu Chi Yan was not unwilling to fall behind, while Ye Guang and Liu Xuecheng caught the clock Jing, attacked Zhong Jing by surprise, and tore his nameplate.

"Luminous, out!"

"Zhong Jing, out!"

Both were eliminated, and both were dumbfounded. Zhong Jing was still depressed, and was actually torn off by Liu Chiyan from behind. He had just touched Liu Xuecheng's famous brand in his hands, and he was so tearing. The stalemate is about to be broken. At that time, he can say that he will win half of Ye Guang, who knows that Liu Chi Yan will be killed halfway.

So, the old saying is true, ideals are beautiful, but reality will always give you a slap. Alas, what old saying is this? Who said this? I do n’t know.

Ye Guang and Zhong Jing were taken off by the men in black, and there were only three left on the field: Liu Xuecheng, Liu Chiyan, and Sapphire.

Liu Xuecheng and Liu Chiyan are allies, and even if they are not allies, Sapphire can't deal with Liu Xuecheng, so he simply ran away.

King Liu Tian and Liu Chiyan rushed to catch up.

As he chased Liu Tianwang, he shouted, "Sapphire, don't run away. It's useless, don't run away. Let's fight generously."

Sapphire stood still, turned around, grinning while holding her knees, panting.

"Come on! Don't run away, I'm also a man, I have to fight like a man, come!"

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