My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 469: Who kills the immortal?

Early morning, Ye Mansion.

The little fat man Ye Feipeng was sleeping soundly. He seemed to have dreamed of something particularly happy, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He didn't notice at all that a black shadow suddenly appeared next to him.

The shadow gently waved his hand, and Ye Feipeng's head tilted and he fainted completely. The right hand holds the paw, covering the top of the head.

After a while, he slowly took it back.

A drop of rich red and black blood appeared in the palm of his hand.

Ye Feipeng, whose face was originally red, seemed to be suffering from a serious illness and instantly became depressed.

The blood was like a living thing, with its own consciousness, constantly sloshing in the palm, trying to escape the grasp of the black shadow.

As the black shadow's fingers continued to tighten, the space for the essence and blood to struggle became smaller and smaller, and eventually it was completely absorbed into the body.

The figure stood in the dark night for a long time.


Two ferocious bone wings suddenly tore through his back and stretched out from behind him.

Threads of flesh and blood wrapped around the bone wings, making a sizzling sound as they continued to grow outward along the bone spurs, covering up the dense white bones in the blink of an eye.

The bone wings also become plump.

But under the moonlight, you can still clearly see the flesh and blood that is constantly squirming around the edges of the bone wings, which is very strange.

"Kunpeng bloodline..."

A low voice came from the black shadow's mouth, and a moment later, the wings behind him were torn off by him.

There was no scene of blood spurting out. After struggling for a moment, the moving flesh and blood at the wound was expelled from the body by a pure and vast vitality.

In an instant, the black shadow had returned to its original state.

"The ancient demon really has some skills." He sighed slightly as he looked at the wings that were still beating even after they were torn off.

This dark shadow is naturally Li Fan.

After arriving in Dali Capital, the first thing he did was to extract some Kunpeng blood essence from Ye Feipeng's body.

While keeping most of the essence and blood in the storage ring, he absorbed a small part with his physical body.

Compared with the power of the alien beasts that Li Fan had previously sensed in the Beast Soul Bead, it was more domineering.

If the power of those alien beasts is infection and grafting, the power of Kunpeng's bloodline is devouring and complete assimilation.

"No wonder Ye Feipeng in the previous life, later on, his words, deeds, and even thoughts were infinitely closer to a real monster."

"This is the inevitable consequence of wanting to use the power of Kunpeng's bloodline."


Li Fan smiled slightly: "I used the Creation Oven to imitate it, but I no longer have such worries."

"Kun Yan, Peng Fei, Jing Peng Bian..."

In the soft whisper, Li Fan's figure in the dark night was constantly twisting, sometimes changing into a whale, sometimes into a roc, and sometimes with human body and wings.

After a long time, Li Fan returned to his original appearance.

"There is too little Kunpeng essence and blood used to comprehend it. At present, it is only its shape, and it is impossible to fully reproduce Kunpeng's magical power."

"But it doesn't matter, there is such a ready-made blood bank."

Li Fan looked at Ye Feipeng and couldn't help but smile peacefully.

He grabbed the little fat man, rose into the sky, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

The next day, there was chaos in Beijing.

In the homes of Su, Ye, Han and many other powerful people, children disappeared for no reason.

Several companies worked together to turn the capital upside down, but could not find any trace of the children.

For a time, people were panicked and rumors spread.

The victimized families gathered together secretly to discuss, and believed that the one who could do this, besides the rumored immortal, was probably the Emperor of Dali.

Obviously, the immortal would not do such a sneaky thing. Then the only possibility is that the emperor takes action.

The powerful ministers couldn't help but think of all the rumors they had heard, and resentment grew in their hearts.

As a result, undercurrents surged in the capital.

But the initiator of all this, Li Fan, has already left Lijie.

After returning to the Xuanhuang Realm, there was no pause.

It’s not about going to any area in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Instead, he returned to his hometown, Daxuan, through the Immortal Passage.

The Taiyan boat was galloping in the wind. The sixteen children had panicked faces and sat crowded in the cabin, shivering.

Li Fan stood on the bow of the ship, looking down.

It is also a complete small world, Daxuan is more than ten times wider than Lijie.

Since cultivation geniuses like Su Xiaomei and Xiao Heng can appear in Lijie, there is no reason why Daxuan can't do it.

The first stop is Hanguang City, which is rich in Jia Daxuan.

Huge spiritual consciousness scanned the mortals below, and Li Fan looked for a suitable candidate.

Soon after, Li Fan frowned deeply.

"With this qualification, why are there so few better than me?"

Shaking his head, Taiyan Zhou accelerated and headed to the next city.

The result still disappointed Li Fan.

It took Li Fan less than half a month to search for almost all the people of Daxuan. But there are actually very few people who are suitable for practice.

"It seems that it was not necessarily an accident that it was so difficult for me to set foot on the path to immortality."

"Heaven, man..."

Flying high into the sky, Li Fan closed his eyes and felt the breath of the mysterious world itself.

"Human beings are the spirit of all things and are blessed by heaven and earth."

"Those who are favored by heaven and earth can sense heaven and earth, follow the path of cultivation, and embark on the path to immortality."

"This is what was supposed to happen."

"Although the probability of being chosen by the fate of heaven and earth is extremely small. But with Daxuan's huge population base, theoretically speaking, there will be quite a few so-called geniuses."


Li Fan again thought of the group of world-splitting whales wandering outside Daxuan, trying to completely separate the entire Xuan world from the Xuanhuang world.

"If heaven and earth don't care, who can kill the immortal?"

“But why is off-bounding so special?”

With doubts in his heart, Li Fan could only sigh slightly and temporarily gave up his original plan.

I just took a detour to the vicinity of Liaison Mountain and took away the two young men with amazing bones that I saw earlier.

Then he left Daxuan again and returned to the world of cultivating immortals.

"I knew there was an immortal in the world!" Sun Erlang looked excited and paced back and forth.

The tall and muscular Wang Xuanba beside him looked sad and a little uneasy.

"Erlang, what do you think the immortal is going to do when he captures us? We can go back some time. I miss home..." He whispered to Sun Erlang.

"Be ambitious! If you don't learn the ability to soar into the clouds, ride over mountains and seas, why would you be willing to go back like this!" Sun Erlang said dissatisfied.

Wang Xuanba opened his mouth, about to say something.

However, they discovered that a figure suddenly appeared next to the two of them.

"Master Immortal!" Wang Xuanba was startled and quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Master Immortal, please teach me how to practice!" Sun Erlang also bowed down.

Li Fan glanced at the two of them without answering.

They were just brought to the cabin where Su Changyu and other sixteen children were.

They are all little older children who were brought here by Li Fan, and many of them have never seen their families.

They were helpless and cried uncontrollably.

"Keep them quiet. This is your first test."

"Remember, you can't hit anyone."

Li Fan said to Sun Erlang.

Then it disappeared.

Sun Erlang, who was a man of martial arts and claimed to be proficient in all kinds of martial arts, suddenly felt troubled when he looked at the group of brats with runny noses in front of him.

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