My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 440: The aura breaks through the fog

Aren't the Small World and the Xuanhuang Realm located in the same time and space?

While the woman in green was looking at Li Fan with a half-smile, Li Fan himself was thinking about him sharply.

Is it true or false?

Is it a test, or is it fabricating lies as a bargaining chip?

In the blink of an eye, Li Fan analyzed quickly.

Assuming that the other party has discovered that he is a complete liar, then he should not waste any more words and explanations here.

It is common sense to choose to run away directly, or to set up an ambush to capture and interrogate oneself.

In other words, to a large extent, the woman in green is still unsure of her identity.

After all, in the history of the Xuanhuang Realm, small worlds united to counterattack the Immortal Realm.

As for whether the Small World and the Xuanhuang Realm are located in the same time and space, if he is really the [Messenger of the Federation of Ten Thousand Realms], then it is impossible not to know.

When it comes to the future life and death of the empire, this [Holy Master] should not fabricate a lie that can be exposed so easily.

So, this means that what she said is probably the truth.

At least, it was the truth in the eyes of the woman in green.

A question naturally arises.

Since the small world and the Xuanhuang Realm are not in the same time and space, then when faced with the threat of the [Immortal Ruins], why did the monks in the Xuanhuang Realm not choose to escape to various small worlds through the Immortal Passage, and then cut off the connection with the Xuanhuang Realm?

If Yuanying, Huashen, and Hedao monks still have insufficient spiritual energy and insufficient power in the small world, they may not be able to cut off the passage.

So for Changsheng Tianzun, these restrictions can almost be ignored.

So why don't the Immortals run away?

There are three answers to this question: not afraid, not wanting, and unable.

Not afraid?

In the previous life, [Yixin Tianzun] faced the threat of death from the Soul Locking Formation and chose to retreat. This shows that even a strong person in the Immortal Realm cannot survive in the Immortal Ruins.

Thus, this possibility can be ruled out.

In no mood? The righteousness is awe-inspiring, and life and death are inseparable. Falling into the Immortal Ruins with the Xuanhuang Realm?

Judging from the path to enlightenment of monks in this world today, this will definitely not be the choice of these immortal gods.

Then there is only one answer left.

Immortal Lords, unable to leave the Xuanhuang Realm?

The moment this thought came to mind, Li Fan only felt ridiculous in his heart.

The strength of the powerful people in the Immortality Realm is so terrifying.

How can it be……

Li Fan was suddenly stunned.

What if, what if this is true?

Li Fan has always had a question.

Why can one achieve immortality despite the laws of heaven and earth?

All living things in this world are destined to die.

Even the rumored immortal species only live a little longer than ordinary creatures.

If there is anything in the Xuanhuang Realm that truly deserves the word "immortality," it is probably the heaven and earth itself.

Why can a complete transformation be completed despite the laws of heaven and earth?

With the body of a monk, he will live as long as heaven and earth?

"The principles of heaven and earth, contrary to the principles of heaven and earth..."

Suddenly, a picture flashed through Li Fan's mind.

In the last life, when faced with Senior Sister Zhao's aggression, Ji Hongdao once said: "After Tianzun [Theorem], you should no longer participate in worldly disputes."


These two words were like a bolt of lightning, splitting through the fog.

Li Fan noticed something that he had ignored for a long time.

All living beings in the world forget their worries and are happy.

The living beings in the world need to respect the methods practiced by the Heavenly Lord who transmits the Dharma.

These rules that go against common sense now really exist between heaven and earth.

That is to say...

After reversing the original principles of heaven and earth, the principles of enlightenment of the deities took their place and became the new

The principles of heaven and earth have become part of the world.

It is for this reason that the deities have a lifespan as long as heaven and earth.

It is also for this reason that the Immortal Lords cannot escape from the Xuanhuang Realm.

Before the Immortal Realm, the monks were like robbers who entered the house and plundered wantonly. The furniture and treasures in the house were all put into their pockets.

But some greedy people attracted the attention of the house itself.

I want the dove to occupy the magpie's nest and the house as my own.

They were successful, but they triggered the house's ultimate counter-mechanism.

The door slammed shut, and while they became the owners of the house, they were also locked in this room forever.

"Is this a counterattack from heaven and earth?"

Li Fan suddenly realized something.

Li Fan understood a truth before.

Facing the monks who plundered the heaven and earth, the heaven and earth themselves were not completely powerless to resist.

In addition to the sudden birth of the law that immortal magic cannot be practiced together, as well as the coming of the soul of heaven and earth into the world, and the implementation of heavenly duties and other means aimed at ordinary monks.

Faced with the Immortal Lord who was powerful enough to threaten itself, Tiandi chose extreme countermeasures.

That is "If you can't defeat them, then join them."

I have to say, this trick does work.

Because after becoming the Immortal Lord, their camp status changed from monks to heaven and earth.

Monks plunder the sky and the earth, if there is no restraint.

It may eventually lead to the depletion and decay of heaven and earth.

For the sake of their own safety, the Immortal Lords, who have become one with the world, must take action to prevent this from happening.

Therefore, it is necessary to artificially control the number of monks developed.

This is one of the reasons why the number of monks cannot be too large.

Li Fan also thought about how the ten sects of the Immortal Dao offered a reward for the Xuantian Mirror.

It is claimed that any one person, relying on this mirror alone, can obtain the status of immortality.

"It seems that the immortal realm in ancient times probably relied on some method to steal the original principle of immortality between heaven and earth."

Li Fan was thoughtful.

After all this deliberation, Li Fan felt slightly disappointed.

The Immortal Lord of the Xuanhuang Realm seems to be a little far from his ideal "immortality".

It's just borrowing the power of heaven and earth to gain longevity that does not belong to oneself.

"Pseudo Immortality..."

"But strictly speaking, it's not something particularly difficult to accept."

"After all, the [immortality realm] in this world is just an attempt by monks to extend their lifespan after the fairy road in the Xuanhuang Realm was cut off."

"Besides, it may not be impossible to go further."

Li Fan thought of the Dharma Master who disappeared in his previous life.

"This pioneer of a new method may be able to take the lead and break free from the shackles of the world."

"No wonder that in the previous life, the Heavenly Lords who transmitted the Dharma could not be born for thousands of years. And in the face of the wars that broke out from time to time between the two sides, the Heavenly Lords of the Five Elders Association never took action."

"Because in the view of the Heavenly Lords of the Five Elders Association, since the realm of immortality cannot leave the Xuanhuang Realm, then the transmission of the Dharma must still be somewhere."

"Just relying on a piece of paper to contain them."

"It wasn't until later that they finally realized something was wrong. Then they couldn't wait to test it themselves..."

The effect of the Enlightenment Pill has not completely worn off.

With a sudden inspiration and chance, Li Fan deduced a possible truth about the Xuanhuang Realm that was in line with the facts and logic through the facts that the woman in Tsing Yi inadvertently pointed out.

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