My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 123: Dingyu Betting

As the shock wave swept across, Li Fan felt like a dead leaf in the strong wind, being blown back uncontrollably. He was not able to stabilize his body until he was rushed hundreds of miles away.

Fortunately, the shock wave was just a little louder and had no real destructive power.

It was as if the power was restrained, and it only caused a huge wave that spread throughout the sea of ​​clouds, without causing any other damage.

It feels a bit like loud thunder and light raindrops.

But Li Fan didn't dare to look down upon him at all. This kind of ultimate control over power further illustrates the terrifying strength of the other party.

The lock on Wu Xiang's murderous intention has disappeared, and it is obvious that the unlucky monk has died in the battle between the two bosses.

However, Li Fan did not retreat but advanced at this moment, flying towards the direction of Yunshui Tiangong again.

Not long after, Yunshui Tiangong could be seen again.

I saw that huge blue and transparent building, but now it was dyed with a layer of black.

Above, dark clouds gathered and thunder continued.

A huge whirlpool appeared above the Yunshui Temple, seeming to engulf the newly unsealed building again.

The entire sky was shaking and trembling, and the continuous buildings became tilted and slowly collapsed towards the center of the vortex.

It seemed that there was a faint cry of unwillingness and anger coming from the Yunshui Heavenly Palace.

However, nothing can change the reality of its gradual disappearance.

After a while, this ancient sect that had only existed for more than five years disappeared from the world again.

Immediately afterwards, the thick black clouds with lightning and thunder gradually dissipated.

In the sky and ocean, there was soon a calm scene with light clouds and light wind.

"The Yunshui Heavenly Palace was sealed again? This didn't happen in the last life."

"Is it because of the statue of the Heavenly Doctor I sent in?"

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Li Fan's mind.

"So, in the last life, Sikong Yi stole the small statue and didn't send it to Yunshui Heavenly Palace?"

"How courageous are you? You are not afraid of death just by stealing the sky and changing the day?"

"No, there is another possibility. The doctor didn't give the white jade statue to Sikong Yi that day."

"But it gave Lin Fan a clone..."

"If this is really the case, what did he see?"

The strange and terrifying scene of howling in the Yunshui Heavenly Palace came to mind again, and Li Fan was filled with doubts.

"What on earth did the Heavenly Doctor do to make everyone in the Yunshui Heavenly Palace feel so resentful towards him..."

Li Fan recalled the scene when he saw the Heavenly Doctor for the first time.

"I'm just an old man who deserves to die."

"...Just use this statue to accompany them all the time instead of me..."

When the Heavenly Doctor said these words, his expression was filled with sadness and emotion, and he did not seem to be hypocritical.

But the more this happened, the more Li Fan felt a chill in his heart.

"No matter what, this old man called Heavenly Doctor is too dangerous. His strength exceeds my previous estimate. The clone has appeared in his sight, and I must never have any contact with him again."

"After all, this world is not a static game. Often inadvertent actions will cause many unexpected changes."

"You still have to be more careful in the future."

"And that sword..."

"How many secrets are hidden in this sea of ​​clouds?" Li Fan sighed, no longer thinking about wandering around, and hurried back to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

In the Tianxuan Mirror, I searched for "Heavenly Doctor", "Master" and other related information, all of which were discussed by monks recently.

There is no valuable information at all.

Li Fan was not surprised either.

In the next period of time, Li Fan resumed his previous leisurely life on the island.

Occasionally, I find monks on the island who are about to break through to the foundation building stage, and use the phaseless killing intent to lock them in order to understand the true meaning of accumulating foundation building.

From time to time, I also take on some tasks to accumulate contribution points.

He planned to exchange the Tianxuan Mirror for the rare objects of heaven and earth, and then charge [Huanzhen] to unlock the second anchor point.

He now has a rough plan in mind on how to use the second anchor point.

The details will have to wait until it is unlocked.

Boring practice is not all there is to a monk's life.

The vast majority of monks are not madmen like Zhang Haobo who practice twenty-four hours a day.

They also have their own leisure hobbies.

In Cong Yunhai, the most popular one is Dingyu.

On the northwest edge of Congyun Sea, there is an isolated island surrounded by cliffs.

The sea water flows upstream along the cliffs and gathers in the center of the island to form a lake.

Every month, when the water accumulated in the lake reaches its peak, it will spray into the sky and sprinkle the sea water back into the sea.

At this time, countless fish will be taken along and fly into the air.

Among them, there must be one fish that flies the highest.

Several years ago, a monk who was passing by happened to see this wonderful scene and was inspired by it.

He refined all the other fish in the lake into essence and fed it to the fish that flew the highest.

The fish was transformed and became as powerful as an almost monster, and returned to the sea.

Since then, more and more fish have gathered in the lake on this isolated island.

Later, the monk had a dispute with his friend over the ownership of a treasure.

He thought of this place again and suggested that they each choose a fish from the lake as a representative.

Whoever's fish jumps higher on the day the lake erupts will get the treasure.

The friend thought it was interesting, so he agreed.

This move by the two attracted several good-hearted monks, who all took some prizes and joined in.

He also set up rules for this fish: Set up a formation around the island to prevent powerful sea beasts from accidentally entering.

Spend twenty-seven days each observing and selecting the fish you like. Three days before the lake erupts, it is finalized and cannot be changed.

Winner takes all, whoever chooses the highest leap will get all the treasures bet by the other monks.

And if you are lucky enough to choose that one, the fish that jumps the highest among all the fish will be regarded as the jackpot, and the profit will be doubled again.

The representative fish is selected solely based on one's own spiritual awareness and subtle observation, and cannot be enhanced with spiritual energy. Once cheating is discovered, the other monks will punish him.

After that, all the other fish are still refined into essence and fed to the "fish leader".

In the end, the fish chosen by the monk only came in second place and he lost the treasure.

But this person didn't feel distressed, he just thought that he had been mistaken for a moment and had found the key.

So we made an appointment to come back here next month to have a showdown.

The other monks agreed with a bang.

In this way, this "Dingyu Betting" gradually attracted more and more monks to participate.

Later, as the number of people increased, the rules were fine-tuned.

There is a prize pool.

Half of each bet goes into the current period’s rewards, and half goes into the prize pool.

The first place will be the first prize, and the second to tenth will be the second prize.

The top prize is divided into half, and the second to tenth prize is divided equally between the other half.

And if anyone can guess the fish leader, he will win all the rewards.

At the end of each year, the accumulated prize pool will be emptied at once to generate a super grand prize.

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