The original general in the bones, it is a big demon who is a ghost. There are not many inks, only the prototype is a small cockroach with golden light in the bones. Looking at the small, powerful power, Xu is the Yuan Ying class, between the hands, the ghosts open the way, and the followers are followed.

However, this great demon in the Mozu, in the palm of Lin Su porcelain, don't twist and move the body, find a comfortable sitting posture for yourself.

Lin Su porcelain holds a small brother, just as cautious as holding a hundred thousand Lingshi.

No, 100,000 Lingshi can not be replaced by a bone general.

After Shu Chang, who had changed his face with a big change, also shouted out the sentence, the spirit of step-by-step was shocked: "What general is Jian Jian?"

Shu Chang also said that he had read the wrong one. He blocked the past and looked at the eyes of Lin Su porcelain's palm. He counted the time, his face was barely better, and he took the lead with the completely absent-minded white skies.

When other groups of people walked in different directions, they left the feast of Bai Baishen and Lin Su porcelain, and the bell of his palm.

"Little brother..." Lin Su porcelain swallowed a mouthful of water. "Have a question, are you a Mozu?"

There is only one pair of 骸 骸 骷髅 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , It is also your brother!"

Lin Su Porcelain is honest: "Without prejudice, I have never seen such a good-looking frame, and I feel that ordinary people can't raise you like this."

After a long period of time, Zhong Lie is still so easy to please, and he is smug: "Alright, but under the heavens, the most beautiful bone shelf is only me."

Lin Su porcelain quietly grabbed the bones of the bell from the bell, and the ice was cold, and it was very tricky.

"Bai Shen, I want to think about Master at this time." Lin Su porcelain, holding a small brother, turned to the feast and said, "I really want to know who our Master is."

The big apprentice is the first villain, the second apprentice...not to mention it, the three apprentices are the most talented in the world, the four apprentices almost rewrite the history of the comprehension, the six apprentices are the generals of the demon, he is not a good thing, There are also five apprentices...

Lin Su porcelain suddenly had a meal, and his eyes complicated and asked: "That, I want to know, the five brothers, he... is the Mozu, is it a magician, is it a demon, or is it a big man?"

I always feel that the people of the Sifang Gate can’t be less rebellious.

Feast bai sighed and smirked and patted the head of Lin Su porcelain.

"What do you think? Xiaolan is a normal person."

Lin Su porcelain is even more uneasy.

There is no normal person in the Sifangmen. Xiaolan can still be a normal person. How much is abnormal in the middle!

However, Xiaolan has followed the child in the other direction, at least not in a short period of time, and can not know exactly how.

Lin Su porcelain sighed and held the bell in his hand, and his mood was subtle.

Perhaps the biggest source is still where is his master?

From the 10,000 bones, it is necessary to go to the popular field to find Master.

Poor him, many years ago, Master also said nothing, never seen again, really abandoned children, poor, poor.

Since the recognition of Lin Su porcelain, holding the clock from the humming, rushed into a grain store, the owner of the store took the scales and smiled, "吟", "吟" greeted, and the clock from the 骸 空 『 荡 荡 『 『 『 『 『 眶 眶 眶 眶Child, pat the palm of Lin Su porcelain.


Lin Su porcelain pulled out three thought swords.

The banquet was deep and the arms were on the sidelines. The clock was not only helpless, but it was almost a burden. He took his hand in his palm and let Lin Su porcelain only wrestle with the bones with one hand.

The bones that were identified and removed from the human skin suddenly tripled, and the bones were thicker than the Linsu porcelain waist.

Losing the three thought swords is hard enough, Lin Su porcelain to be blasted, only to crush the bones.

A bone bead fell on the ground.

Lin Su porcelain was directly plugged into the mouth of the bell from the empty mouth.

"Hey..." Zhong Lie Wu Ming did not expect that this first lesson, Lin Su porcelain will actually give him.

Lin Su porcelain feels that it is easy to distinguish between the false person and the true bones. It is a great effort and should be rewarded. In addition, when you look at the appearance of the feast, you will know that this kind of bones has no effect on him.

What Lin Su porcelain did not say was that he could slowly extract some aura from the surroundings. Although rare, it is not mentioned in the book, except that the bone beads do not have any source of aura.

Lin Su porcelain and his team of three people, the division of labor is clear. Zhong Lie 骸 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 做 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Three thousand miles of places are too big, and they can only walk on foot. The three of them, the only ones who really started are Lin Su porcelain, the progress is very slow, it took a full five days to clean up a town.

There are seven or eight hundred bones that are accumulated.

Zhong Li 骸 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全 全

Repeatedly, when Lin Su porcelain sat cross-legged on the ground, he suddenly felt a meal. He always felt that he was now playing a dog with a flying saucer.

Only thinking about it, Lin Su porcelain felt that he was insulting his identity as a cat.

The next day, Lin Su porcelain turned into a prototype, kneeling in the palm of the feast, and riding a small donkey on his back.

Banyan Baishen can only endure the clock when he is away from the prototype of Lin Ming, and is close to Lin Su porcelain.

When Zhong Lie was unintentionally smashing his own master brother, he was much smarter after eating with his younger brother. He would rather hold the hair of Lin Su porcelain and not climb on him.

And his cleverness also brought a glance to the master.

When Lin Su porcelain had a thousand beads in his hand, he asked the banquet: "Bai Shen, now you have aura, can you limit?"

The feast is deep and indifferent: "Besides the heavens and the earth, the other is less beneficial to me."

When he asked Zhong Li to sing, the small bone shelf had already eaten a lot of bones, and he was full of snoring. He saw his bones and shook his head.

A thousand bone beads can have a good purpose.

Since Feast Baishen and Zhong Lie are not needed, Linsu Porcelain is not welcome. He dug a pit and buried himself and his bones.

When the earth covered his neck, Lin Su porcelain nervously said to the feast: "If I yell inside, don't care about me, if I want to jump out, don't help me, press me back!" ”

Feast bai's deep face is not very good. Looking at his own little scorpion loess buried in the neck root, he had to fill the soil and bury the small scorpion completely, this taste is not good.


Only he still should have come down.

He knows that Lin Su Porcelain knows something strange. In this dead world, he sees all the strange and terrible things. When he is scared, he has some stunned eyes. Xu knows this.

In this case, he made this choice, then it must be that he has a demand for it.

He can't stop.

Feast bai believes that the soil is completely filled up.

Lin Su porcelain was completely buried in the big pit.

A thousand bone beads can completely change the surrounding gas. Lin Suzhou knows that this gas is made up of the power of the dead soul. After invading his body, he may be affected by the consciousness of the soul. However, after he absorbs it all, he will get the purest in the dead. Remnant.

This is something that has existed for thousands of years in the bones of the bones. It is a big tonic. For Linsu Porcelain, it is a difficult opportunity to obtain in the outside world.

It hurts again!

The bones and souls invade the body, Lin Su porcelain buried in the soil body is isolated from the angry, but can not completely hide the identity of their own soul, the soul and soul, can directly tear his body.

Lin Su porcelain bites his teeth, his body is already washed away by the blood, cold, squeezing, bitter screaming, sullen smile, constantly filling his ears, constantly plundering his body.

Lin Su porcelain is so painful that he is about to lose his described it, and he personally experienced it, it is really different.

Lin Su-Chun forced himself to stay awake, almost completely sensing that many souls bite his body, robbing each other of sovereignty, scrambling to drill into his body.

Sovereignty must not be given to the soul!

Lin Su porcelain clenched his teeth and guided the aura to swim in the body for a few days and weeks, slowly swollen and cooled the blood.

After another wave of shocks, it continues.

Lin Su porcelain does not know whether he is awake or faint, and does not know how long it has passed.

He constantly alternates in the "fool" and awake, and his ears have always been noisy, without a trace of leisure.

I don't know how long it took, and the aura that Lin Su porcelain exudes has swallowed nearly two-thirds of the remnants of a thousand bones.

The rest are hard scorpions.

Lin Su porcelain eyeballs have turned red, and a pair of fangs stick out in his mouth.


The pain and the pain of the explosion made Lin Su porcelain want to collapse.

The vitality of the partition under the earth, as well as the endless death, intertwined, the only body as a container, colliding with each other, blending.

Lin Su porcelain hurts his brain and his son is stunned. He only forces his hand to grab the dirt and can't go out.

Once you leave the dead soil, you are exposed to the anger of the outside, and everything is over!

He must not give up halfway!

Lin Su porcelain did not know how long it took, and the pain was always with him.

Each of the remnants of the soul, under his coercion, turned into his nutrients.

His eyes turned red and black, black and red, and the green cockroaches almost disappeared. When you blinked, it was difficult to find a trace of the past.


Lin Su porcelain body has completely restored itself, the remnant soul invaded his body, was completely swallowed, leaving only the pure spirit of nearly a thousand years, and the residue containing a lot of dead air.

Lin Su Porcelain slowly swallowed his eyes and slowed it down for a long time. When the body regained consciousness, he flicked and grabbed the loess. He extended his hand from the pit and shook his muscles.

Lin Su porcelain was carved out by the feast.

When he was covered in yellow soil, he was embarrassed, but when the green scorpion flashed a scarlet, the lingering shackles brought him away.

"Hey, little teacher, you... it’s amazing."

Lin Su Porcelain relied on the banquet in the deep feeling of the banquet, and recovered. He hooked up the hook and raised his face. He patted his face with a bad color. The banquet was deep and showed comfort. He smiled and said: "Not good, I am going to be taken away!"

Zhong Lie has not experienced the things of Lin Su porcelain and Lin Jia, and it is very good.

And the banquet was quietly watching his own wolverine, but the cat scorpion that was flying in the air, silent for a long time, cold and not saying: "What do you want?"

Lin Su porcelain: "Ah?"

Feast and patience repeated one sentence: "You can, I can give you."

Lin Su porcelain stared at the feast and watched it for a long time. He screamed and smiled. He reached out and grabbed the hand of the feast, and smiled and said: "I want you."

The banquets were deep and coveted, and they fell on the hands of their hands, half-sounding, and swallowed: "...I am already yours."

Lin Su Porcelain: "It would be terrible, I have nothing to ask, what should I do?"

Feast bai deep meets Lin Su porcelain's hippie smile, a corner of the mouth, "lu" a smile that makes Linsu porcelain scalp numb: "Reassured, I will let you ... ask for something."

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