My Return to Life

4. The meaning of domestic production and the nature of the standard dispute (Part 2)

The lid of the cup collides with the body of the cup lightly, making a crisp sound.

In this simple conference room without a conference table, everyone suddenly drank tea in a tacit understanding.

Fang Nian was not that thirsty, he just felt that the sound of drinking tea from a cup was a bit noisy.

Because, Fang Nian always felt that there was a piercing needle hidden under this comfortable sofa.

No matter how to say that word, I feel like sitting on pins and needles!

It must be very painful!

Unable to leave again, Fang Nian simply stared at the flowers on the carpet in the center of the conference room in a daze.

When I saw this kind of simple conference room on TV before, I always felt that there was no conference table, it was really empty. When it was my turn, Fang Nian felt that it was inconvenient to pick his nails.

Of course, on the surface, Fang always keeps his eyes open and his mind indifferent.

After a while, Pingshu put down his teacup and said with a pleasant face, "Mr. Li mentioned the market share of local products, Xiao Fang, you mentioned that even the core units don't have to ban overseas brands from entering."

As he said that, Ping Shu looked at Fang Nian: "Then what do you think is the meaning of domestic production?"

As soon as Pingshu opened his mouth, Fang Nian muttered the word "Sure enough".

As expected by Fang Nian, the topic came back again.

Being called from Shencheng to Beijing, it really wasn't because of such insignificant things as funds, payments, and business disputes.

It doesn't even have anything to do with Fang Nian's goodwill towards the field of education.

It's a more central issue.

meaning and essence.

Facing Ping Shu's kind eyes, Fang Nian thought twice before slowly saying a few words: "I personally think it should be about grasping the right to equality."

On this kind of topic, Fang Nian never dared to speak arbitrarily, and would clearly express his personal opinion.

Matters involving theories, concepts, and ideas of meaning and essence are normally avoided by Fang Nian.

It's just a pity that Fang Nian no longer had the option of staying out of the matter after Pingshu visited the frontier of Luzhou to inspect the 10,000-mu industrial park at the beginning of the year.

When it comes to this point, Fang Nian has no complaints.

As a Chinese, I have devoted my whole life to the Chinese dream, and I will never look back.

It's just that Fang Nian knows that he has a lot of involvement in him, so he will carefully consider and pay attention to the influence, and try not to make wrong expressions as much as possible.

This is completely different from the Lenovo business mentioned earlier. Fang Nian not only said something, but also stepped on his feet.

After Fang Nian finished speaking these simple words, Miao Wei took the lead, and said with a slightly suspicious look: "Equal rights?"

Fang Nian: "..."


No one would believe that Miao Wei would not understand.

But Fang Nian would do it too, he just pursed his lips and nodded: "Yes."

Not much to say.

There is also a very important essence in it, and it is really not something that a small businessman like him should get involved in.

But if Fang Nian was a bit more prepared, that's not the case.

"What is the meaning of equal rights?" Miao Wei followed closely.

Fang Nian could see that the room was full of people, one counted as the other, and they were all 'collusive'.

After realizing this, Fang Nian could only break the can in the end, and he was a lot more honest.

"Actually, it's just a word I forced to generalize."

"I don't know how to describe it specifically, so can you give me an example."

Seeing that everyone was waiting, Fang Nian finally broke down and continued.

"I'm just a businessman now, and I can only speak from the perspective of a businessman."

"Since the frequent occurrence of international bulk trade, or since my country's entry into the WTO, consumers have experienced several different stages;

There are no domestic products in the industry,

The quality of domestic products in the industry is not good, the quality of domestic products in the industry is not bad, the brand of domestic products in the industry is established, and...

Buying brand-name domestic products is regarded as a moment that does not know how to think. "

"In these different stages, the meaning, experience, treatment, and development environment of domestic production are also different."

"In the beginning, it was a struggle to break the monopoly of overseas brands and to prevent the wealth of Chinese people from being harvested in the form of 'looting';

Then they tried to compete, but were repeatedly dumped by overseas brands with zero profit or even negative profit on the same quality or even higher quality. They either lowered the quality in order to protect themselves, or were forced to be acquired, or forced to disappear. "


Fang Nian's speech was not fast, and his expression was accompanied by thinking and consideration.

It is also necessary to observe the words and expressions to adjust the different perceptions brought about by different wording.

In the meeting room, there may be the sound of pens brushing and writing, or the sound of drinking water, or the sound of porcelain clinking.

It's just that no one interrupted Fang Nian's narration.

About ten minutes later, Fang Nian finished describing them one by one and made a final conclusion: "So, I personally think that the meaning of domestic production is to face the oppression of overseas industries and grasp the right to equality."

"At the moment, many industries have reversed the situation, from being 'looted' to the current situation of giving foreign capital a bite to eat."


During the whole process, Fang Nian was very careful not to mention any point other than commercial behavior.

He also expressed his personal views on the significance of domestic production as completely as possible.

It mentioned the changes from the very early international trade to the new century international trade, as well as the changes in the general environment, the game and competition among businessmen.

At the same time, Fang Nian once again emphasized the significance of domestic production in the industry and the necessity of the existence of overseas brands.

The two are complementary and indispensable.

Although Baize Semiconductor, which is at the forefront of Luzhou, is said to be a completely domestic production line, in fact, one factor is ignored here: the most core technology in non-core areas.

With Fang Nian's exploration of the essence of the problem, his views on business behavior, and his intuition on interests, it is impossible for him to make Frontier a proprietary company.

Openness, cooperation, competition, win-win, development, freedom, future.

These are the essence of a company's survival.

Good products are washed out by the market.

It will be chosen by people from any region, color or nationality in the world.

It's like cutting-edge products that are relatively outstanding can't be banned at all regardless of the E L list or D P L list.

The overseas mobile phone operating system called nwMS 5 has a market share far ahead of Android and iOS in the United States.

This is inevitable.

Dedicated to Apple's iOS, its market share depends on the sales of related products.

Android's ecology is not so good because it lacks the necessary user experience, is bloated, and is too open source.

Failure in the Chinese market can spread globally.

The nwMS series of Nüwa Laboratory especially shows the best essence of the golden mean in Chinese culture.

This aspect is also the focus of Fang Nian's statement.

At the same time, it is also an official explanation for Pingshu’s mention of Fang Nian’s statement that the core unit can also allow limited entry of overseas brands.

Not to mention that globalization is the torrent of the times, an irreversible trend.

If there is no competition for products in the industry, there will be no motivation to iterate.

The best example of this is 'Big Brother' who had the honor of being mentioned at this conference.

Seeing that Fang Nian picked up his teacup to drink water after finishing speaking, Ping Shu chuckled: "This example is very good, but I still have more to say."

Fang Nian almost choked.

If it wasn't for his good physical fitness, he would have swallowed the tea with all his strength, and would have sprayed it out.

Fang Nian just wanted to say, you've screwed me up, you still have more to say!

After Ping Shu said this, a minister took up the conversation: "We are also deeply touched by Mr. Fang's example, and the same is true for Frontier."

"In some industries with relatively core industrial technology, some of our companies have worked hard and finally completed the accumulation of technology. After launching products on the market, overseas brands that compete with them will soon find ways to stop them;

Either it is to reduce profits and not make money or even lose money, or it is to launch a better product line...

In short, we will use various methods to contain our breakthroughs in technical barriers. "

Hearing this, Miao Wei took over the conversation, slightly annoyed: "Indeed, lithography machine, chip, which one is not."

"After Baize Semiconductor successfully completed the original, design, and production of the 'Yinglong' series of high-performance processors, the price of Intel's benchmark series on the market has been fully reduced, and the retail price is much lower than that of 'Yinglong'.

If it wasn't for the 'Candle Dragon' series not being sold in the market, I believe that common processors would also drop in price;

Similarly, the prices of Nvidia and AMD graphics cards have been greatly reduced, and there is almost no room for "Hetu". "

"As for the lithography machine, it is even more outrageous. A front-end lithography machine that can produce 28nm silicon technology requires nearly 300 million yuan in production costs, but now the price has dropped from the original 60 million US dollars to 45 million yuan. Dollar."

After Miaowei finished speaking, Fang Nian continued: "The Ministry of Miao went a little far, but I think this is a good thing. Consumers can buy cheaper high-quality products and enjoy benefits."

Not a single word was advanced.

Facts in the past have long proved that it is impossible for Frontier to give up mastering key core technologies and carry out totem-like iterative "suicide" research and development due to various forms of suppression and targeting by relevant technology giants.

As far as the "Ice Dragon" series that is closest to consumers is concerned, Baize Labs is already forcing Baize Semiconductor to master more advanced silicon technology.

Because the ultimate performance that the existing technology can achieve is far inferior to the performance requirements of the next generation of "Ice Dragon" by Bai Ze Laboratory.

And the full blood version of 'Ice Dragon' is made of 20nm silicon technology.

Therefore, Fang Nian felt that it was necessary to clearly distinguish Frontier from other companies.

Hearing what Fang Nian said, Miao Wei took a deep look at Fang Nian: "Mr. Fang, you remind me of the first time I saw you."

Hearing this, Fang Nian had no choice but to explain: "I am me, and the frontier is the frontier."

Facing everyone's gaze, Fang Nian had no choice but to add another sentence: "Personally, I don't care, but I need the frontier to maintain a certain degree of pure totemic pursuit.

I always believe that with the rapid development of basic science, the overall environment will become more and more difficult in the future. "


Even so, Mr. Li still did not let Fang Nian go: "Since you have a pessimistic view of the future, why are you more tolerant of overseas products?"

Fang Nian replied: "This is not contradictory."

"It's still the same sentence I said before, only domestic products equals no domestic products."

"From my perspective as a businessman, I think what should be paid attention to is the market share of core industrial products. While paying attention to the market share, we should also focus on cultivating a healthy competitive market."

"Well... what I need to make clear is that the core industry I'm talking about may be different from the real core that the leaders think."

"It should be said that some of the projects that are already underway at the frontier at this stage are already core industries in my opinion."

Speaking of this, Fang Nian thought for a while: "Let me give another example."

"For example, aerospace technology, I think it is the real core, and everything should be in your own hands without any discussion."

It's a bit of a mouthful to explain, but everyone here understands what Fang Nian means.

Anyway, there is a red line there.

The discussion on this topic became more in-depth after Fang Nian was frank.

Fang Nian's speech time also became long and repetitive, mainly due to the large amount of uncertainty and repetition in the use of words.

It's all about being as objective as possible.

The exploration of the meaning of domestic production is very in-depth.

Fang Nian also expressed several opinions in his capacity as the chairman of Frontier.

It's still very simple, if the relevant units have needs, the frontier will definitely contribute all its strength, and there is absolutely no bargaining price.

Of course, Fang Nian has not forgotten the relatively secret development environment needed to clarify the frontier.

The expression of this point caused a lot of laughter, and even Ping Shu couldn't help smiling.

Because everyone knows that any project that is deliberately kept secret in the past year or frontier will eventually have a major impact on related industries around the world.

For the two series of Yinglong and Icelong, the cutting edge is that there has never been a clear progress in return.

It's the pinnacle right out of the gate.

Forcing competing products to have zero profit or even negative profit also crushes cutting-edge marketing, R\u0026D and iteration.

The result has to be said in Fang Nian's tone: many consumers have enjoyed affordable benefits.

As for the frontier, the attitude has never changed.

Fang Nian has enough resources and energy, even if it only maintains the related business of frontier series and Dangkang series, it is enough for these series to slowly cover the research and development costs.

Moreover, like Yinglong, it is basically a commissioned product of Gongxin. The several production lines that Baize Semiconductor has put into operation can't wait to use it to produce Yinglong.

The order volume is unknown.

At last……

After all, Fang Nian raised a sensitive point.

"As far as I know, Western countries in Europe and the United States have issued administrative orders to purchase domestic products at different times;

Out of my essential panic about the reality of the future, I have wondered whether we should also at least issue an initiative to buy domestic products. "

This point of view made the meeting room quiet for a moment.

Mr. Li frowned slightly, and said in a calm tone, "It is reasonable, but it should not be appropriate."

These words dispelled Fang Nian's illusions.

He understood right away, without saying a word.


After nearly an hour of communication, the topic changed from domestic production to standards.

This matter first started from Frontier's related applications in the integrated circuit industry.

After all, it is also a link that Fang Nian cannot avoid.

Mr. Li said frankly: "After more and more standard technical committees were applied for establishment, international public opinion deliberately focused on the standard controversy that we actively provoked."

This question is actually more acute and more essential.

Before Fang Nian could speak, Miao Wei took over the conversation: "The dispute over standards shows signs of becoming more acute."

"If you want to come to Mr. Fang, you also know that they have always done what they did in Europe and the United States, and they think that we will do the same thing."


Speaking of this, Fang Nian still understands it very well.

So, Fang Nian smiled: "You messing around?"

"They are the kind of despicable pirates from the bottom of their hearts, and they are not strong enough from the genes.

When encountering a challenge, the first thing that comes to mind is not how to deal with it, but to divert the conflict first, and then expand it infinitely. "


"Actually, if you look at it with their logic, things about standards are very simple, just looting wealth."

"If it is further expanded, it is also due to localization, and the rule framework will eventually be implemented."


"The essential problem is not ours, but their hearts are too weak to withstand the storm."

"But history is a circle. According to the law of dynamic development of things, America is the most vulnerable to storms, so it is also the most guilty."


Speaking of the latter, Fang Nian suddenly stopped talking, almost without warning.

Then I used the usual examples to illustrate.

"The cooperation between our cutting-edge laboratories and universities is relatively close, and I occasionally see some advanced forward-looking reports;

Specifically, the automobile industry is actually a good reference industry;

The domestic auto industry is still working hard, but it is always limited in a simple engine technology, isn't it the essence of the simplest standard? "

"Restricted because of the standard."

"According to some forward-looking reports, the dynamic development of the automobile industry will inevitably abandon the internal combustion engine. As for who should define the new standard, as far as the essential issue is concerned, it should be defined by everyone."

"Oh...yes, speaking of the auto industry;

Nuwa and other laboratories have a small joint project. The cooperative units include BYD. The full name is too long for me to remember. The abbreviation is electric vehicle system. "

"It is said that the progress is quite smooth, and there is a tendency to catch up with some large overseas companies that are the first to enter the industry. If the Ministry of Miao needs to know, I will ask Wu Fucheng to report to your office."


"Almost forgot, there is another small matter. Pangu's research on the big data algorithm engine is a bit too in-depth, and this has to be coordinated by the Miao Department."


After suddenly changing the subject without warning, Fang Nian's tone suddenly jumped out.

This is what Fang Nian deliberately did.

It can be understood that Mr. Fang wants to quickly shift the focus, topic, conflict, attention, and everything.

Fang Nian didn't know if he was talking about it.

Accidentally touched areas that shouldn't be involved.

It's a pity that everyone here is a thousand-year-old fox, who didn't notice.

But after everyone determined Pingshu's demeanor in various forms, they finally skipped it tacitly.

For example, Miao Wei took the initiative to take over the conversation: "Why is the frontier of the electric vehicle system project suddenly interesting?"

Fang Nian explained seriously and in detail: "It didn't happen all of a sudden. BYD has a relatively strong industrial system, such as moulds. Strong technical accumulation."

After listening to Fang Nian, Miao Wei immediately asked about the big data algorithm: "What do you say about the big data algorithm?"

Fang Nian spat out a few words: "Public opinion circle weaves."


At this point, several bigwigs also participated in the topic, and each of them seemed to be very talkative.

In fact, everyone knows that everyone is beeping and beeping about some big things now.

Fang Nian understood better.

But he can't help it, who made him mention some sensitive areas that seem meaningless, but can't be studied in detail.

On the contrary, such a fart thing is fatal to some well-known groups.

Many plans were aborted as a result.

Fang Nian only found out about this later.

For example, some public knowledge wants to create an event of driving backwards.

Take the strong promotion of localization by relevant units as the benchmark to bring the rhythm of public opinion.

Another thing is that Fang Nian directly mentioned that buying domestic products is equivalent to not having the rhythm of independent thinking ability.

It would have been rough.

It's just a pity that now is the information age, everything is based on network communication, relying on relevant data technology.

In the process of helping Toutiao, Pangu broke through the related technologies of the data algorithm engine.

This makes relevant traces easy to monitor.

Conducive to network security.

From a large-scale point of view, it is a good thing, at least the netizens who eat melons do not need to be bewitched by the gang of money collectors.



Ultimately, the meeting ended somewhat abruptly.

The originally planned time window was 3 hours, which happened to be dinner time, so let's have a meal together.

It ended up being almost an hour early.

When he left the meeting room, Fang Nian didn't know that this meeting, which was not low in terms of the participants, was actually a preliminary discussion of relevant outlines such as 13.5 and the forward-looking thinking of the 2030 vision.

This is also the reason why Department Yuan of Education Port left after related affairs.

And Fang Nian was the only non-staff member invited.

The reason is that all completed or ongoing projects in the frontier are forward-looking, and as time goes by, they are more and more beyond the furthest scope of doctoral research topics in think tanks and related disciplines in universities.

However, there is a stability deeply rooted in actual development.

Even Pingshu, after contacting Fang Nian many times and reading the relevant materials, has to admit that Fang Nian's vision is outstanding and long-term, and it is really unique and sharp.

Just like the few key words Fang Nian mentioned in public, Fang Nian is a person who thinks about problems from the perspective of others.

In fact, this is far from what rebirth can explain.

This is the reaction of Fang Nian's accumulation in his previous life and the collision of his experience in this life.

Fang Nian looked at the problem from the perspectives of Europe, America and other parties.

As Fang Nian said before, it is not difficult to understand the outbreak of many things when analyzing the behavior and style of the top management of Bald Eagle.


This is why Fang Nian faced so many uneasy topics again and again after he realized that something was wrong.


In the hour before dinner, the other party talked quickly and slowly for the past year.

Fast because it is really fast under the discussion of related topics.

Slow because Fang Nian is always on pins and needles.

Because, after the meeting, Fang Nian was 'invited' to Ping Shu alone by Ding Yixiang.

It's simple to talk about.

lead the way.

Fang Nian was so scared that he almost shouted for help.

He knew that when he mentioned that America could not withstand the storm, there would be similar results.

After the discussion, Ping Shu patted Fang Nian's shoulder graciously, and said, "Xiao Fang, don't worry, there's no need to worry."

Fang Nian left in a daze.

Except for the door, Ding Xixiang asked Fang Nian to go to the banquet hall first, and talked to Fang Nian on the way: "Mr. Fang, your analysis reports used to pile up into mountains, but this year there is no more."

"For example, your graduation thesis and graduation defense are in good condition."

Neither Ping Shu nor Ding Yixiang said a word:

Compared with these trivial details, we have accepted the most extreme ideas of your year.

Therefore, Ping Shu said to relax, and Ding Weixiang said that there would be no more analysis reports.

So there are 96 billion.

So there is this meeting.

PS: This part ends here, and the rest is basically daily life, such as good night and good night for marriage

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