My Return to Life

A failure that cannot be summed up in any adjectives, thank you for the upcoming 2020, happy new yea

My return to life text volume is a failure that cannot be summed up in any adjectives. Thank you for the upcoming 2020. Happy New Year. I really didn’t think about writing an annual summary at the beginning.

At this moment when 2020 is about to pass, as a hobbyist of writing, Powan suddenly has some desire to express himself outside the topic.

In fact, I am a person who is not good at summarizing.

This is also the reason why Powan has not made much progress or even regressed after writing 7 million words.

In the first two or three months of serialization of this book, I imitated other excellent writers and wrote monthly summaries.

However, after being named and criticized by the reader's grandfather by accident, it was basically cancelled.

Compared with the situation described in the book, I am more conformist, have no opinion, and worry about gains and losses.

Admitting counsel is actually a normal choice...

The year 2020 that is about to pass is the lowest point so far for me, and the year that I can't use adjectives to describe its failure.

During the well-known epidemic at the beginning of the year, in order to allow myself to return to the city where I worked faster, I left my hometown on the morning of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

It wasn't that serious back then.

After returning to the city where I work, I feel very lucky, because I will not be unable to enter work due to 'personal reasons'...

But then soon faced the risk of unemployment.

Litigation risks arising from overdue bills, etc.

Of course, it is acceptable under the general environment.

I can't be specific about such a small thing as myself.

To be honest, this year has been the busiest and tiring year of my life so far, from falling asleep at two o'clock at the beginning to three, four, four, five o'clock in recent months.

What is quite dramatic is that the busier and more tired you are, the less you can get tangible gains, such as money.

I also inexplicably resented my bad life, bad luck, and why in the early morning.

Yes, why, why should you work hard and you should gain something.

There is no rule, law, or other criterion that says that hard work will definitely pay off, only chicken soup that has been boiled for a long time will say so.

Looking back at the past 27 years of my life, I can't use any adjectives to sum up the failure of this year.

Always facing various difficulties, or, should it be called a prison.


No matter what, you have to find an excuse for yourself to go on, and you still have to live.


I thought that looking back at the past year on the last day of 2020, my heart must be full of negative emotions such as resentment, dissatisfaction, and cynicism.


After briefly taking the failures of this year, I found that I am very grateful for the 2020 that is about to pass.

Because this year taught me that there is always hope in life.

People should always be full of hope for the future and life.

For example, no matter how bad the situation is, I am still facing so many problems, and I have persisted this year.

Thanks for 2020.

At least in terms of writing hobbies and work alone, I should also be grateful for 2020.

This book probably just happened to start writing in early 2020.

Since uploading on February 6th, a total of 2.7 million words have been updated so far, with an average of more than 8,000 words per day, setting a record for personal updates and writing the longest book in my life.

Results have also maintained a not surprisingly mediocre level.

This book made me gradually discover and accept my mediocrity.

Let me understand that mediocrity is not so shameful and unacceptable.

I, one of the thousands of ordinary people, will spend my life mediocre and mediocre.

This is no surprise.

Trying hard just to live a little decently once in a while.

That's enough.

No matter how difficult life is, it is always a personal journey...

Thanks to the readers and grandpas who have accompanied this book so far in the coming 2020.

Thanks to those grandpa readers who encouraged me when I couldn't hold on for a few moments and wanted to give up this book.

Thanks to all the grandpa readers who have supported, subscribed and voted for support.

Thanks to all the bosses.

Thanks to all the full booking guys.

Thanks also to all the big guys who spent 2 cents or more for this book.

Every little bit of your support makes me feel that I am not so alone in writing.

Finally, I would also like to thank all readers, grandpas, for all your hard work in 2020.


At this moment, the lights are on, thousands of families are reunited, and the new year is approaching.


Dear readers, everything is going well in 2021, happy and healthy.


Dear readers, live a good life in 2021, be safe and happy.

Only wish:

Good luck to everyone, and happiness!


I love you guys, whata--broken bowl

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