My Return to Life

Chapter 701 The 'aggressiveness' of netizens this year

Not too deep in the night.

The first floor of Junting Villa No. 20 is brightly lit.

Forty-five minutes after the opening of the Nasdaq, a rare black disaster was staged that drove multiple stocks to plummet, and the market was in chaos.

The perpetrators were cleaning up the room.

Wen Ye and Gu Yu sealed up several notebooks that had processed sensitive data.

Not long after, Fang Nian, who is usually very lazy, took out a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator.

Everyone held their breath in tacit agreement.

Fang Nian specially used a technique to open it.

With a bang, the cork popped out, Fang Nian deliberately shook the bottle, and the wine sprayed out with bubbles.

The living room, which was quiet one second, was full of laughter and laughter the next.



Wen Ye and Gu Yu screamed twice while clapping their hands.

After a short while, Fang Nian poured a small amount of champagne into the seven quilts, and raised his glass first: "Cheers."



After a short pause, Fang Nian waved his hand: "This wave of companies has passed a year, and those who see it will have a share. Liu Xi will give you a fraction of a fraction, and the tax company will cover it."

After the words fell for a moment, Wen Ye was the first to react, and almost jumped up with excitement: "Wow! Mr. Fang is so grand!"

"Boss Fang is so handsome!" Gu Yu quickly followed.

Wu Fucheng has the lowest income and has not yet graduated from a bachelor's degree, but he is very calm.

Liu Xi...

After a lot of experience, I became more indifferent, and I no longer refused to refuse.

Her 'hypocrisy' and 'fear' had already been enlightened by Fang Nian during several rejections.

As the frontier God of Wealth, although such a small amount belongs to him completely, there is no fluctuation in his heart.

Even at this moment, she has thought about it in her heart, and the money will be used to buy frontier stocks.

Fang Nian glanced at Wen Ye and Gu Yu, and said solemnly: "You two, you are very skinny. When did you lose your cool and handsome?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Fang has always been very angry." Wen Ye agreed that it was a perfunctory one.


More than five million, each person can get 1.23 million.

According to normal work income, even Liu Xi, who has the highest salary, would have to spend at least half a year.

This can be considered as a reward for Fang Nian who have been busy since the end of last month.

As for him, Lu Weiyu and Guan Qiuhe, there's no need to join in the fun.

Because the biggest part of the frontier belongs to the three of them, if you really have money in your pocket, you can withdraw a large amount of money from the company's account with one sentence, and it's nothing more than paying taxes.

Hehehe laughed for a while.

Fang Nian made a gesture and said with a smile: "It's getting late, you go back to rest early, you can go to work later tomorrow morning, but you can't delay the formal meeting in the afternoon."

"Okay." Wen Ye and the others responded happily.

Now Wen Ye and the others don't have to leave one or two people without drinking as before, just in case they need to drive.

Everyone has a dedicated driver.

In addition, even Liu Xi also has a direct secretary in Frontier Company.

Needless to say, Wen Ye and Gu Yu, although they are Fang Nian's secretary, they each have their own secretary. Not only that, there is also a secretarial team behind them.

After all, if Mr. Fang said a word, they would have to run away.

After Wen Ye and the others left, Guan Qiuhe didn't stay any longer, and quickly returned to his No. 9 villa.

Fang Nian and Lu Weiyu simply cleaned up the living room, and went to the second floor to rest.

It was a quiet night.

In contrast, the Wall Street elites on the other side of the ocean are basically busy.


Mr. Fang has been controlling the progress of a large number of affairs these days, which is a bit of a brain drain, so for the first time, he stayed on the bed.

He simply didn't eat the breakfast prepared by the chef early in the morning at home, and hurriedly asked the village chief to send him to Yangpu.

In the east gate of Fudan, Fang Nian was carrying the steamed buns he had just bought, stuffing them into his mouth as he walked.

On the way, I met foodie Luo Qiao.

"Hey, it's rare to see Fang Nian in such a hurry."

Luo Qiao obviously stuffed himself like a hamster, but he was able to spare the air conditioner to talk about Fang Nian.

Fang Nian also enjoyed watching it: "It means you haven't met before."

"A piece of chewing gum?" Seeing that Fang Nian finished his breakfast, Luo Qiao took out a bottle of Yida like a magic trick.

Fang Nian took it with a smile: "Thank you."

"By the way, did you hear that Apple stock plummeted last night because of the frontier?" Luo Qiao said as he walked in small steps, not forgetting to stuff a candy.

Fang Nian glanced at Luo Qiao and said casually, "I heard the news report."

Luo Qiao muttered to herself: "I heard from Jiejie that she occasionally speculates in US stocks, saying that it's a pity that she doesn't have the capital to short Apple and misses the opportunity."

"But she ran fast, so she didn't lose money. It's a good thing she knows the cutting-edge level. Otherwise, it would be miserable. Apple's transaction evaporated more than 70 billion U.S. dollars!"

Fang Nian raised his eyebrows slightly: "Gao Jie is still speculating in US stocks?"

"Yeah, we all do a little bit of financial management. Zhizhi occasionally speculates in A shares, and Yiren buys futures, so I bought some funds." Luo Qiao nodded and replied without hesitation.

Fang Nian was amazed: "I just found out today that you are all little rich women! One or two are either funds or stocks! I admire them!"

"Although I don't have much money, I don't like to deposit it in the bank!" Luo Qiao said naturally.

Then he said: "And it's not as good as you. We only recently found out that the sneak restaurant is actually opened by your family! No wonder you are not short of money!"

"It's not the same." Fang Nian laughed, "You guys can use money to make money, but I can do nothing but spend a lot of money."


Fang Nian was a little surprised that Luo Qiao, Su Zhi, and Zeng Yiren had money that could be used for financial management.

Of course, it can also be known from Luo Qiao's tone that they don't have much money on hand.

It is possible that most of it comes from the part-time job in the Frontier Internship Department.

As for Gao Jie...

Fang Nian knew from the beginning that her family was relatively well-off. After all, they belonged to a study group, and they didn't hide it completely;

Besides, U.S. stocks are bought at a one-share basis. If it’s just for fun, it’s not an exaggeration.

Of course, for someone like Gao Jie who dares to short-sell, he should have a lot of disposable cash on hand.

On the other hand, Fang Nian also knew that Gao Jie had the clearest plan for her future in the group.

Gao Jie planned the research work earlier than Fang Nian.

Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, Baoyan Ma Zhe, and then directly entered the system with the springboard of Fudan's prestigious school, and with the school's position, the resume can be said to be quite perfect.

At least it is much more perfect than Fang Nian.

Strictly speaking, compared with the pits of biochemical and environmental materials, the philosophy department is a big pit for ordinary families.

Except for some people who may have been transferred or chose the wrong major, most of the people who choose the philosophy department of prestigious schools have some capital in their families.

Especially those who have not changed majors in their sophomore year.

Because if there is no mine in the family, graduating from a philosophy degree can basically be equivalent to being unemployed, and there is little way out except for the public exam...

At the end, Luo Qiao sighed: "Frontier is really amazing, I never thought that I could join the club created by such an awesome company at the university!"

As he spoke, he smacked his lips in admiration: "Speaking of which, none of us thought that Senior Sister Wen would actually become the front-line CEO now. She is really amazing!"

Without waiting for Fang Nian to answer, Luo Qiao glanced at Fang Nian, his eyes rolled quickly, and he deliberately lowered his voice and muttered: "I don't know what that Fang Nian, who has the same name and surname as you, looks like?"

"Sooner or later, I will know." Fang Nian smiled, "I said it was me, but you don't believe me."

Hearing Fang Nian's words, Luo Qiao suddenly let out a sigh: "Oh..."


Speaking of which, Luo Qiao and the others have suspected this matter many times.

But every time I think of Fang Nian's generous admission and such a lazy look, I deny it myself.

Because if Fang Nian was the head of Frontier Fang, how would he be able to spend so much time without missing work every day?

And how can such a lazy person be such a far-sighted Mr. Fang?

Secondly, he suddenly found out that Fang Nian's family opened a restaurant, and immediately found the logic.

On the other hand, when they knew about Wen Ye, Wen Ye was already quite capable—after all, Wen Ye had been with Fang Nian for several months when he appeared in Fudan with a related identity before.

The two walked into the classroom while chatting, and they both attended the same class.

Fang Nian understood from the side how big the disturbance he stirred up last night was.

Even college students have been affected.



In the afternoon, Fang Nian was sitting in the empty front office, swinging the swivel chair leisurely.

Surf the surf with your phone.

Even the most recent Liu Xi hasn't come to the office yet.

The main reason is that Fang Nian is not willing to go to the restaurant to be dazed now, and it is too easy to meet that Miss Zeng You who is Li Zijing's girlfriend in name.

——I have seen Zeng You and Li Zijing many times, but I have never seen them holding hands.

This little girl's scheming can only deal with a dog licking like Li Zijing who can't give up.

That's why Mr. Fang came the earliest.

Although Mr. Fang now has considerable influence in some fields, under the huge waves of the times, his personal strength is still very small.

Mr. Fang is also afraid of being eliminated by the wave of the times.

Not surprisingly, most of the hot news has to do with Frontier and Apple.

Compared with Apple's plunge of more than 70 billion U.S. dollars and the evaporation of nearly 500 billion yuan;

The wider focus is on those three articles, which have a completely different tone.

Especially the content about Apple's leading technology system being broken down by the frontier.

A large number of netizens spontaneously celebrated happily.

Quite a few people also specifically quoted some articles with a miserable tone from foreign media.

"Wahhahaha, why are you so happy today! Ah! It turns out that a little apple was pierced by our frontier!"


"Oh, oh, what a wail! It won't cause a financial crisis, right? I'd be so happy to see it!"


"Hey, I almost forgot that Zhihu has a dog who thinks Apple is his master, I have to go and see."

"The boss holding the key is not here, it's a bit... monotonous!"


Seeing this post, Fang Nian smacked his lips: "I almost forgot the dog thing that brought me so much fun last night."


Speaking of it, Fang Nian's aggressiveness towards some public figures seems to be completely unreasonable.

It seems very strange.

But in fact, Fang Nian really can't understand the faces of these public officials.

Over the past few years, these self-proclaimed well-known groups... have made use of the popularity of the Internet and the convenience of social media sites to make some remarks that deviate from mainstream values.

The most serious consequences are:

In a sense, the great ideal of "studying for the rise of China" was dispelled in the carnival of public intellectuals.

Judging from Fang Nian's small personal point of view, this group is actually absolutely refined egoism.

In private, he took advantage of the system and the country, and then threw out a few moral high points of freedom and human rights, and belittled everything with sharp words, with a face of serving the people and the public.

From Fang Nian's point of view, a pack of dogs is worthy?

Although Lao Tzu is one of the ordinary people, but is it true that Lao Tzu's "holding the key to transform the immortal into the sky" is just a display? !

This is the reason why Fang Nian hates Shi Ming as the representative of the "public knowledge" to death.

Besides, isn't this kind of dog-like thing supposed to be used for beating and scolding?


So Fang Nian ran away again.

Then I saw Shi Ming who was beating his chest and feet, crying and crying.

"This must be the most despicable and ugly method on the frontier!"


Someone lightly said: "@史明 Your master's market value has dropped so much, why don't you hurry up and find a way to sell your kidneys to beg for mercy?"

"Aren't you in the United States, go to Wall Street, lick the toes of those capitalist elites, and beg them to let your master go, will it work for you?"

"Don't worry about whether it will work or not, @史明, you should take action. My native dog can not only bark but also bite people. You are a foreign dog. You should be a little bit more."


Have fun watching Fang Nian.

I didn't expect the netizens' words to be so sharp.

Fang Nian took a closer look, this scolding battle started last night, among other things, this Shi Ming is really full of energy, active from 10 am EST on the 24th to the early morning EST.

More than ten hours of high-intensity 'struggle with reason'.

It's really hard for an old dog of that age.

Fang Nian was too lazy to play this time.

Netizens are aggressive enough.

I almost did a show operation.

Not only did Shi Ming not be banned, but he was also given the biggest traffic tilt, whether some of the previous remarks appeared in the recommendation.

Aggressiveness is also very strong.

It was as if Shi Ming had been stripped naked.


Shi Ming's little episode made Fang Nian feel happier.

The motivation to surf the Internet is strong.

Fang Nian also saw something interesting.

It is some self-evaluation content published by some users who have purchased Meizu MX and used Nuwa MindOS3.0.

Mainly for Nuwa MindOS3.0.

All-round evaluation of the experience of this system is satisfactory.

He is also deeply satisfied with the artificial mentally handicapped Xiaowa, and there are many jokes about molesting Xiaowa.

But it's all a picture.

Xiaowa is a product that is difficult to perfect.

Finally, Fang Nian saw a short post, and many netizens posted the same reply:


The content is not complicated.

"I have a question. If Jobs reinvented the mobile phone, Nuwa Labs has further promoted the development of smartphones;

Yes, I do not deny that the experience is very good, with a sense of technology, etc.;

But this is for young people. For my family, I bought smartphones for my parents (in their forties this year), but they don’t understand it at all.

Does it mean that they were silently excluded by Apple, Nuwa, etc.? "

This post pierced Fang Nian's thoughts like a bolt of lightning.

He suddenly understood how difficult it was to produce the thesis he had cut, deleted, cut, and pieced together.

In comparison, the previous topic selection vision is quite 'advanced', but in fact many viewpoints are not mature enough...

Fang Nian murmured, "It's because I said I'm a business idealist..."

Then he said with emotion: "After reading so many philosophical works at home and abroad, I haven't understood the slightest bit of Mr. Feng Youlan's famous sayings summarized in four sentences!"


Soon Fang Nian took out a piece of paper and wrote down the four sentences of Heng Qu's four sentences.

Another small topic:

Talking about the temperature of humanistic philosophy under the modern scientific system.

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