My Private Planet

Chapter 464: Reincarnation (Grand Finale)

Elmand's final declaration was global broadcasting, which should be an ability of the planet lord, everyone heard it.

Xie Yufei witnessed the whole process, her face was a little ugly. When she saw Elmand transforming into a meteor into the gate of time and space, she asked nervously, "Have you caught it?"

She knew that all the gates of time and space were controlled by Wang Yan. He could connect the gates of time and space with the gods, and he could also connect the gates of time and space directly to his virtual space.

Wang Yan checked the imprisoned space and shook his head: "It's a fake!"

The Lord of the Million Years Planet will not be naive enough to throw himself into the net.

Xie Yufei asked worriedly: "What should I do?"

The miserable condition of Elmand's civilization left her with lingering fears, and she didn't want the gods to follow Elmand's path.

Is it true that, as Elmand said, he wants to turn into a thorn and pierce Wang Yan's heart, making him always worry about the fate of the planet?

"Two methods, one is to conduct a large-scale population screening, and then find Elmand." Wang Yan said.

"Unrealistic." Xie Yufei smiled bitterly, "If this method was useful, Loki would have been found out!"

"Second, reopen the door of time and space to Elmand, occupy his planet, or destroy his planet completely." Wang Yan continued.

"The second method seems to be achievable!" Xie Yufei's eyes lit up and eagerly said, "I will urge Chandler to study the mystery of the gate of time and space, and try to open the door to Elmand as soon as possible. The gate of time and space."

"Haha!" Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, "Yu Fei, don't be so nervous, Elmand is a small matter, I have a way to solve it. Wait for me to deal with the earth's affairs first."

When the branches of the world tree are planted on the earth.

Wang Yan controlled all the powers of the earth. In his mind, he took all the remaining power on the planet Elmand into the confinement space and rescued the expeditionary army from the quagmire of war.

The war is over, there is no need for the expeditionary force to make fearless sacrifices.

The expeditionary army returned to the gods.

Wang Yan stayed on the earth alone.

The earth was devastated, most of Europe collapsed, and the towering Himalayas were half-cut by the gods of war Tyr and Jiang Kai.

The tsunami caused by the sea clan battles destroyed almost all coastal cities. Fortunately, before the tsunami, most of the people on the earth migrated away.


This battle for civilization still caused about 1 billion casualties on Earth.

After all, time is too tight.

Even in the latter part of the war, there are still many people on earth who have not had time to enter the gate of time and space.

And the deaths and injuries of the Expeditionary Forces of the Gods exceeded 400 million. The demigods died in battles of more than 20. The leader-level figures of various sects died in countless battles.

Not counting the fire **** Jia Junpeng, and the light **** Wang Yang, the main **** still died in five battles, the **** of the seasons, the **** of lust, the **** of contract, and the **** of water Liang Jing all died in the battle, even the imprint of the gods. All disappeared.

However, Wang Yan integrated all the powers of the World Tree, and he could condense these dissipated marks of the gods.

But the gods who died in battle cannot be resurrected.

Wang Yan tried. Even if he controls the power of the earth, he still cannot resurrect the heroes who died on the earth.

Perhaps this is the price of war!

Otherwise, the planet master can resurrect the dead gods at will, which means that war will not pay any price. Over time, the old planet masters will not be invincible, and there is no chance for them to rise as the new generation planet masters.

The battle for the earth caused heavy casualties.

But it was better than the fate of the Elmand civilization. At least Wang Yan and his gods survived and gained a second civilization planet.

This is the greatest victory.

Deported everyone on the earth to the gods.

Wang Yan is alone, staying on the earth, accepting the inheritance of the earth.

"Earth, 4.6 billion years, one natural satellite."

"Equatorial radius, 6313.137 kilometers; polar radius 6356.752 kilometers; equatorial circumference 40076 kilometers..."

"Mass, 5.965×10^24kg; volume, 1.0832073×10^12km3; ..."

"The main components of the atmosphere: nitrogen 78.1%, oxygen 20.9%..."

"A natural satellite..."


Just like receiving the data from the gods, Wang Yan received all the data from the earth.

After receiving all the information.

On the virtual projection of the earth, the world tree did not develop step by step like the world tree of the gods, but after the inheritance was completed, it began to draw leaves, germinate, and grow branches, growing very quickly...

The world tree that belongs to the earth should also draw the nutrients of the civilization of the gods.

after all.

Wang Yan is now the master of two planets, and it is impossible to let the earth develop civilization step by step.

Close the gate of time and space.

The earth and the gods are two worlds.

When opening the door of time and space, the earth and the gods are one world.

When the world tree on earth grows to the size of the world tree of the gods.


There was a slight noise in Wang Yan's mind.

As if something was broken.

A memory suddenly appeared in Wang Yan's mind.

Wang Yan instantly understood the cause and effect.

It turns out that the earth is not an unowned civilization.

Hundreds of millions of years ago.

When he was still a cell, he had become the master of the planet of the earth, and he was the master of the earth planet that was born and grew up.

He grew up with the earth without any external knowledge and civilization as a reference.

He witnessed the evolution of living things and the birth of animals and plants.

He created all civilizations.

He created the Gendaya civilization, which is a super-powered civilization. However, the Gendaya civilization just had the ability to explore the starry sky, and it was hit by the Lord of the alien planet.

Eight powerful races invaded.

The Gendaya civilization experienced the most tragic failure, and as the master of the planet, he expelled the foreign invaders at the expense of himself.

But at the same time, his world tree was destroyed, he lost all his memories and fell into a deep sleep...


When he woke up for the second time.

He created the Mesopotaian civilization, which was even more short-lived. Even the cosmic civilization did not even begin, and it was again subjected to foreign invasion.

Civilization was destroyed, and he had to fall asleep again...


When he woke up for the third time.

He created the Muria civilization, and the Muria civilization developed a bioenergy civilization that was extremely dismissed.

This is an unprecedented mature civilization.

The Muria civilization broke out of the solar system and explored the universe.

His world tree is exceptionally strong.

However, the gate of time and space was opened again.

The invading army of the planet lord once again set foot on the earth, this time, wearing a mask of peace, they broke through the defense line of Muria civilization from within.

If it were not the last moment, he had awakened the memory of the previous planet lord.

The earth does not belong to him at all...


For the fourth time, he woke up again and created the Atlantis civilization.

The civilization of Atlantis is highly developed and can even sail across the stars.

But it is well known.

Atlantis civilization was eventually destroyed.


For the fifth time, he created earth civilization and created a multi-mythical era.

Pangu of China, Odin of Northern Europe, Zeus of Olympus...

He created various gods.

This time.

He even went out of the earth and found an unowned civilized planet, where he planted branches of the world tree.

But this time.

The earth has not escaped bad luck either.

When he went out to arrange the second civilization planet.

The earth was invaded again The gods were destroyed.

The huge **** system was destroyed.

In the end, he had to sacrifice himself and the World Tree again to drive out the invaders and seal the gate of time and space.

Fortunately, he returned in time, civilization was not completely destroyed, but seeds were left.

But because the world tree was destroyed, he once again lost all his memories and fell into a deep sleep and endless reincarnation...

Until he reincarnated as a young man named Wang Yan, stepped into his branch planet, and connected with the branches of the world tree he planted...


"It turns out that the earth has always been mine. It turns out that the gods are the branches of the world tree. No wonder it is also the master of the planet. Elmand can only develop on his planet, but I can be in the earth and the gods. Shuttle back and forth..."

When the dusty memory was opened, Wang Yan instantly understood all the causes and consequences, and the familiarity of the war scenes on the earth, the battle of the Elmand Army, etc., made him familiar. He finally found the familiar scenes, dare to love those familiar scenes. , Is his previous experience.

"Five times of aggression, five times of rebirth, it turns out that my fate is so rough!" Wang Yan murmured.

Five highly developed civilizations overlapped in his mind, Wang Yan’s ability reached unprecedented heights, his mind swept across the earth and the gods, and captured Elmand who was hidden in the bottom of the sea. He threw it into the imprisoned space.

After solving Elmand’s little trouble, Wang Yan looked up at the sky and said softly, “Lord of the five planets who invaded the earth, I’m back again! You are probably still looking for the earth civilization that has invaded the earth. Right! But this time, I won't wait for you to come, it's time for me to find you!"

(End of the book, thanks for watching!)

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