My Private Planet

Chapter 301: Furious Fire Spirit

Among those who came out of the Theological Seminary, Caesar had thoroughly studied the religious culture of the earth.

Moreover, the primitive people of the entire Caesar tribe are all loyal believers of the God of Light. Sprinkling the glory of the God of Light across the entire continent is the belief that the primitive people of the Caesar tribe have struggled for all their lives.

Religious culture is advancing by leaps and bounds, the first thing Wang Yan thinks of is the Caesar tribe.

The Caesar tribe has completely changed its appearance.

The orc tribe was created by Wang Yan himself, which is equivalent to his heir; while the Caesar tribe is his direct line. After all, after coming to this planet, the first primitive tribe Wang Yan came into contact with was the Caesar tribe. The starting point of everything is also the Caesar tribe.

Therefore, Wang Yan is particularly concerned about the Caesar tribe.

For a long time, the Caesar tribe has followed Wang Yan's footsteps closely. They have been trained by Xie Yufei. Almost all people from the earth have had contact with the Caesar tribe.

Later, most of the members of the Caesar tribe were sent to the seminaries and received the most advanced education as administrators, witnessing the process of the seminaries from scratch.

Later, the seminaries split.

The members of the Caesar tribe followed the earthlings and learned the steps to establish and manage the country.

In the process of all this, the supply from the earth, the seeds of the **** of agriculture, the machinery of the **** of industry, the Caesar tribe has never stopped.

It can be said.

The Caesar tribe is a darling of thousands of favorites.

Calculated by Wang Yan's time, Wang Yan came to this world, and it took only a few months, but the Caesar tribe has actually passed ten years, and spent ten years under the influence of a more cashier earth civilization.

Ten years, even if they were once ignorant, primitive people in the Stone Age are enough to make a huge change.

The belief in God of Light means endless physical strength.

Advanced knowledge opens up their wisdom.

Technology products from the earth improve their living environment.



The average life expectancy of the people of the Caesar tribe is less than 20, so they can only curl up in the cave to die silently when encountering a large-scale natural disaster;

But now, the old people of the Caesar tribe are still sturdy. They were in their thirties. They were old and decayed. Under the nourishment of adequate nutrition, their wrinkles stretched, their gray hair became dark, and their lost teeth grew longer. After I came out, I returned to my prime of life...

The primitive people of the Caesar tribe have ruddy faces, neatly dressed, and their conversation rooms are all in Mandarin. If they don't understand the details, anyone will regard this as a modern town on earth.

Yes, it is the town.

The expansion of the Caesar tribe has never stopped. Relying on advanced productivity, the new generation of the Caesar tribe has grown up to conquer everywhere.

Snatching, annexing, and increasing population.

When Caesar and others returned to the tribe from the seminaries, the original Caesar tribe had already become a super-large tribe with vast farmland, numerous livestock and a vast territory.

Although not comparable to the Great Tang Empire of Li Shimin, the proud son of heaven, it also possesses the rudimentary form of a country, to be precise, a religious state.

During the period when Caesar returned to the tribe, the main work he did was to reorganize the Caesar tribe with the advanced experience gained from the seminaries and establish a true religion of light.

For Caesar, it is very easy to build his tribe into a sect, not only because most of the people in the whole tribe are believers of the God of Light, but also because of the countless deductions he made when he was in the seminary.

In the seminaries, Caesar even sorted out the teachings of the Shining God Church.

After Caesar's return, what he did was nothing more than turning the things on paper into reality.

Caesar, who possesses the three sacred objects of the Light God Sect, can do these things very easily.

Caesar sent the God of Light to three tribes, possessing the sacrifices of light spells; the light knight with personal strength; and the missionary responsible for preaching;

Caesar considers himself the Pope, and has three bishops who manage the priests, knights and missionaries.

At present, the light knight is held by the original hunting captain Hou Yi. In the Academy of theology, Hou Yi often mingled with the orc Kairon and the others, wrestling all day long, and has mastered many advanced fighting skills invisibly. The light **** teaches the knights. The commander deserves it.

The bishop who administers the sacrificial rites is Wuzhu Nicholas Goulu of the original clan;

After the popularization of Mandarin, Wu Zhu had already understood the meaning of his name. However, from beginning to end, he had no plans to change his name. His name was bestowed by God, and even if it was a humble life, it had a sacred meaning. He won't change his name, he even plans to pass on the remaining name of the dog from his family.

At the beginning, Wu Zhu, who was precarious, now has the concept of family after learning advanced culture.

As for the missionaries, their bishop’s name was Dante, and his name was also derived from Wang Yan. Perhaps in the dark, the name of a great writer gave him magical powers. Now, Dante is the most knowledgeable in the Caesar tribe. People, Caesar’s doctrine of the Illuminati religion was basically formulated in consultation with him, and he is responsible for spreading the doctrine, which is more appropriate.


The fire **** Jia Junpeng, in Caesar's original plan, included her into the system of the Light God Sect.

But later, Jia Junpeng's demonstrated ability became stronger and stronger, and Caesar had to give up his previous plan.

In essence, the **** of fire and the **** of light belong to the divine residence, even if Jia Junpeng is loyal to Wang Yan, Caesar does not dare, nor does he have the courage to incorporate high-end combat power like Jia Junpeng into the system of the **** of light.

However, Jia Junpeng, who was born in the Caesar tribe, did not take Caesar’s worries seriously. In her heart, no matter what she did or where she was, she served Wang Yan, no matter what she did or where she was. unimportant.

What Jia Junpeng wanted to do from the beginning to the end was to dedicate all of her to Wang Yan, so she has been studying and developing the power of the Godhead of Vulcan.

Especially after the news of Wang Yan's marriage came, Jia Junpeng gave up all selfish thoughts and focused on cultivating her Flame Legion.

Before, because of the news of Wang Yan's marriage, Jia Junpeng's mood fluctuated, mobilizing the fire element in a radius of fifty miles, and burning a valley.

It was also that time that made Jia Junpeng aware of the power of Vulcan, and completely controlled the fire element. Various fire spells were mastered without a teacher, and he was sublimated from a mortal into a god.

And the fire element is out of control, and the burned valley has also undergone a magical change inadvertently. The valley has the ability to spontaneously generate fire spirits.

These fire elves are different from the fire elves created by the goddess of life Jia Jingqi, full of violent negative emotions.

Even Jia Junpeng who possesses the God of Vulcan can not control it.

At the beginning, Jia Junpeng did not know the existence of these violent fire elves.

Occasionally, during a normal training session, the light knight of the Caesar tribe encountered a raging fire elf who was living outside and clashed with it, causing a lot of casualties, and then wiped out the fire elf.

After tracing the origin of the fire elves, after finding the valley, Jia Junpeng realized that the valley burned by it had mutated. I want to talk about "My Private Planet" with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Literature" on WeChat, read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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