My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 767: Fame rises, martial arts master!

On July 8, the eighth year of the last calendar year, the fourth day after everyone arrived in Baoyu County, the news of the new county magistrate had completely spread throughout the territory.

It's just compared to when County Magistrate Tong took office, the atmosphere suddenly became tense and everyone was in fear.

The public opinion evaluation of County Magistrate Su is very strange, and everyone's reactions are completely different.

The noisy street corner vegetable market, the comfortable roadside restaurants and restaurants, the busy construction base, and the bustling Longji River.

In less than two days, County Magistrate Su quickly became popular in every place in Baoyu County, becoming everyone's talk after dinner like a meteor.

Baoyu Old Town, Hunhun Street, Wanyu Tea House.

There had just been a light rain with the sun still hanging in the sky, and the narrow and crowded old town was a bit hot and humid. All the people sitting inside and outside the teahouse were wearing breathable vests, shorts, and flip-flops.

As for those women who were inconvenient to dress like this, most of them wore simple corsets, thin short-sleeved shorts, and leaned lazily in the corner holding cattail leaf fans.

The entire teahouse is three stories high. The first two floors are mainly for meals and guests come and go. The third floor is mainly for herbal tea and delicious soup. It is specially designed for those who have nothing to do to stay in and have fun listening to books and bragging.

Sitting in the corner on the third floor.

Somo picked up a cup of dark green herbal tea to remove heat and took a sip. A tea that tasted like Fengyoujing began to swirl in his mouth. The taste of Soaring Linggai immediately made people feel cooler.

In four days, he did not go to the government office, which was corrupt to the core, even once, and those worms who relied on the status system did not pay attention to the one-day "ultimatum" he issued.

It was as if there was a secret tacit understanding that everyone should go to work and get off work, and they basically ignored him as the new county magistrate.

Therefore, the important task of rectifying the Baoyu County Government Office and developing the Zijie Group was left to Sun Quan, Zhang Min and others.

Except for the time when he was building armor parts in the laboratory, Sumo chose to walk in the old city of Baoyu County at other times, collecting information that was not recorded in the documents.

Now, finally, I have gained something in this teahouse!

In the entire Tianyuan territory, Wanyu Teahouse is not the only one in front of you.

In Hope City, Tianyuan City, and even in several subordinate counties, there are large and small stores of Wanyu Tea House, forming a chain operation.

The one currently opened in Baoyu County is the head office of Wanyu Teahouse.

The boss behind it is also the author of "Wasteland Prescriptions", Wan Jingnian!

Relying on the prescriptions with different functions that he researched in the wasteland, Wanyu Tea House's business is extremely booming everywhere.

Those weird medicinal foods and tea soups can actually replace a small part of the therapeutic effects of medicines.

According to the locals, no matter whether you have a headache, fever, diarrhea or constipation, as long as you come to Wanyu Teahouse, you are guaranteed to be cured by a meal.

At first, Sumo was a little skeptical.

But after two days of trying, I tried more than ten herbal teas with different flavors and effects.

He was also surprised to find that the effect of the tea soup was as good as advertised.

These things really work!

Of course, compared to the magical effects of these things, Sumo was actually more concerned about how Wan Jingnian studied the native medicinal materials in these wastelands, as well as the method and process of matching them.

He was able to achieve such research results in these years without the support of the territory.

What if starting from the end of the calendar year, the territory has vigorously cultivated him and fully supported his research?

Can we develop magical decoctions to resist some of the side effects of natural disasters on humans?

Therefore, after using the teahouse boy and Wan Jingnian to submit invitations, Sumo came to the teahouse to relax whenever he had free time.

Not only can you listen to the information revealed in these people's bragging, but you can also gain a deeper understanding of the changes in human cognition in the wasteland over the years.


The storyteller who had rested for a while in front walked back to the screen. Xingmu slapped the table hard, pulling Somo out of his thoughts.

"Come back to your senses, come back to your senses. I only talked about half of it just now. The next part is the highlight."

"Do you want to know which martial arts school Magistrate Su, who is said to have unparalleled martial arts, used to subdue King Yu Long?"

The old storyteller with some gray hair looked proud as he stroked his beard proudly.

Being so appetized by him, the thirty or so people sitting below immediately started shouting.

"Old man Yu, if you can talk, just talk. If you can't talk, let Lao Liu come up. You're such a dirty person!"

"That's right, I heard someone talking about County Magistrate Su since yesterday. If you tell this story all day long, who will come here to listen to your bragging?"

"There are more than twenty thugs under King Yu Long. All of them are masters who have seen blood. They can kill foreigners without blinking an eye. You said that County Magistrate Na Su is Huang Feihong or Ip Man." , it’s Bruce Lee, he might not even be able to beat him, right?”

"Huh? Who is King Yu Long?" Shuxingguo landed heavily on the table again.

Old Man Yu straightened his body: "Don't you all think that all county magistrates are children and weak scholars? Rumors say that County Magistrate Su was famous in many large territories before he came to our Tianyuan Territory. General Ma Ma, not to mention fighting several foreign tribes, as you know about the Green Crocodile Tribe, County Magistrate Su went in single-handedly a few years ago and directly destroyed the entire den!"

"And not only am I going to say today, I also have a video on my hand that I can show you. Who among you young people has seen anyone in the outside world with a video on their hand?"

"What, you have a video in your hand? Is it real or fake?"

"Lao Yu, please don't lie to your brothers. It's been three or four days, and I haven't heard of anyone who has the video?"

"Yes, yes, there are quite a few witnesses, but I've never heard of anyone having the video."

As soon as they heard the word video, the people below immediately went crazy.

It has always been human nature to watch the excitement, no matter how nice the words are, there is no real video to make it more exciting.

This is not the fake fast and slow motion in martial arts movies, Diao Wei Ya.

Yu Shaolong, the famous Yu Longwang in the gangster street, has a real record of success.

At the end of the sixth year of Wasteland, a hungry alien team strayed into Baoyu County and happened to bump into Yu Shaolong who was out inspecting the terrain.

At that time, he only had a crude machete and a homemade bow and arrow.

Yu Shaolong fought nearly a hundred alien races by himself, and it took only half a day to annihilate them all by taking advantage of the terrain.

When all the foreign corpses were carried back to Baoyu County, the name of King Yu Long was also spread.

"Haha, although King Yu Long's martial arts is high, even the military's killing skill, the Seven-Killing Sword, is only an advantage when fighting against stupid aliens," Old Man Yu said disdainfully.

"When fighting with others, the first thing to look at is the level of martial arts learned and the degree of understanding. The core of the Seven Killing Sword is the wide opening and closing, and the emphasis is on using the intensive slashing to continuously force forward to make the enemy appear while dodging. Flaws, causing damage."

"But if you meet someone who has learned footwork, his move is just showing off his flaws and seeking death!"

"Hey, Old Man Yu, you sound quite cool. Could it be that you have seen a master of footwork?"

"That's right, don't watch Dian Jingu's martial arts movies and just come to brag about it. I don't believe in any six-meridian divine sword that can kill cicadas in eight steps."

"Come on, take out your video and show it to everyone!" Several people stood up and shouted angrily.

"Okay, let me open your eyes." Old Man Yu sat upright, with even more disdain on his face: "It's just that the video that follows is very exciting. If you want to watch it, please order a cup of tea, otherwise"

"Give everyone a cup of the best tea, and I'll bear the cost." Before Old Yu could finish his words, a strong male voice came from the stairs.

Following the sound, a man with a gray-black hood and a strong body that almost burst open his sportswear appeared at the corner of the stairs.

The big hood covered the man's face, but the black and blue card in his hand was familiar to everyone.

It is the top membership card of Wanyu Tea House!

"Hey, boss!" Amidst the compliments mixed with surprise, the man under the hood smiled and glanced around slightly.

Seeing Somo sitting by the window, he smiled slightly, walked forward and sat opposite Somo.

"Is it done?"

"It's all done. This time is really troublesome. Fortunately, Ge Jianan helped me." Picking up the teapot in front of Somo, the man took off the face towel used to protect his face from the wind and sand, revealing his face full of small scars and took a sip. After that, he complained slightly: "It's easy for you. You come to Baoyu County to drink tea and listen to operas every day."

"Hahaha, those who are capable should work harder. Our commander-in-chief is so powerful, of course we have to go out and do more activities."

Looking at Feng Long's resentful eyes, Su Mo laughed happily.

Old man Yu, who was sitting on the table, didn't waste any more time and asked the waiter in the teahouse to connect the 40-inch TV behind him to the power supply.

As the screen flickered for a while, a video that was not clear but could barely be seen appeared on the screen.

"Originally, I didn't plan to release this video so easily, but as our black gold card members, you are in for a treat today." Old Man Yu patted the TV and pressed the play button.

The next second, the screen started to move.

It happened to be the scene where Sun Quan got off the Neng chariot and the pursuers from behind came forward, but Somo opened the door and pushed him away.

"This move hits the cow across the mountain. County Magistrate Su's force is magnified geometrically through the car door, and then impacts the person. Looking at the damage, you know that Magistrate Su's physical fitness has definitely gone through long-term training, and he is not a weak scholar. Compare"

The scene was repeated, and everyone in the teahouse suddenly took a breath of cold air. Those who originally wanted to question and argue couldn't help but suppress their thoughts.

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action.

It can knock people away four to five meters just by opening the door. This power is simply terrifying.

Even Feng Long, who was sitting on the tea table, was slightly startled.

Even if he had such power, he couldn't do it.

Even if this person is not on guard and he is ready to attack with all his strength, he will probably only be able to knock him two or three meters away. It is impossible to fly four or five meters like this.

"You didn't use your full strength when you fought me before? No, your strength has increased again?" After watching Old Man Yu replay the action three times, Feng Long couldn't help but ask.

"Well, it seems to have increased." Su Mo scratched his head. He couldn't explain that his strength had increased due to the physical strength he had drawn before. He could only cover it up vaguely: "Maybe it's treasure water, um, it's treasure." The power of water!”

"Fuck you, you monster!" After hearing this nonsense, Feng Long couldn't help but hiss slightly, obviously a little distracted.

If you want to improve your physical fitness from failing to passing 60 or 70 points, it is very simple. It only requires a period of exercise and nutritional supplements.

Even raising the score from 70 to 80 or 90 is not difficult. It can indeed be done with Baoshui.

But in the previous contest, Feng Long could clearly feel that Sumo's strength was about the same as his own, both around 90.

It is no longer possible for such a value to have an exaggerated increase.

But what is happening in front of him now has actually caused the concept he has maintained for a long time to collapse.

"Is it possible that County Magistrate Su is a Tai Chi master and a descendant of Zhang Sanfeng?" When Old Man Yu replayed the beginning for the twelfth time, someone finally couldn't help but ask.

"Well said!" Old Man Yu pressed the pause button with satisfaction: "But I'm not right. County Magistrate Su's true strength is much more than that!"

"What he learned and used, according to my judgment, should be the gas-breaking style of the gallbladder gun!"

"Guard-bore gun? Gas-breaking style!"

Old man Yu gave a name in a serious manner, and the eyes of the people around the table suddenly lit up.

Sumo was also stunned.

He had never heard of a gallbladder gun.

But this push of the door is indeed a bit like the Su family's gun-popping force technique, but this old man

"Look at the next scene." Old Man Yu pressed the play button, and the scene finally stopped replaying and turned into Sumo launching a counterattack.

At the moment when the two teams are about to come into contact, a conflict is about to break out.

Old Man Yu pressed the slow playback button 5 times.

The knives chopped off by Yu Shaolong and others in the picture suddenly slowed down, and Somo's dodging figure also slowed down.

"It is said that in the third edition of the Qingming Spear Canon, there are three levels of matching footwork. Looking at the way Magistrate Su is strolling in the courtyard, I suspect that he is currently using the highest level of Alone Green Boat." Old Man Yu Lost in memories.

"Every time Yu Longwang slashed at the position where Magistrate Su was standing, it seemed that they were pressing forward step by step, but in fact they were led by Magistrate Su's nose. From the beginning, they lost the initiative and were The longer you are involved, the harder it is to get out.”

"And the next knife" adjusted the speed to 25 times. Old Man Yu exclaimed with a look of amazement: "The last strike comes first. This is the famous stunt of the first generation Su family gun Zhang Gongwang. Rumor has it that our old lord, Human Su Shen relied on this move to defeat countless enemies back then!"


This was the sound of several teacups accidentally falling to the ground.

When Old Man Yu called out this name, many people also recognized it from their memories, with shock on their faces.

As for Su Mo, his eyes widened, completely amazed that this old man Yu could really see through the moves he used.

"Tsk, tsk, an ordinary storyteller in this teahouse can actually have such skill!"

"An ordinary storyteller?" Feng Long, who was watching the excitement from the side, shook his head and laughed: "He is not an ordinary storyteller, he is the owner of this teahouse, Wan Jingnian."

"Is he Wan Jingnian?" Sumo was startled when he heard that the man he had been looking for for many days was sitting in front of him.

"Yes, he is a wonderful man. He likes to study all kinds of strange prescriptions and martial arts. He is an out-and-out Su Chui." Seeing Su Mo's strange behavior, Feng Long was not surprised and said, "I guess it was the year before last. He also stayed in our Northern Military Region for a while, asking this and that one for martial arts lessons every day. This man has a relatively simple mind and is very persistent in what he is sure of. He is the first batch of citizens in our Tianyuan Territory and should be a good candidate for martial arts training. ."

"But it's a pity that he went out on an expedition to find medicinal materials. He suffered too many root causes of diseases when he tried the medicine. His body was seriously damaged and he lost the potential to practice martial arts. He could only practice these moves and routines to get over his addiction to martial arts."

"By the way, I used to remember him writing books, researching medicinal materials, and preparing all kinds of strange prescriptions to contribute to the territory's disaster relief. But he must have been hit hard in recent years, and he hasn't released new products for a long time!"

"So that's how it is." Sumo nodded slightly, his heart skipping a beat.

Eight years ago in the wasteland, Wan Jingnian was seriously injured due to a drug test and lost the potential to practice martial arts. He could only stay in this teahouse as a storyteller to get rid of his martial arts addiction, and gave up continuing to research and develop different medicines.

But what about a year in the wasteland?

In reality, he is probably still an ordinary member of the 1,400 aborigines in Hope Village.

If you can induce him to embark on this path in advance and provide some help, let him continue to develop.

"Does your card allow me to talk to him? I want to have a good talk with him."

"Yes, there's nothing I can't do." Feng Long nodded indifferently at first, and then his expression became strange: "My County Magistrate of Su Da, you have already submitted your invitation, and they don't want to see you, right?"

"Go away, you're disgusting. I'll do my best next time we're sparring."

With a glance, Su Mo couldn't help but smile when he saw Feng Long shrinking his head.

Those herbal teas are indeed very useful, but they are not irreplaceable necessities.

But if in the coming time, Wan Jingnian can be persuaded to continue developing prescriptions to combat fog erosion.

Then wait until you return to the real wasteland and the continuous fog comes during the day.

Undoubtedly, they have the means to defeat the enemy in advance, as well as super "commodities" that can make hundreds of millions of dollars and become the mainstay of the territory's economy!

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