My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 698 Rain in May, pressure from the inspection team!

The rain in May comes as soon as it comes.

In the evening, the sky was still cloudless and steaming.

But at about eight o'clock in the evening, the heavy rain suddenly fell and began to bring a touch of coolness to the dusty plain.

Thanks to the territory's emphasis on water conservancy, even in this small town of Sangtian, floods like those in the origin territory did not occur.

Except for the constant gurgling sound from the sewer outlet, the lives of people living in the town were basically not affected.

Those who do business are still doing business, and those who go to the fields are still working in raincoats.

Many people were even thankful that the rain had finally brought down the persistent high temperature a lot, sparing their skin and flesh the pain of being in the fields under the bright sun.

However, this trace of happiness only lasted for one night.

After realizing that the rain still showed no signs of stopping the next day, and instead continued to rain heavier and heavier, more and more people could only pray silently in their hearts.

This rain before the summer harvest can pass quickly and not bring other variables to the next harvest.

But it's a pity that when it comes to praying, you can only do your best to obey fate.

Starting from the evening of June 2nd until June 6th.

Four days passed, and when Sumo woke up in the morning, the sound of rain that reached his ears still showed no sign of getting smaller!

"Ah, Brother Zong, why did you wake up so early?"

"It's only five-fifty. You don't go to work until seven-thirty. It's almost two hours!"

"But breakfast will be ready soon, including your favorite spicy mashed potato buns. You can go and wash up first."

When she saw Somo coming out of the middle room and Huang Xiaojuan, who was busy on the stove, she poked her head out and shouted twice with joy.

Because the rain was so heavy, the entire fields near Sangtian Town had basically turned into a puddle of mud.

In this case, let alone working in the fields, even if you go for a walk, you will be turned into a clay doll.

So starting from the afternoon of the next day, all planting-related industries in Sangtian Town continued, except those working indoors.

Workers in other industries have almost all been shut down.

Of course, what makes Huang Xiaojuan so happy is that when purchasing the territorial identity, there is a contract that restricts both parties.

Just like now, even though I can't do my job, my salary is still paid.

And under this kind of paid leave, she even imagined that it would rain for ten days and a half, which made people laugh and cry.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll clean up the water in the yard first."

He waved his hand and looked at the courtyard that was about to be flooded again overnight, and Oreo who was forced to squat under the eaves.

Somo moved his shoulders, picked up the broom made of thick leaves, and began to sweep out to the street.

During these four days, the drainage system of Sangtian Town has undoubtedly been severely tested.

But what is reassuring is that this town was structured according to the standards of natural disasters in the wasteland when it was first established.

Although there was a lot of rain in the past four days, it was still far from this mark.

For example, the management staff of Sangtian Town even have time to come and maintain Gutian Third Street in front of the courtyard.

"Hey, you guys are cleaning the courtyard too!"

After sweeping from under the eaves to outside the door, he opened the courtyard door and stood outside. Looking at the two people who were also standing on the street sweeping water, Somo laughed "honestly".

When he first came here, there were only two families living in this Gutian Three Streets.

Moreover, the two households were located at the end of the alley, not close to him at the end of the alley. They were three small streets away.

But strangely, it only took two days.

After the heavy rain began to fall, one after another "neighbors" near the courtyard chose to move here.

As of last night, four households with a total of thirteen people had moved in, making the whole street suddenly lively.

These people vary in height, short, fat, and thin, and include men, women, old and young.

If Sumo hadn't sensed the surveillance of these people a long time ago, it might be difficult to detect that these "family"-like organizations were actually disguised.

"Isn't that right? It rained so hard. It was only one night and it almost flooded my house!"

We spent two days together, but since Su Mo left early and came back late every day, the two of them had no time to strike up a conversation.

At this time, Wang Qian, the shirtless and fat man, was obviously a little happy to be greeted by Sumo.

"Brother Su, I smell the delicious food here. Otherwise, we will pay you for the ingredients and add some processing fees."

"Can you help a few of us take care of the food? It's too expensive to eat out here!"

"Oh? You know my last name is Su?"

He tilted his head slightly "confused" and looked at Wang Qian who was obviously stunned and his face turned pale.

Su Mo suppressed a smile and coughed lightly: "It's not impossible, but I have to ask my Xiaojuan to see if she is willing. After all, I am just a eater."

"Okay, okay, we won't force it. I figure we are neighbors and can help each other with anything, right?"

Seeing that Su Mo was not struggling with this issue, Wang Qian breathed a sigh of relief and quickly moved on with the topic.

For a moment, in an atmosphere of friendly communication.

After sweeping all the water in the courtyard into the sewer, Sumo clapped his hands with satisfaction and began to go home and wash up.

When they sat down at the dining table, Huang Xiaojuan just brought the meal over, making the room steamy and full of fireworks.

"Brother Zong, I saw you and those people next door talking about something, what, do they want to spy on us?"

First, Huang Xiaojuan glanced out the window anxiously, and after making sure that these people were not eavesdropping nearby, Huang Xiaojuan turned her head and made a knife gesture.

When she was in Qingguo's territory, she wouldn't be so sensitive.

After all, although she had been a refugee for a period of time at that time, she had not really encountered any life-or-death crisis.

It was not until later, when she was startled by the Liu brothers on the train and walked through the door of life and death once, that Huang Xiaojuan realized the danger of the wasteland and now she has mild persecution paranoia.

"What are you thinking about? Our Tianyuan territory is so safe, how can it be as complicated as you think?"

"Besides, they came to me just now and wanted to come over for a meal. They said they were providing ingredients and processing fees. How could they be a bad person?"

Picking up a big white steamed bun, Somo dipped it into the spicy mashed potatoes on the plate and laughed while eating.

No wonder Huang Xiaojuan was so vigilant, when these people first monitored him.

On the first night, even though Oreo was outside to warn him, Sumo didn't fall asleep much. He remained half asleep, ready to break out into a fight at any time.

But later, after moving here from these people, I began to express goodwill intentionally or unintentionally.

Things have changed again.

During the two days, although they monitored the courtyard all the time, they kept an eye on the whereabouts of the two of them.

But there is one point that has been ignored.


With the appearance of a Chinese pastoral dog as a cover, Oreo looks clumsy. He goes out for a walk regularly every day and only comes back when he is crazy enough.

But in fact, in the blind spot monitored by these people, Oreo had already lurked there, eavesdropping on information.

Linked to each other, Sumo already knew the specific origin and purpose of these people as early as the morning of June 4th.

"Huh? Are they not bad people?"

After hearing about Su Mo's safety, Huang Xiaojuan patted her chest and sat down with relief.

But then, she continued energetically: "Brother Zong, have they told you how much the processing fee is!"

"Hey, I knew you were a money addict!"

Looking helplessly at Huang Xiaojuan, who was excited again, Su Mo casually spit out the price Wang Qian had offered before.

In order to hide the purpose of himself and others, and for fear of Sumo becoming suspicious, Wang Qian offered a low price, which was basically in accordance with the standards of restaurants in the town.

The material fee for each of three meals a day is fully included, and the processing fee is 1 point per meal.

In other words, Wang Xiaojuan could only earn 3 points after working for a whole day.

After three days, I couldn't even reach a little bit.

Calculated based on the high price of 39,800 points of the micro development platform, she would have to work non-stop for 363 years to just reach this price.


"1 o'clock, that's 3 o'clock every day, plus my daily salary is 5 o'clock, holy shit, I can earn 8 o'clock in one day???"

Compared to the Qingguo territory, a family of three would have to work for a whole year to earn about ten points.

After calculating that it would take him less than 13 days to reach this number, Huang Xiaojuan froze on the stool and giggled.

And when she looked like this, she was so happy that Oreo, who was lowering his head to cook next to her, also laughed along with her.

"Quick, stop laughing, hurry up and eat!"

The atmosphere is joyful and the food is delicious.

Taking a sip of the sweet millet porridge in the bowl, Su Mo smiled, not having the slightest idea of ​​clarifying the truth to Huang Xiaojuan.

Fortune favors fools.

Based on Huang Xiaojuan's current daily income of 8 o'clock, she would have to work for ten years just to earn back the 3,000 points she spent to buy her identity.

And these ten years do not include daily life, eating, drinking and having diarrhea.

If we include these, I am afraid that the three thousand points spent upfront may not be able to be repaid in twenty years.

“So in the end, it’s this identity again.”

"People who can afford it don't need it, and people who need it can't afford it. Why does this system need to exist?"

The problem returned to its original starting point. Unable to figure out the reason, Somo could only pretend to be in the back of his mind for the time being.

After finishing breakfast and giving some routine instructions to Oreo, Somo picked up his bag and started walking in the direction of Zizai Liangfang.

Along the way, we passed through several small streets with water blocking the drains. When we were about to converge on the main road, our younger brother, Sun Quan, was waiting at the same spot again.

"Hi, Brother Su, you are finally here."

"What did Xiaojuan do today? I can smell the fragrance from afar!"

Due to the heavy rain, Zizai Liangfang's canteen also suffered damage, and all the prepared ingredients were soaked in water.

In anger, Zhang Min simply fired the old chef who charged too high a price, and planned to recruit a few new chefs with lower prices to save budget and improve the taste.

But she didn't expect that Zizailiangfang was not only unable to recruit people for planting workers, but even cooks rarely came for interviews.

Two days have passed and I still haven't found a decent chef.

There is no other way, everyone can only prepare their own food for the time being.

"It's all in the bag, it's just you who are in a hurry!"

After patting his still hot backpack and seeing Sun Quan's anxious look, Sumo laughed. The two of them held up their umbrellas and started walking side by side towards Liangfang.

After getting used to Sun Quan's presence, Sumo's inner resistance to this chatty follower had long since disappeared.

Just like now, listening to Sun Quan talking about the gossip in Sangtian Town and the territory.

Sumo felt sincerely relieved.

How could such a complete collection of this information be collected by someone with a duller mind?

Only Sun Quan, a familiar person, could shamelessly find people to chat with, talk to, and collect information.

And relying on his information, the two decisively bought a large number of low-priced raincoats on the second day of heavy rain.

On the afternoon of the third day, I sold everything in advance and made a very considerable profit.

Among them, Sumo invested 400 points and earned nearly 680 points back, with a profit of 70%!

Sun Quan invested 90 points, and borrowed 100 points from Sumo. Finally, after interest, he earned 310 points, with the same profit of 65%!

At this time, Sumo was impressed by Sun Quan's well-informed information, and Sun Quan was impressed by Sumo's decisive action.

Coupled with making money together, the friendship between the two began to heat up rapidly.

"Brother Su, do you think we should stock up? The price of food in the territory is very low now. If we do it now, we must..."

I walked almost to the front door of Liangfang and looked at the recruitment office, which was usually unvisited. At this time, there were more than twenty people waiting around to sign the contract.

While Sun Quan was amazed, he also had a plan in mind.


"Do you think the territory won't be able to harvest this year's summer harvest?" Sumo's calm voice came.

Sun Quan was startled, then whispered: "It's possible, the rain is too heavy now, no one knows how many days it will rain. If it lasts for a long time, the summer harvest will definitely be ruined, and the price of food will inevitably rise by then."

"And even if it can be collected, the price of food will not be as cheap as before. After all, the price is here."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Quan turned his head and looked at Su Mo's pointed eyes, feeling his legs go weak.

If Sumo hadn't supported him in time, he might have fallen to his knees at this moment.

At the entrance of Zizai Liangfang, there used to be a few young men sitting around, greeting customers who came to inquire about prices and workers who came to apply for jobs.

It is rare to see outsiders passing through the outer hall and entering the inner hall to sit.

But today, the situation is a little different.

In the inner hall, there were several men sitting in black uniforms and purple high rain boots.

Beside them, as the shopkeeper of Zizai Liangfang, Zhang Minzheng kept smiling with them, and vaguely heard some words from his mouth: "I promise", "I will definitely take it in", "You are responsible for the consequences", "Disaster" Words like "wealth".

"The inspection team is here. Is Liangfang going to enter wartime management?"

After seeing the Senleng pistols hanging on the waists of several men and the inspection badges on their chests, Sun Quan, who was originally slow, immediately quickened his steps and almost half-pulled Sumo back.

It wasn't until he could no longer see a few people in sight that he quickly said with a guilty conscience:

"Brother Su, the problem is big. People from the inspection team are here to make sure there will be no problems with this summer harvest."

"But at our level, and with this damn weather, even the Qiankun Grain Store may not be able to return every grain to its warehouse. How about we?"

After opening his mouth and making a "run away" gesture, Sun Quan started to fight. He had obviously experienced the power of the inspection team a long time ago.

As for the previous idea of ​​​​distributing disaster wealth in the territory, there is no trace of it at this time.

The rest are terrified.

"Come on, a monk who can escape cannot escape from the temple. If Liangfang puts the blame on you, can you think about the consequences?"

Taking the lunch box to Sun Quan and seeing his face become even paler, Sumo raised his hand to hang the umbrella on the wall, opened the door of the studio and walked in.

People who have just arrived in the territory may not know the power of the inspection team, but as the instigator, Sumo is clear.

After all, this thing was founded by him, and Pei Shao, the general manager, served as the first generation supervisory captain.

It has been eight years in the wasteland now, and even the previous rules have been followed by more than 90%, completely eliminating the possibility of any territorial residents trying to steal "territorial benefits."

For example, Zizailiangfang is now being targeted by the inspection team. If the food cannot be handed over on time, there is only one outcome waiting for it.

"Fortunately, the development of the first-generation tool is almost completed."

"When the time comes to use this thing, even if it can't surpass Qiankun Food Line by much, it won't be much different."

Looking at the work table belonging to Zhang Bowen, he saw the nearly half-finished Nengshi sickle.

Somo twisted his neck, and a sense of accomplishment suddenly rose in his heart.

Of course, this sense of accomplishment is not entirely brought about by training Zhang Bowen to make the energy stone sickle in four days.

What's more, Sumo lowered his body and pulled out the oversized drawings from the big drawer under the development desk!

On this patchwork drawing, which is nearly three meters long, the manufacturing steps that only Somo himself can understand are recorded.

And it has almost touched the limit of knowledge that Soma can achieve at this stage!

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