My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 613 The first female lord, a sudden night attack!

"This territory on Sanyuan Mountain is undoubtedly the strongest in the entire Bapan Mountain. They have at least 500 people and possess a large amount of materials and weapons and equipment."

"Going back to more than a month ago, the great lord of the Origin Territory sent people here to recruit, but they were rejected by the lord of the Three-Yuan Territory. If something happened later, it would naturally be settled."

Pointing to the place where the fire was rising in the distance, Liu Quan introduced it in a clear and logical manner. Google search reading

Exclude the crimes committed by the Liu brothers due to their sudden power and self-aggrandizement.

Through this period of contact, Sumo discovered that these two people were not actually bad in nature.

"Are you familiar with this territory?"

After continuing to listen for a while, Sumo put down the telescope with a smile and turned his head.

As a lord in a mountain thousands of miles away, he can be so familiar with the situation in other people's territory.

Either the two sides have a hostile relationship and have done a lot of exploration and platooning to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Either the two sides are very close allies, so there is no defense in this regard, and the allies are allowed to know about it.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to know so clearly under other circumstances.

Being stared at by Su Mo, Liu Yai also realized that he seemed to know too clearly.

He could only blush and scratch his head: "I'm not very familiar with it. I just stayed here for one night when I passed by before and had a brief exchange with the people inside."

"The lords in other places are all men, but the lord of this Sanyuan Territory is a beautiful woman, and most of their subordinates are women and there are very few men."

"Because of this incident, I learned more about it."


Hearing that the lord of Sanyuan Territory was actually a woman, Sumo couldn't help but utter a cry of surprise.

When humans differentiated more than a month ago.

In the deep sea, there are actually very few men with strong fighting ability. Most of them are women with weak fighting ability and low physical fitness.

On the other hand, the New World is dominated by men who are strong and have good fighting prowess. Except for those who are carried ashore, it is rare to see or hear of women coming to the New World in groups to seize opportunities.

Nowadays, not only do we encounter a group of territories dominated by women in the mountains, but they are even led by women.

No wonder Sumo felt strange.

Liu Quan: "Yes, Lord Sun of the Sanyuan Territory is very powerful. Well, I'm not talking about her use of modern weapons or anything like that, but she is very skilled. Even three or five strong men can hardly be her opponent. , it’s not like no one has tried to take advantage of them before, but in the end they were suppressed by Lord Sun’s tough methods and crushing strength.”

"I remember that when the Origin Camp recruited them last time, there were already four to five hundred people in this Sanyuan Territory. I don't know if their number has increased after more than a month!"

Extracting key words from Liu Quan's words, Sumo got a lot of useful information.

At the same time, Sumo was slightly frightened after hearing that there were so many people there a month ago.

"Doesn't Lord Sun have the intention to expand or lead people out of the mountains to develop in the outer plains?"

Liu Quan thought for a while and turned his attention to his brother Liu Yai.

The latter made eye contact, strode forward, and reluctantly replied with a leaky mouth: "I have met this Lord Sun, and her personality should not be as cautious as ours. I can feel that she has some ambitions. But well, in this mountain, we humans are the only ones competing in secret, and because we are not far apart, once we get into a fight, most of us will lose in the end, so it’s safer.”

"But outside the mountain, how can the situation be as simple as it is now? Not only do we have to face oppression, pursuit, and coercion from alien races every day, but we also have to face attacks from more people with ulterior motives."

"Lord Sun is not afraid of taking these risks alone, but the women under her will probably be wiped out if they meet her. It won't take a few times for the territory to be empty and there will be no one to develop, so I guess She has been anxious for so long, we should be there."

"A chance to conquer!"

When it came to the last five words, Liu Yai paused for a moment before speaking slowly.

Unlike his younger brother Liu Quan who was naive, Liu Yai lived clearly and probably guessed some of Somo's goals along the way.



"Not urgent!"

After shaking his head and taking another look at the fire, Somo turned around and began to give instructions.

"Set up camp, raise the campfire, and prepare dinner. Centered on where I am standing now, everyone listens to orders."

"Teams 1, 2 and 3 are responsible for clearing all obstacles within 100 meters and establishing basic defense facilities. Teams 4, 5 and 6 are responsible for setting up tents and collecting supplies for the night. Teams 7 and 89 are responsible for searching the vicinity and checking for danger."

"We're not leaving tonight. We'll just stay here for one night and talk about it tomorrow morning!"

As the saying goes, if you look up the mountain, you will run to death.

The distance between Erlang Mountain and Sanyuan Mountain seems to be not far away, but you have to use your foot strength to measure it. It takes at least four or five o'clock at night to reach the top of the opposite mountain.

That's all, not counting the two hours it took to climb up to this property on the mountainside.

The boat and the carriage were exhausted, and the people and horses were exhausted.

When you go to meet the first friendly camp in the mountains, the first impression is very important.

If the opponent sees that the soldiers on his side are all weak and sleepy.

This communication and subjugation may have failed for the most part before it even started.

Sumo is naturally aware of this.

The order was given, and the soldiers were obviously a little happy after hearing that they no longer had to cross mountains and ridges at night.

One by one, the movements were much faster than during the day.

Only half an hour later, on the flat ground at the top of the mountain, three huge campfires had risen into the sky, and eleven small tents were built around the campfires.

Because there was still plenty of time, all the soldiers in charge of food tonight started to prepare a big meal in a leisurely manner.

Take out the fresh vegetables placed in the storage space, and also take out a few pounds of beef.

Set up the iron pot, wait until the fire is hot, heat the oil to a boil, add the vegetables and beef and stir-fry for a while, then add the thawed snow water.

It's very simple, a vegetable and beef soup that can dispel all the chills is stewed next to it.

On the other side, it's simpler.

Put handfuls of noodles that have already been prepared into the pot, sprinkle with spicy noodles, put some base vegetables on it, and then pour hot oil on it to make the noodles easily.

After a while, the strong fragrance could no longer be concealed, and accompanied by the north wind, it circled the entire camp and headed towards Sanyuan Mountain.

Relying on long-term drinking of psionic water, Somo was still able to take the taste in stride. He sat on the simple bed in the tent and looked through the illustration manual he had obtained earlier.

The soldiers also had great resistance to this fragrance because they didn't have a harsh meal after coming to the territory.

But for the two Liu brothers who had just joined the team, the taste was like honey to bees, with a fatal attraction.

"Are they living so well?"

"The green vegetables are greener than the grass on the ground, and the white noodles are whiter than the clouds. They"

Stuttering, the two stood in the corner, dumbfounded.

As the lords of an entire territory, these days, they think that the food they eat is better than most people in this new continent.

Not counting the taste, at least in terms of food and clothing, I can eat fully every day, which is very comfortable.

But now.

People are more infuriating than people.

After seeing the indifferent expressions on all the warriors' faces, an emotion called desire gradually drove away some of the thoughts that were still brewing in their minds.

"This weirdo can't really be Su Mo, ah no, is he Su Shen?"

Hearing his brother stammering out his inner doubts, Liu Yai turned his head and their eyes met.





The exact same look contained several emotions.

When more and more facts and evidence were put in front of them, the results seemed to no longer need to be proved.

At eleven forty-five, the belated dinner was served on the table.

Walking out of the tent and facing the soldiers with jubilant faces, Somo thought for a while and then suddenly realized.

Today is the last day of the heavy snowfall disaster and the last day of three milestones in the long winter.

After twelve o'clock tonight, the heavy snowfall will completely come to an end and become a thing of the past.

The annoying snowy days and falling snowflakes will only become memories in people's minds, and the videos on the disaster relief channel will be preserved.

Although fifteen days later, the second scalp-numbing major cooling disaster will come.

But in the meantime, anyone can be a little uncontrollably excited at the thought of saying goodbye to the daily dark clouds and having half a month to buffer and enjoy the warm sunny days.

"Director, please sit in front!"

The three dining tables put together temporarily looked a bit strange.

But overall, it is still hexagonal, and one table can accommodate more than thirty people dining at the same time.

He sat at the top of the table without hesitation. After seeing everyone sit down, Somo stood up and picked up the beef soup in his hand:

"Today is the last day of the heavy snowfall disaster. In ten minutes, we will usher in a new day."

"Wish me, and also us, successfully survive another day and survive another disaster!"

You can't celebrate inside the territory, and sitting on this barren mountain doesn't feel right.

The hot beef soup enters the throat. The fresh aroma of vegetables and the delicious taste of beef are cleverly blended together and roll into the belly along with the soup.

Seeing Somo standing and finishing a large bowl, the other soldiers followed suit and drank the whole bowl in one go.

After the meal, everyone's belly was full and there was no chill at all, and the whole body was filled with warmth.

"Go to bed early, we have to get up early tomorrow morning and go on the road."

"Tianmin, remember to arrange for someone to be on duty. We must not let down our guard in any way in a place we are not familiar with."

After receiving the order, Feng Tianmin nodded and left to make arrangements.

There don’t need to be too many people standing guard in the mountains every night, just eight people at a time.

And these people on duty don’t have to rush when climbing during the day, but can sit in the climbing car to catch up on their sleep.

Judging from the level of hard work, this night shift is actually a good job.

In the dark and cold night, the excitement comes and goes quickly.

After a while, after everyone had washed up, there was only a blazing campfire in the center of the entire camp.

Returning to his own small tent, listening to the sound of fire coming from outside from time to time, Sumo was not sleepy. He lay leisurely on the small bed and looked through the harvest of the past few days.

"Survival points have increased very quickly this time. I conquered the cliff territory yesterday and they actually gave me 3,000 points. I made a lot of money!"

"There are only a few hundred points left before I leave. In just a short time, it's back to 5,000 points!"

In terms of survival points, as long as you don't stay in the territory, you can make considerable profits every day.

More or less, it is a positive gain in strength.

In terms of territory, there has also been no reduction, and the income has remained at 6, and overall it is approaching the 30-point mark!

After some investigation, Sumo closed the system panel with a smile on his face, feeling quite satisfied.

As the foundation for settling down and establishing a life in the doomsday wasteland.

Although these points are just dead objects now, they cannot play their role immediately.

But as long as you leave the mountains and return to the territory, you can quickly convert it into development power and gain the territory positively.

"Half a month, when I go back, I will have at least 30,000 survival points and 50 territorial points in my hand."

"At that time, the rice leaves are also ripe, and several magical plants can enter the next stage of cultivation!"

In terms of numbers, an entire depression in front of the origin territory was filled with children waiting to be fed. The scale of both was completely inadequate.

Even compared to the Sanyuan Territory, they are on par with each other.

In terms of development, the origin territory is slightly better than the current depression in terms of infrastructure due to its large population and first-mover advantage, but is weaker in terms of people's livelihood.

The Sanyuan Territory is weaker than both of them. It is still in the cave-dwelling stage and cannot get out.

But other than those two.

In terms of development potential, not to mention the three-dimensional territory, it is the origin territory, even those territories that are ranked first.

If you encounter the current depression, you will be reduced to rubble in seconds.

It only takes a period of accumulation. When the next ranking is opened, Sumo is completely confident:

Keep the top ten in the human rankings, and strive to be in the top fifty in the rankings of all races!

"Olio, I'm going to bother you tonight too, be good!"

Night vigil is actually not simple.

The ability to survive the first two nights safely was not just the work of the soldiers, Oreo also played a large part in it.

After touching Oreo's soft dog head, he opened the kettle and fed him some psionic water.

Oreo nodded obediently, and the white and black figure sprang out of the tent in an instant and disappeared into the white snow.

In heavy snow.

The snowflake mark symbol not only gives Oreo the ability to transform, but also greatly increases all of Oreo's attributes.

A night without sleep is nothing to him.

He turned off the bedside lights and covered himself with a warm quilt. After a while, Sumo fell into a deep sleep as he snored softly.

In other tents, the soldiers were exhausted after a day of going up and down the mountain. They all slept very soundly, snoring one after another.

It was like a copy of the nights of the previous dozens of days.

Tonight, there seemed to be no danger imminent.

But the fact is destined that everyone, including Sumo, will not be able to sleep soundly.

It's half past four at night.

When Oreo's long whine sounded, Sumo opened his eyes immediately, grabbed the automatic rifle hanging on the bedside, and rushed to the blind corner of the tent.

Outside, there were several high-pitched gong sounds, followed by the soldiers' shrill shouts.

"Enemy attack!"

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