My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 305 Wasteland Version: Latent and Search

Pei Shao's men originally had three people, but when he first collected information, Sumo added three more people. Google search reading

Seven people in total.

For a village with only 150 people, being able to devote seven people to intelligence work is already a lot.

If you add in the marginalized person Zhong Qingshu, there are even eight people.

Even without any experience, relying on blanket observation, a foreign team that may number 20,000 people, would there be no trace of it?

But the fact is that after Su Mo asked, not only did Pei Shao remain silent, but Zhong Qingshu, a little expert in intelligence gathering, also looked thoughtful.

"Twenty thousand foreigners, that's not two hundred, two thousand!"

"A total of 20,000, and the supplies consumed every day are measured in hundreds of units. You can't find such a team!"

Seeing that Su Mo was a little angry, Pei Shao finally couldn't withstand the pressure and said with an extremely ugly face:

"Director, it's really not that our people don't look for it, or that they have been infiltrated by aliens. These days, the earth tigers are everywhere within a radius of 200 kilometers."

"I even secretly withdrew supplies and bought a voice recorder to put in the car, but I didn't find any problems with our people."

"There is really no sign of aliens within these two hundred kilometers. Not to mention human figures, even the food residues they would leave behind after marching, I can't find a single one."

After speaking, Pei Shao took out a huge map directly from the storage space and spread it out on the table in the conference room.

On this map, all the terrain within a two-hundred-kilometer radius centered on the underground shelter is completely drawn.

From the ups and downs of the terrain to the iconic identification objects, all the landmarks are clearly visible in the four places of southeast, northwest and northwest.

Even a layman standing here looking at this map can tell how much effort has been put into it.

Moreover, on this map, there are dozens of exploration lines marked with arrows.

These lines are the routes that the intelligence team traveled during these days, basically covering all places within two hundred kilometers.

"Director, I have personally driven over and looked at everything marked on this map. I have definitely not seen a single bird feather!"

As if he was afraid that Su Mo would not believe it, Pei Shao continued to speak out aggrievedly and began to explain the terrain conditions and what he saw and heard one by one starting from 30 kilometers away.

Since receiving the survey mission requested by Sumo eight days ago, all work in the intelligence organization has been stopped.

There is a foreign tribe near the village!

The number may be around 20,000!

These were Su Mo's exact words. After hearing this, if Pei Shao hadn't been a veteran, he would have been so frightened that he peed his pants on the spot.

Good guy, with so many alien races surrounding us, what's the use of investigating other information.

If you can't figure out where the enemy is one day, you may wake up the next day and find them standing at your door.

For this reason, after Sumot approved the right to use Dihu, the intelligence team drove a car and began a survey within a hundred kilometers centered on Hope Village.

For three whole days, we took turns driving.

Except for the necessary meal time, when everyone would stop for a solid meal, the rest of the time was either on the road or carefully searching for traces on the ground.

Pei Shao is an old intelligence soldier who has received professional training, so he knows the importance of time in this situation.

Therefore, the seven-person intelligence team wandered around the wasteland for four days and nights without sleep, and measured the entire area of ​​100 kilometers with wheels and footsteps.

But, the result is

Found nothing!

Not to mention the traces of 20,000 aliens, not even a single alien spy was seen.

However, after these one hundred kilometers, what allowed the intelligence team to continue to investigate was not Sumo's determined tone, but the "abnormality" within the normal.

Within these one hundred kilometers, although no traces of alien races were found, both ordinary animals and mutant creatures had disappeared.

Ever since Sumo informed of the alien army, except for the life in the depression, other places seemed to be dead and so quiet that it made people feel frightened.

On the fifth day, after spending half a day reporting on all the explorations, the people in the intelligence team slept for half a day. Taking advantage of the darkness, Dihu set out again.

This time, not only the group of seven, but also Zhong Qingshu joined in, and a group of eight people began to explore from 100 kilometers to 200 kilometers.

With experience, the exploration was much faster this time.

In just three days and three nights, not only did he explore all the places within two hundred kilometers, but he also explored dozens or hundreds of kilometers in several general directions where there might be ambushes.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, the exploration team rushed back, but the result was still disappointing as always.

"Have you explored all these directions?"

Pointing to the trend of the plains land veins on the map, after receiving a firm nod from Pei Shao, Sumo frowned while sitting at the table.

The information about the alien race's collective attack was detected when Connie, the lioness, was bound to the panel for the first time.

At first, Sumo didn't take the news seriously.

After all, the firepower of the underground shelter has reached a high level, and a basic front has been constructed.

Relying on this front line, let alone one or two foreign teams, even three to five thousand people came to Sumo.

But here's the problem

Eight days ago in the morning, when Sumo connected to Connie's panel again as usual, he suddenly saw something strange on the World Channel.

In the past, when foreigners were chatting, even in the most deserted moments, they would mention Somo several times from time to time, showing a sense of fear.

But today, what is surprising is that several races that were once afraid of Somo actually "jumped" and started talking nonsense on the World Channel.

This small change might have been ignored in the eyes of others, but Sumo's keen sense of smell suddenly smelled something bad.

Then, after observing for nearly an hour, I summarized all the sentences with Soma

A big problem is coming!

The aliens were really not afraid anymore. They got some news before Sumo checked it.

It was this news that gave them the courage.

Immediately, Sumo, feeling the huge threat, took the risk and did something.

Contact Clark!

It is naturally difficult for an ordinary foreigner to become friends with the royal family, but after having the identity of a lowland foreigner, it is extremely easy and simple.

With the convenience of his identity, and after adding friends to reveal some insignificant information about the depression, Sumo, who transformed into the lioness Connie, finally established a basic connection with Clark.

After a brief conversation, Sumo not only knew why other alien races no longer had any reason to fear him, but also got an important piece of news that even other alien races didn't know!

Twenty thousand!

There are a total of 20,000 alien races near the depression that want to attack, and there are three races with a strength score exceeding 1.

Compared to the lioness' 003, this number is already astonishing.

At this time, no matter how stubborn Su Mo was, he did not dare to sit still and wait for the alien army to attack.

After the front foot promised Clark that he would quickly evacuate within two hundred kilometers of the depression, the back foot Somo informed the news.

So, the intelligence team set off!

Two explorations, 200 kilometers, according to the route led by Pei Shao, almost all of the 200 kilometers were covered. If even this failed to find any trace of the alien race,

Clark is lying?

In the conference room that could accommodate more than 20 people, as Somo meditated and Pei Shao explained, all the scenes within two hundred kilometers gradually formed a three-dimensional map in the minds of the three of them.

The terrain beyond the depression, Sumo had seen a complete circle as early as in the ruins of time.

Going out from the depression, the terrain shows a north-south direction, with the south side being high and the north side being low. Under such terrain, there are only two places to hide a team of 20,000 people.

The first place, during several geological activities, gradually stretched out a rift valley of nearly 200 kilometers 120 kilometers north of the depression.

At the end of the rift valley near the depression, the water depth is 26 meters. Once entering the rift valley, the water depth will reach 52 meters.

Moreover, there are many earth-rock mountains about 10 to 20 meters around this rift valley. In the future, if Somo wants to go to the tundra refuge, he will most likely have to take this road to ensure that the bottom of the boat does not interact with the nearby earth-rock mountains. Close contact.

If the aliens could discern the direction in which Soma was leaving, then this place would be the easiest place to set up an ambush and the easiest place to hide.

The second place, one hundred and thirty-five kilometers south, is a large natural underground cave with jagged rocks and many twists and turns.

If the aliens didn't know that Sumo was going to find his sister and instead headed to the New World, the cave here could fully accommodate 20,000 aliens, making it an excellent location for a sneak attack.

But it's a pity that under Sumo's emphasis, even though Pei Shao and his group crossed the entire Great Rift Valley and explored half of the cave on foot, they didn't see any trace of the alien race, let alone the alien race.

Now, after the two big spots that can be explored are gone, the remaining places are difficult to find.

After Pei Shao finally finished the forty-minute explanation of the last place, the conference room, which could accommodate twenty or thirty people, fell silent.

Sumo was meditating, and Zhong Qingshu was also meditating. Only Pei Shao was left with a bitter look on his face, looking out the window from time to time, not knowing what he was thinking.

For old scouts, there are only three possibilities when finding no trace of the enemy:

First, there is no enemy at all, and the intelligence we received is false.

Second, the enemy's lurking skills are extremely high. It is impossible to detect the enemy's specific location by relying on current methods alone.

Third, the enemy is not in position yet and is still in the process of coming. The detection radius is not enough, so naturally he cannot find the opponent.

"Now, we should no longer worry about whether this alien race is real or whether it is someone else's lie to deceive us."

"There is indeed something abnormal near the depression!"

Zhong Qingshu, who had been silent for a long time and had been thinking, finally spoke, and she rejected the first possibility as soon as she opened her mouth.

There are no traces of any biological activity within two hundred kilometers of the depression, which is an anomaly.

Even if there are no enemies, this is enough to make people suspicious, and it is necessary to find out why.

"As for whether this large number of aliens are on their way here or have already lurked."

"I prefer the latter one!"

"But in terms of quantity, maybe our early judgment was wrong!"


Seeing that Zhong Qingshu was about to start making reasonable inferences, Sumo immediately sat up straight and raised his concentration.

There are currently three updates due, which will be made up as soon as possible!

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