My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 177 The seeds sprout and break out of the cage!

After enlarging, Oreo became an extremely good windbreaker, coupled with the advantages brought by the animal's graceful and streamlined body shape

Even a storm will not affect Oreo's speed at all. On the contrary, because of this strong wind, Oreo can even ride on the strong wind and briefly dive at high speed in the air while running.

Hiding behind Oreo, Somo half-hunched his body, trying his best to use Oreo to break the wake caused by the strong wind and maintain his balance.

It was his first time snowboarding. Even though his legs were stiff, Sumo still managed to hold on.

Use your body to resist sliding at speeds of up to 60 yards per hour. Needless to say, as long as you hit an obstacle, your fragile human body will never have a second outcome other than death on the spot, mutilated and bloody.

"Oreo, it's all up to you!"

The blessing of ice and snow gave Oreo unreasonable physical fitness in such terrifying weather, and it also became the last life-saving straw.

Being pulled over a high slope by Oreo again, Sumo was extremely excited as he looked at the increasingly familiar sight around him, but he didn't dare to say anything to affect Oreo's running.

The gray-white saltpeter mine has been buried by heavy snow at this time, only a sharp point is exposed on part of the high slope, exposed to the sky.

After asking Oreo to stop, Somo took out the pointer in his arms and checked the direction, then pointed forward, and one person and one dog attacked again.

There was still no change in the direction of the sister, pointing straightly in the direction of the Kobold Castle, and based on the distance estimate, she happened to be within one kilometer of the Kobold Castle.

I was extremely anxious, but fortunately, Oreo's current speed was a bit faster than that of Dihu.

Until he reached the point marked by the pointer for the first time, in the distance, Somo saw the brightly lit kobold castle.

And not far away, a sunken place.

"We're not a family, we don't enter the same house, and sure enough, my sister also chose an underground shelter!"

Seeing that the location of the shelter was so close, even the kobolds on the watch tower of the kobold castle might notice it, Somo quickly took off the skateboard on his feet and the rope on his body, and ran over quickly.

This location is about 600 meters away from the Kobold Castle. In the distance, the door of the underground shelter opens and closes, as if someone is living inside, observing the situation outside from time to time.

Unfortunately, before Sumo could be surprised, he saw the wooden door of the underground shelter opening and closing crazily under the direction of the storm, as if it was equipped with an automatic door opener.

And in front of the door, there are two neat rows of footprints, which are the footprints of the kobold!

"Fuck, I'm really afraid of what's going to happen."

For many days, Sumo, who had never used any foul language even though he was short of food and clothing, now completely lost all self-restraint, leaving only -


With a trace of apprehension, Somo took three steps and turned into two steps and rushed into the underground shelter.

Sure enough, I saw a lot of snow on the ground evenly distributed in the shelter, along with some unmelted footprints.

"The footprints of the kobolds should all be those of warriors. They should be three people!"

"The wooden walls and floors of the shelter are intact and there are no traces of fighting."

Lying on the ground, taking off his mask, Somo cautiously sniffed around the footprints.

"There is no blood on the ground, and there is no smell of blood, which means no one was injured."

After coming to these two conclusions, Sumo, who was still furious, suddenly felt a gust of cold wind and his beating heart calmed down.

"According to the habits dad gave us, it should be"

After rubbing the wall and walking back and forth several times, Sumo was surprised to touch a small mark on the way out.

The original underground shelters were made of wood and could leave traces with just a little force.

Taking out the flashlight and shining it, Sumo was completely relieved after seeing the mark above.

"The kobolds rushed in, and Su Chan was able to leave a mark indicating her safety. It seems that the situation was not critical at that time."

"Or maybe Su Chan has a way to protect herself?"

When I took out the pointer and tried to locate it again, the pointer suddenly jumped out and told me that the same target can only be used again after 24 hours.

And, as Somo turned around, the previous pointer was still pointing stubbornly in the direction of the kobold, but there was no distance mark.

"We must now find out whether there will be any protection and favor for those who are released for the second time."

Seeing the weather like this and the castle still patrolled by kobolds, Sumo looked dimly and opened the game panel.

In the friend panel, there were many avatars that were lit at this time. After sifting through a circle of places where he could get the news source, Sumo finally selected Shen Ke and broadcast the call.

Toot toot

Heavy noise began to ring in my ears. I sat on the steps of the shelter and watched the snowflakes drifting in from time to time. Before Somo could replay it for the second time, the call was connected!

"Hey, Sumo, what's wrong!"

Under the snowstorm, the situation of the tundra shelter should not be very bad. Although Shen Ke's voice was tired, it had a different kind of "spirit".

Without any chatter, Soma got straight to the point while facing the air.

"Shen Ke, listen to me. I need to know a piece of information now. The price is easy to find."

"You speak and I listen!"

"I need to know now whether there will be any favors for those who are released a second time. I mean something other than releasing the core of the shelter!"

Without covering up, other than concealing the fact that his sister was coming, Somo told the truth.

"Ah, this, this information has been made public and has no value. The people who put it in the second time have privileges, they"

After hearing the word "privilege", despite being mentally prepared, Sumo still couldn't stop his heart from beating rapidly.

With privileges and markings, there are no other accidents. As long as Su Chan's profile picture lights up, it means there is no problem at all!

After talking for three minutes, after collecting all the information and a brief courtesy, the phone was hung up!

Being the second batch of teleporters was not what Sumo had imagined. He would have to undergo a life-and-death test as soon as he came out.

Because they missed twenty days of development compared to the first wave of people, the second group of people will face a choice and have a privilege after they come down.

The natural choice is placement.

At the same time, the second privilege is not the same for everyone.

Some people can even obtain immortality for up to 6 hours. During this time period, no matter how you try to die, you will not suffer any harm.

"The question now is, what are my sister's privileges?"

"But according to this mark, it seems like it should be a privilege that guarantees safety!"

The flames of anxiety subsided and calm thoughts came up. Somo slowly walked out of the underground shelter and stood in the wind and snow.

On the pointer, the direction marked Su Chan still points to the Kobold Castle.

"Two possibilities"

"The first is to take advantage of her privileges and go to other places in this direction, not in the castle."

"The second one was captured and taken back to the castle, but because of his privileges, he is safe for the time being."

"The first possibility is unsolvable for the time being. We can only wait until 24 hours later to reposition ourselves. As for the second possibility,"

Through the snowflakes, he took out his telescope and stared at the kobolds on the city wall for a few times, then put the telescope back. Somo closed his eyes and stood in the wind and snow.

Sometimes, people need to make a choice.

This decision may be good or bad, but the best choice is always to follow your heart!

"Kobold, I originally wanted to stay after the disaster before taking action, but now that I'm here, it's time to clean up this group of garbage!"

Su Chan is not in the castle. Overturning this dirty castle is to eliminate harm for the people and mankind.

Su Chan is here, that's even better. Killing the enemy and saving the family can kill two birds with one stone!

As for the candidate to go in to rescue people, Sumo almost didn't hesitate and found Zhong Qingshu in the friend list, as well as her delicate face with a hint of heroism.

As they were already good friends, Sumo made a direct call.

"Now, I just need to attract firepower from the front and let Zhong Qingshu follow the same method to enter last time!"

"As for how to attract attention, it's not a big problem!"

It was already around one o'clock in the middle of the night, and the blizzard was raging. The shelter in the west was probably also fighting the disaster. Within a few seconds, he was picked up by Zhong Qingshu.

"How is the situation over there? Can you take action? I may need your help!"

"What's the deal!"

"I'm attracting firepower from the front. You follow our route last time and go in to help me find someone!"

After a brief silence, Su Mo felt happy when he heard Zhong Qingshu's firm hum. He directly said I came to see you and hung up the phone.

In such weather, entering a storm and attacking the kobold castle was a narrow escape even from Somo's point of view.

For Zhong Qingshu, it is even more dangerous.

But at this moment, Zhong Qingshu did not refuse, and completely accepted Sumo's previous life-saving grace!

"Oreo, can you hold on!"

After feeding Oreo a whole bottle of psionic water, and watching Oreo nod without hesitation, Somo jumped on the skateboard again and tied the hemp rope.

The road to the west shelter had already been walked once by Dihu. There were few obstacles and it was still a large plain. What’s more, Oreo clearly remembered the way there.

On a snowy day, one person and one dog once again ran a long distance, heading towards the shelter in the west.

This fifty-kilometer journey was much easier than the previous lowlands. On the great plains without obstacles, Oreo's speed climbed a level again.

It reached a terrifying eighty kilometers per hour.

Sumo did not have the confidence to maintain this speed for a long time, even if he was driving a Dihu.

But Oreo was different. It seemed that it sensed Somo's impatience. Oreo continued to accelerate until it reached about 90 before stopping and continuing to accelerate and began to maintain cruise control at this speed.

It only took less than twenty minutes for Sumo to see clearly what the west shelter looked like for the first time.

The same simple earth wall resisted the storm. Unlike Feng Mengyue's shelter, the west shelter directly dug about one meter into the ground. The foundation was extremely deep and only the roof was on the ground.

At the simple gate of the camp, Sumo also saw three torches standing in front of the shelter, blown by the storm and likely to be extinguished at any time.

Under the torch, there were Chen Shen and his men who were rescued for the first time, Zhong Qingshu, who was rescued for the second time, and

The pregnant woman holding her baby.

After such a long time, through memories and details, and after communicating with Zhong Qingshu, even the fools in the previous refugees in the saltpeter camp knew that Lu Bu was Somo, and Somo was Lu Bu.

More than 20 people stood in front of the shelter camp despite the storm, looking at Oreo running towards them quickly, with fear on their faces.

A three-meter-long giant wolf is unheard of and unseen even on earth.

Zhong Qingshu, who originally thought that Somo would drive over in a Tihu, looked at Oreo and couldn't help but take a half step back.

Such a wild beast, coupled with the figure following behind it, is extremely impactful.

Waiting until Oreo came closer and looking at the people who had already picked up inferior weapons, Somo was startled.

He only told Zhong Qingshu about asking for help, but he didn't expect that the group of people he had rescued before would actually follow him.

Before Sumo could say anything, a group of people rushed over first.

"Su Shen, go quickly, it's important to save people!"

"Brother Su, you saved my life. It's our duty to be a kobold."

"Brother Sumo, you don't need to say anything. Brothers all understand that you are a good person. When we come to the wasteland, what we want is to work together and give us a spear. We will definitely be the first!"

Each of the refugees had sincere emotions, their faces were thin, and they were wearing the shabby cotton-padded jackets that Somo had taken out earlier in the cold night, with excited expressions.

In particular, a peasant man in his forties was holding a stone ax with an excited expression, as if he was charging directly into the kobold castle with the ax without fear of life or death.

Looking at this group of people, standing on the skateboard, under the mask, Somo was slightly startled, and at the same time, waves of touching emotions surged out.

There is no love for natural disasters.

The causes sown in the future will bear the fruit of today unexpectedly.

"They all came to help you voluntarily. Besides, we have all been saved by you. There is no reason for me to stop you. There is strength in numbers, so let's go together!"

After seeing that Oreo didn't make any move, Zhong Qingshu also came over, patted Somo on the shoulder, and signaled that it was important to leave quickly and save people.

Under such a storm, Sumo couldn't help but feel excited when he saw the morale bursting out on the faces of so many simple refugees.

"Okay, since everyone is going, I accept this favor. Let's go there first and wait for it to come back to pick you up later."

After patting the giant wolf-like Oreo and staring at everyone, Somo said loudly again:

"As for weapons!"

Without covering up, Sumo took out four rifles and a machine gun and put them on the ground, ignoring everyone's shock.

"We have weapons and ammunition. Follow me today. I won't take any of the treasure chests dropped by whoever kills the kobolds!"

"And we have explosive packs. Even if they are huddled in the castle, we have a way to kill them!"

"One word and it's done!"


In the storm, Soma's voice was not loud, but in the minds of these people, it was like thunder.

Originally it was just because of the bloody high morale, but after being suddenly inspired by Somo, it became even more enthusiastic.

All the refugees, including women, stood up and looked at the rifles on the ground, their eyes full of curiosity.

Chinese youth never lack courage and confidence. Under the gun, Chen Shen picked up the machine gun in his arms.

The entrance to the shelter camp suddenly burst into cheers and anger that had never been seen before.

Seeing that the morale was so high, Oreo understood in seconds as Somo waved and asked Zhong Qingshu to sit behind the skateboard and tied the hemp rope around her body.

He started to push his legs on the ground and suddenly rushed wildly into the distance.

Under such a disaster, running on the plains, for the first time, Soma's caution sank, replaced by endless

Hot blooded!

A belated tribute to the May Fourth Movement, a tribute to all the new "youth" who persist in their posts and work hard to move forward. It is because of you that the country has hope. We are not a defeated generation, we will be the "pride" of future generations. !

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