My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 161 State recovery, fishing pancakes

After a day of rest, my body has recovered a lot, and I have taken a big step towards becoming a "normal person".

In the absence of perfect medical equipment and medicines, Sumo was completely satisfied with this speed of recovery.

The clothes washed and hung up yesterday were now extremely dry, swaying gently as the wind circulated in the shelter.

After putting on fresh clothes, Sumo couldn't help but feel better.

"It seems that I was born to be a hard worker. I thought I could recuperate in the base, but I didn't expect to be so busy!"

Outside the depression, there was no torrential rain like other places, and there was no scorching sun either.

The light rain fell sparsely, like mist, keeping the temperature at a very comfortable stage.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water, as the disaster gets closer and closer, the temperature during the day is more suitable for human survival, and at the same time, many people are blindly optimistic about the disaster.

Pushing open the garage door, letting out the smell of fresh wood, he returned to the shelter. After a hasty breakfast, Somo began to prepare fishing tools.

Although the small lake is not large in area, it is 40 acres in size, five meters deep, and occupies a large area.

The carp inside are sparse, and if you want to catch them by entering the lake, or fishing, the efficiency is too slow, and the labor costs are completely insufficient.

After many choices, Sumo finally set his sights on making fishing nets.

Fishing nets are functionally divided into gill nets, drag nets (trawl nets), seine nets, built nets and laid nets.

The silk threads produced must have good impact resistance, abrasion resistance, mesh size stability and softness, as well as appropriate elongation at break.

This kind of material is naturally not available in the shelter, so the system must be used to convert the material.

Sitting in front of the workbench, Sumo took out the plant fiber and began to seriously use the knotting method to make it. Although this method has problems such as loose knots and uneven mesh, it is indeed the optimal solution at present.

After some production, it took half an hour to complete the preliminary work of the fishing net.

Compared with other things that the system does not recognize, on fishing nets, the system's recognition speed is still very fast. At the same time, it also recognizes the power of Somo's manual skills.

[Knotted fishing net (semi-finished product)]

[Description]: The fishing net made from plant fiber by the entry-level craftsman "Suma" can only be worn, not used.

Upgrade direction 1: Change the material and upgrade it to chemical fiber material, which will improve the flexibility of the fishing net to a certain extent, and at the same time increase the harvest and probability of fishing. Survival points are needed (125)

Upgrade direction two: Change the material, upgrade to high-grade nylon, add an electric device, automatically attract fish into the net, need survival points (280)

[Evaluation]: Wearing it on your body has a certain probability of attracting the attention of the same sex and gaining favorability.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such affordable prices. Survival points can easily cost thousands or tens of thousands of points. It’s so kind to suddenly get one or two hundred points.”

The two upgrade directions of fishing nets are not expensive, especially changing the material and improving the weaving method, which only cost 125 points, which is even cheaper.

But when it came to the choice here, Sumo didn't even think twice and directly chose direction two.

If you don’t have a boat, if you want to cast the net down to catch fish, you can certainly catch them, but again, it’s a waste of time!

If this were ten days before the disaster struck, Sumo might have upgraded a handmade fishing net and slowly salvaged fish.

But now, the time saved can be used to create more tools and sell them. I don’t know how much I will make every time I come back!

The green light flashed, and the colorful material of the fishing net began to change, gradually turning into a light gray nylon material.

At the same time, there is a small electric sound wave device in the center of the fishing net. This small thing can attract carp to gather.

He connected the fishing net to the side to charge, and took advantage of this gap to start making tools again. He didn't stop until the light rain outside stopped and the sun came out and he walked to the middle.

The first time he sold tools, 100 iron picks and 100 iron axes were Somo's goal. Now he only needs the last 20 iron axes and 40 iron picks to achieve it.

Putting down what he was doing, and taking the charged fishing net with him, Sumo drove the Tihu towards the lake without stopping.

After light rain moistened the snow and days of exposure, the snow surface finally turned into solid ice. If Tihu hadn't been wearing anti-skid chains, he might have started to skid out of control as soon as he drove out.

"I hope the secret realm will not be too far away tomorrow, otherwise the transaction alone will be a difficult problem!"

The trading rules of the secret realm have not been announced yet, but judging from the current weather, it should be sunny on the last day, which is good news.

The twelve-kilometer journey passed by in an instant. When Somo came to the lake, the carps inside were still swimming leisurely, seemingly unaware of Somo's uninvited guest.

Taking out the fishing net from the storage space and looking at the scattered carps below, Somo smiled and pressed the switch of the middle device.

After a series of slightly harsh sounds, it gradually began to slow down. Even when Somo thought the device failed, a magical scene happened.

There were not many carps gathering at the lakeside. Suddenly, as if they were inspired by something, all the carps went crazy.

There were even a few carp that followed the sound and rushed directly to the shore, flying and rolling in the snow, trying to move forward to the location where the sound came from.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Sumo quickly took two steps back, used his waist strength, and threw out the fishing net.

This net is very heavy

At least he tugged, but when Sumo found that even with his own strength it was difficult to pull up the fishing net holding the fish and water, the earth tiger made its debut.

Hang one end of the fishing net on the bumper and start the car in reverse. The carps that were still fighting tenaciously were suddenly helpless and pulled out of the lake.

After a rough count, Sumo was shocked to find that there were already over a hundred carp in the net, jumping happily.

The smallest ones weigh one and a half kilograms, and the larger ones even weigh about three kilograms.

"Good guy, it seems that this sonic device is a black technology. I don't know if there is a similar technological fishing device on the earth."

After sighing a little at the magic of the system's black technology, he untied the fishing net and released all the fish, and then Sumo started the second round of fishing.

Following the same method, although the number of fish caught in the two times was only 245, the weight had perfectly exceeded the previous estimate.

"Carp don't taste good. Likewise, their cold tolerance is stronger than other fish. I hope they can survive this winter."

After putting all the first batch of carp on the ground that have left the water and died of lack of oxygen into the storage space of the cutworm, when the second batch dies, the fishing task will be completed ahead of schedule!

At this time, all the materials used for trading were only baked flatbreads.

Driving the Dihu all the way back to the shelter, smelling the strong fishy smell on his body, Sumo simply soaked his combat uniform in snow water, closed the door, and didn't go out!

After coming to the supply room and moving all the dough bags to the kitchen, Sumo began to study how to batch pancakes.

The first was the choice between leavened noodles and dead noodles. In this regard, Sumo chose to make dead dough pancakes without much hesitation.

It’s not because Somo thinks it’s a waste of time and the yeast is lazy, nor is it because the calories of risen noodles and dead noodles are about the same at the same weight.


Compared to fermented noodles, most of the starch in fermented noodles has been converted into sugar, which makes it easier to digest after eating, and it also makes you hungry faster.

Because it is not easy to digest and contains a large amount of undissolved starch, a small piece of the same weight is enough for a person to consume calories for half a day.

As long as you don't exercise and keep your body warm, you can spend this cold winter "comfortably" with a large piece of flatbread and a potato.

Add water, knead the noodles, heat the pot, and use wind control to take away the smoke.

Sitting in front of the pot, Sumo stacked the golden and thick pancakes on the chopping board, looking at them in a daze.

During the production, Somo did not cut corners at all. Except for replacing the sold flour water with precipitated snow water, other condiments such as vegetable oil, five-spice powder and salt were not ambiguous at all. As much as it should be.

When selling items in a secret realm for the first time, what matters is honesty and reputation. There are countless cases on earth that have proven this:

Even if you lose money in the early stage, you have to find a way to build the brand. As long as it forms a reputation, most people won't care even if there are some pitfalls later.

Living in the apocalyptic wasteland, the reputation is even more so!

Only when everyone wants to trade can we expand the base as much as possible and collect better things. In this regard, after making a hundred pieces of pie, Sumo still maintains his "conscience"!

The pancake is not tired, there is plenty of wood, and it is warm inside the third floor. Oreo has already laid down comfortably and slept next to it with big and small sparks.

Only the occasional smell of the aroma that bloomed when the pancakes came out of the oven, and the drool that kept flowing out of the three small mouths, betrayed that they were not honest.

There was no need to go out and nothing to do, so Sumo simply took a programming textbook and sat down by the stove to take some time off.

Other aspects of the base can be left to others, but the fire control system and control system cannot be left to others.

It is not clear whether the system can detect the fire control system upgrade Somo, but it is still necessary to prepare early for a rainy day.

Once you enter the secret realm next time and can find the computer, the fire control system can be put on the agenda immediately. By then, the defense level of the shelter will be raised to another level. You can even install some self-written systems in the ground tiger. .

“public static void main (String[]args)“

"(hello world!)"

Sitting in front of the stove with nothing to do, Sumo became interested in the emerging subject of programming and began to read the code out loud seriously.

The pie in the pot is also gradually taking shape

Everything is on the right track. We just need to wait until tomorrow to enter the secret realm. The technology tree that has stagnated in the shelter will have another blowout!

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