My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 147 Blessing Restrictions, Mysterious Feathers (Third Update)

"Due to the sinking of the terrain, although the wind from the upper level can be transported down through the pipeline, the turbid air will still settle. There is no air exchange system, which may be a serious problem in the underground shelter!"

When creating an underground safe house for the first time, the game panel pointed out that the underground development potential was poor.

Among all the reasons, the most critical one is that it is extremely difficult to build the bottom air exchange system!

If ordinary people choose to go underground, not to mention now, they need to open the door for ventilation.

Even in a few months, it will be difficult to complete the construction of the underground ventilation window without mechanical assistance.

Therefore, during the first disaster, only Somo among the top ten shelters chose to go underground.

As the number of layers in the shelter increases, and now that the three-layer design has been chosen, ventilation, even for Somo, is a bit tricky.

Back under the ventilation duct, Sumo tried calling the system to check the properties of this duct.

[Underground ventilation device]

[Description]: A simple ventilation device, connected to the third underground floor through a stone pipe, to achieve the purpose of air exchange. The current channel pressure is insufficient and the air exchange efficiency is low, which can easily lead to hypoxia. Being in an oxygen-deficient environment for a long time can easily cause Brain burden, it is recommended to upgrade.

[Upgrade direction one]: Increase the volume of ventilation ducts, enhance the pressure of ventilation ducts, slightly enhance ventilation efficiency, slightly increase air exchange efficiency, and need survival points (125)

[Upgrade direction two]: Add an electric air exchange device, greatly increase ventilation efficiency, greatly increase air exchange efficiency, slightly increase the overall energy consumption of the shelter, require a front-end electronic control system, and a survival point (2100)

[Evaluation]: You have to eat one bite at a time and walk step by step. If you take long steps, you will easily lose your eggs!

"Sure enough, the system also detected a ventilation problem on the third floor. If you stay in such an environment, even if you don't worry about your life, you will suffer from anxiety and depression in the long run!"

If the brain does not receive sufficient oxygen supply for a long time, the loss will gradually increase, making thinking slower and slower, and learning speed getting worse and worse.

Soma has seen this in a large number of scientific documents on Earth.

After looking at the two upgrade methods provided by the system and taking a look at the remaining survival points, Sumo began to think about his choice.

"The first method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. If you add more layers in the future, it will be a waste of money, and it will not immediately solve the ventilation problem on the third floor."

"The second option is that the price is too expensive! I have to gather the required survival points tomorrow. It feels like a loss to invest so many survival points in the early stage."

Standing under the ventilation duct, Sumo was in a dilemma.

On the previous floor, the lion-man's wind was used to regulate the air in the shelter, and the effect was excellent.

Now it suddenly became three levels, and the blessing immediately lost its immediate effect.

"The wind flows faster in the pipe?"

After the words fell, there was no movement.

I don't know if it's a lv1 level problem or a Lion Blessing problem. This kind of small-scale control is simply impossible.

"If the power of blessing is unlimited, we can find a way to use density to control the wind."

"I have to test the limit of the blessing first! See if this power is unlimited, or is it consuming something I can't see?"

With this thought in mind, Somo stepped through the corridor and returned to the first floor.

Standing in an open space in the garage, after adjusting the local wind force to the extreme, Sumo packed up his things and recorded the duration of the wind force.

The strongest wind blew outside the garage, blowing all the snow at the basement door into the air.

The curious little sparks cooed, spread their wings and flew into the violent air currents, were picked up and floated in the air, and flew away.

Seeing the two kids having fun, Sumo was not idle either.

Going back and forth, all the food supplies that were opened for storage were easily moved to the warehouse using the storage space.

After the things were moved, the extreme wind speed outside began to slow down.

Standing nearby, Sumo carefully recorded the attenuation speed of the wind speed. After a while, without human control, the wind speed completely returned to normal.

I tried to continue to call for the power of blessing, but unfortunately, it was like talking to the air, and there was no response.

"It seems that this is the limit of level one blessing! The maximum continuous wind output time is only about five minutes, and the decay time is three minutes."

"I expected that the power of blessing has its limits, but as long as this power is not rootless, there will always be a day when it can be deciphered."

In the face of science, any extraordinary power can be traced.

Although there were not enough instruments to detect the source of the power, Soma could vaguely feel that this power was gradually losing its mysterious veil.

The reason why it looks bluffing is because its release method is different from the real thing, and humans can't understand it for the time being.

If you really compare it, if you connect a big fan, it will be no worse than the current power!

After calling it three or five times and realizing that the power of blessing would not be restored in a short time, Somo simply put it behind him and started to sort out the remaining things.

At present, all the circuits in the shelter have been installed, leaving only some small areas that are still empty because there are not enough dedicated wires.

The dozens of meters of ppr water pipes used to set up the water lines can only be put aside temporarily, waiting for the design and planning of the construction of the water tank, and then planned into the design of the shelter.

A 50L freezer was placed on the second floor. The power input of the shelter was connected to the generator, and the freezer began to cool down rapidly.

The 400 Ah lithium iron phosphate battery purchased previously has gradually reached its load limit under the current consumption in the shelter.

Excluding the power required for daily lighting, a normal 50L freezer only requires about 2 kWh of electricity per day to maintain the temperature, except for the large consumption of the first cooling.

With a power storage capacity of 400 Ah, one charge per day is enough to ensure normal power supply.

“It’s still difficult to upgrade or make batteries with larger capacity!”

After looking at the 500 survival points needed to expand the capacity of the lithium iron phosphate battery, Su Mo was heartbroken and quickly gave up the idea of ​​upgrading.

At present, let alone large-capacity storage devices, even small-capacity storage devices will appear in the near future.

This is a limitation of technological level, and it is also a problem that cannot be solved for hundreds of years after the invention of electricity.

For example, batteries and storage batteries do not store electricity, but chemical energy. For example, capacitors store not electricity, but magnetic domain energy generated by the capacitive medium.

The extra power generated by the famous Three Gorges Dam will also be converted into gravitational potential energy through pumped water storage.

"It seems that we can only find a way to wait until the secret realm to see if anyone is still selling batteries. By then, connecting them in parallel can temporarily relieve the power consumption pressure!"

When he thought that upgrading all the places would cost a lot of survival points, Su Mo's head was aching, so he could only record these thoughts in the material requirements for the time being.

On the other side, with the generator power supply, the freezer cools down extremely quickly.

Somo stood up and threw in all the fresh meat and fresh fruits he had obtained, and then put all the noodles in. There was no need to worry about these easily spoiled foods for the time being.

Returning to the garage on the first floor, Somo tried to call out the power of blessing again.

This time, he was finally not talking to the air. After calling for the strongest wind, the local speed increased slightly. After three to five seconds, it returned to normal again.

"It seems that the power of blessing is indeed maintained by an invisible substance. Once it is consumed, it must be slowly restored!"

Unable to afford the electric ventilation device, the limit of blessing was tested. In order to solve the problem, Sumo could only start researching ways to upgrade blessing.

There are two ways to upgrade the lion's wind. One is to conventionally upgrade the blessing level from level one to level two.

The other is to return to one's ancestors, from the blessings of ordinary lion men to the blessings of lion priests, which means to improve the quality of blessings.

The former only requires 800 points to upgrade, while the latter requires a full 3100 points!

"The development speed is too fast, and the number of days is too few. My current survival point cannot provide such a rapid upgrade of the shelter."

At this moment, Sumo finally understood what the system meant when it said that taking too big a step would lead to nonsense.

Live on the second floor first? You've had enough of waiting for survival points, are you thinking of ways to get to the bottom?

Summoning the core tortoise shell, looking at the extraordinary blessing power flowing on it, he clicked on the upgrade panel, and Soma meditated quietly.

Just like upgrading ordinary items, you can also add materials to upgrade blessings. When upgrading the level, you only need to add any objects with blessing power.

But in terms of upgrading quality, it requires a divine item higher than the blessing level in order to achieve it.

"What item do I have that is of higher quality than the Lion's Blessing?"

Thinking about all the things in the shelter and looking at the large pool of supplies on the ground, Sumo simply started trying them one by one.

Divine items are definitely not food supplies or fabric sofas.

Of all the things, Sumo began to try one by one the strange materials seized from the previous core.

A kobold sculpture carved out of Marshall Core that looks promising?

Hey, no response!

A stone that looks like an adult toy, a bit mysterious?

Still no response!

notebook? no response!

Sumo took the trouble to try everything he captured.

In the storage space, items were taken out one by one, but there was no response, so they were put aside.

When there were only three items left in the storage space, Sumo felt cold and began to take them one by one.

These three items are: an inconspicuous map, a colorful feather, and Maeda Kento's diary!

The map was put in, but there was no response, and the diary was also unresponsive.

Colorful feathers that look so sexy! Of course there was no reaction

"What the hell is this?"

The last seemingly ordinary feather suddenly emitted colorful light when Sumo had given up all hope and locked it in the system material bar!

It seemed as if a rainbow flew from the feathers and hung directly above the garage, which was extremely gorgeous.

At the same time, the physical tortoise shell on the ground, two kinds of light that confirmed the extraordinary power, were suppressed by this light and hidden in the gaps of the tortoise shell almost instantly.

"Isn't it possible that Taketo Maeda actually has such a good thing in his hands?"

It takes 3100 upgrade points to return to the lion's blessing. When Sumo locked the feather in his heart, the system prompt turned to 0!

And the system thoughtfully provides alternative upgrade methods.

[Wind: Lion's Wind]: It belongs to the branch under the blessing of the "wind" system. It is inherited from the broken wooden lion clan to worship the gods. It has excellent upgrade potential.

Upgrade direction one: improve the blessing level, enhance the blessing ability, expand the blessing range, survival points are required (0, locked materials)

Upgrade direction two: Improve the quality of the blessing, convert it to the lion sacrifice blessing, slightly improve the blessing attribute, increase the blessing potential, survival points are required (0, locked materials)

Upgrade direction three: Sacrifice materials. According to the material attributes, the blessing quality level is randomly upgraded, the blessing attributes are changed, and the blessing potential is increased. Survival points are required (300, locked materials)

"Good guy, what is the origin of this feather, so it is so valuable?"

Seeing how the system was being upgraded, Su Mo was confused and simply spent 1 disaster point to identify the attributes of the feathers on his hand.

The light of identification flashed, and the divine object no longer concealed itself, revealing its true face.

"The name is Ni Yu, the Rat God?"

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