Chapter 364 Vixen

   Now Qin Xi is dealing with such a small character almost in the blink of an eye, quietly absorbing the grievances of the resentful spirit, closing his eyes comfortably, as if he was dozing off.

   Cheng Lao originally wanted to open his mouth to wake Qin Xi, but Gu Qing stopped him with a look. Who knows if Qin Xi is woken up, what will happen, so they should wait quietly.

As time passed, Qin Xi's expression was still so light, but the resentful spirit in her body was not so lucky. The original strong yin qi had been completely absorbed, and in the end, only the resentful spirit itself remained. It roared so loudly that it almost shattered one's eardrums.

  However, Qin Xi still turned a deaf ear. No matter how furious the resentful spirit was, it was of no avail. Seeing that terrifying force devoured itself, it immediately began to beg for mercy.

  Unfortunately, how could Qin Xi let it go? In just 15 minutes, Qin Xi absorbed it all. This is a real soul flying away.

Before he could open his eyes, he heard a bang, and the back door was kicked open. Cheng Lao and Gu Qing's expressions changed at the same time, and they subconsciously looked at Qin Xi's reaction. Seeing that she was not frightened, they relaxed. At the same time as his tone, he immediately glared at the person who made the sound.

   "Grandpa, Brother Qing, why didn't you come to coax me?"

  Cheng Rongfei stared at the two of them angrily, with dry tears on her face.

In the past, when she was angry, grandpa or brother Qing would go over to coax her. What happened now? She waited for a long time and still no one came, and she felt more and more uncomfortable. Only then did he decide to come out and ask for guilt.

However, when she saw the expressions of the two of them, she was taken aback, and when she realized that, the whole person was not feeling well, her angry tears streamed down, and she yelled, "What are you doing to kill me, where am I? It's a mistake, you obviously turned your elbows out, and now I'm so wronged, you stare at me, you're still not my grandfather."

   She really cried this time, feeling as if everything about her was taken away by a fox spirit. Brother Qing was like this, and even his grandfather who always loved her was like this.

Cheng Lao was angry and anxious in his heart. In the past, he thought that his granddaughter was petty and capricious. She was so cute, but compared with Qin Xi today, he felt that his granddaughter not only lacked basic manners, but even showed her personality. If you are used to it for a long time, it will definitely be a big problem.

   Therefore, Cheng Lao reprimanded Cheng Rongfei for the first time, "Shut up and go back to the house."

   "Grandpa, you, you yell at me again!"

Cheng Rongfei couldn't be aggrieved. She looked at Gu Qing and saw that he was also cold and not allowed to enter. At this time, she noticed that Qin Xi was looking at her with a smile instead of a smile, and the evil fire in her heart ignited instantly. Pointing at Qin Xi and yelling bitterly, "Did you speak ill of me in front of grandpa, you vicious woman, you are a vixen, trying to seduce brother Qing, you shameless woman."

   Qin Xi's eyes narrowed, and there was a terrifying light in her eyes. She didn't care if she was scolded before, but the mud Bodhisattva still has three points of anger, so why bother to get used to other people's unreasonable troubles.

Thinking of this, she didn't know when she had a silver needle with a cold light in her hand. With a flick of her fingertip, the silver needle pierced Cheng Rongfei's dumb point. Cheng Rongfei only felt a pain in her neck and subconsciously reached out to touch it. .

   At this moment, Qin Xi's voice came faintly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you touch this silver needle, you will become dumb."

  Cheng Rongfei looked at Qin Xi in horror, but because of all the previous grudges, she didn't care what Qin Xi said, she directly pulled the silver needle and opened her mouth to scold.

   However, she was stunned to find that she couldn't make a sound.

   (end of this chapter)

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