My Italy

Chapter 656 Wartime Management System

The service of the Roma announced the advent of the 380mm main gun era for the navies of various countries. In addition to Italy, Britain and Germany have launched warships equipped with 380mm main guns. I believe they will be seen on the battlefield in the near future.

Of course, in addition to Britain, Germany and Italy, other countries with spare capacity are also following suit. For example, the United States has decided to equip the New Mexico-class battleship that is about to start construction with a 380mm main gun. As for Japan, it has also decided to install a 380mm main gun on its new Ise-class battleship.

Because Germany and Italy developed 380 mm early, other countries had no choice but to follow up. This also shows how much influence Italy has on the world.

However, no matter how great the impact is, it is not as important to the current Italian government as the national wartime management system.

Today is the second day after the wartime management system was promulgated. At this time, Carlo was watching reports from various newspapers in the palace.

For the Italian newspaper industry, the Press Censorship Service of the Interior Ministry has a life-or-death deterrent.

Although it generally does not interfere with the newspaper's affairs, once it does, it will mean the life or death of the newspaper.

Although some foreign media have called for the lifting of press censorship in Italy and a fair and free environment for the media. But this is useless. Censorship should be censored, and newspapers that dare to violate the rules should be shut down and sentenced.

Although newspapers can do what they are supposed to do on weekdays, these media must fully cooperate when the government needs it.

Therefore, after the wartime management system was promulgated, newspapers were full of praise, saying that this was the best way for Italy to win the war.

In addition to front-page headlines praising the system, newspapers also published commentators' comments on the wartime administration. It must be said that these commentators are still good at analyzing the benefits of the wartime management system.

Of course, the newspaper reports are just to appease the public, who are worried about the tight supply of supplies in the future.

It’s just that Carlo knows that this kind of control system should not exceed three years. There are two reasons. First, the organizational capabilities of the Italian Kingdom's government are only average in Europe. Although Carlo has been guiding the government to strengthen the handling of things, and at the same time promoting some Confucian characteristics, everyone knows that Europe What human nature is like.

On the other hand, the wartime management system is a very strict control system, and the Italians have never experienced it before. Although there is the factor of war, no one knows how long the Italians can endure it.

Therefore, based on the inference of various data, three years is considered the most reasonable number.

The core of the wartime management system is that the government controls materials, such as food and daily necessities. Of course, this kind of control is very strict, because it is not a lighter control such as setting prices, but directly redistributing materials related to people's lives from the government.

According to the material distribution plan formulated by the Italian government, material distribution is divided into four categories, divided according to the five ABCDE categories.

Among them, Category A is a military industrial enterprise, and its workers are the highest. They receive 35 kilograms of flour, 15 kilograms of potatoes, 3 kilograms of olive oil, 4 bottles of wine, 5 kilograms of meat, and other items such as cloth, vegetables, milk, and condiments every month. and other supplies.

Category B refers to workers in enterprises related to military supplies, such as automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, etc. He receives 35 kilograms of flour, 12 kilograms of potatoes, 2.5 kilograms of olive oil, 4 kilograms of meat and other supplies every month.

As for Category C, other ordinary workers will receive 30 kilograms of flour, 10 kilograms of potatoes, 3.5 kilograms of meat, 2 kilograms of olive oil, and other supplies at a lower level.

Category D is for waiters, which only has 25 kilograms of flour, 10 kilograms of potatoes, 2 kilograms of olive oil, and 3 kilograms of meat. Other supplies are a little lower.

Category E refers to children who are underage, and is divided into two parts. Taking twelve years as the baseline, each person under twelve years old has 12 kilograms of flour, 5 kilograms of potatoes, 1 kilogram of olive oil, and 3 kilograms of meat. For those over 12 years old, 15 kilograms of flour, 8 kilograms of potatoes, 2 kilograms of olive oil, and 3 kilograms of meat per person.

Note, this is a quota. You must use money to buy from supply stores in various cities, and you also need to bring a supply book, which is distributed by the government based on each household's household registration book. This is a big project. After the government department spends great efforts in statistics, it is issued based on each person's occupation and the attributes of the factory.

In addition, this is only a supply policy for cities and towns, while rural governments implement a procurement policy.

Since the promulgation of the wartime management system, farmers can only sell agricultural products through government purchase, and those caught selling them privately will be sentenced. Of course, in addition to purchasing agricultural products, the government will also sell various agricultural necessities, and of course other commodities.

It can be seen that the control of this management system can be said to have completely eliminated the intermediate circulation link.

Of course, before the emergence of Soviet Russia, this was definitely the strictest management system. Of course, this will definitely arouse dissatisfaction among those engaged in the circulation field, but for this war, in addition to appeasing these dissatisfactions in newspapers, there are also thunderous measures.

"Mr. Nostin, you are suspected of violating the wartime management system. Please come with us now."

In a manor in Venice, a team composed of law enforcement officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs broke into the manor and issued an arrest warrant for its owner, one of the numerous grain merchants in Venice.

"I am friends with your chief, and I am also a guest of the mayor. Why do you arrest me?"

The owner here, who considered himself a member of the upper class, Nuo Sting, loudly identified himself to the police in charge.

"Mr. Nostin, maybe you can tell me about your relationship."

At this time, a middle-aged man in civilian clothes stood up from behind the police. Although this person spoke slowly and slowly, Nuo Sting, who had been in shopping malls for a long time, immediately felt a little uneasy and didn't know why.

I saw the person coming, stared at him and said. "Mr. Nostin, can you talk to me now?"

Seeing that Nuo Sting didn't speak, he only saw the other party smiling slightly. "It seems that Nosteen felt something and was unwilling to talk to me. Well, now I solemnly inform you that my name is Larry Russell and I am the deputy commissioner of the Ministry of Interior in Venice Province. I hate you profiteers the most, If the food in foreign countries has increased by half, you will have doubled it. For profiteers like you, I have enough means to make you feel that death is the greatest relief. In addition, people in the ministry like to call me an artist because my torture is called an artist. Art, I hope you like it.”

Deputy Commissioner Russell's words made Nuo Sting's face change drastically. At this time, he finally knew where the other party's aura came from. He shouted, "I just committed the crime of hoarding food. According to the law, I can only be sentenced to 3-5 years. You can't do this to me."

"I know that."

Faced with Nuostin's shouting, Deputy Commissioner Russell walked up to him and whispered. "But if you are arrested and resist with a gun, we have the right to kill you on the spot. Or if you are injured, we will take you back to appreciate my art. Of course, if you tell all the places where the food is hidden, you will be eligible for 3- I’ll give you three minutes to think about the five-year prison sentence.”

Deputy Commissioner Russell's words made Nostin realize the seriousness of the problem. The deputy commissioner in front of him did not follow the routine.

"I confess, I am willing to confess."

At this moment, Nuo Sting was really scared, and there was no point in risking his life for a little food. If I had known earlier, I should have handed over all the food when the government notified me. This would have really harmed others and myself.

"Take him down to record a statement."

Soon, Nuo Sting revealed all the more than 4,000 tons of grain he had hidden. Among them, in addition to the two that are under the control of the Ministry of Interior, there are three others that were voluntarily disclosed.

In addition to Venice, the same scene is being staged in various cities such as Milan, Rome, and Naples.

However, in Sicily, the inventory of grain merchants is somewhat different. The island's inventory is purposeful, mainly to collect grain merchants with overseas channels. The second step is to investigate those grain merchants who have no channels.

Because of the war, the Sicilian mafia has made a resurgence, but unlike in the past, the mafia has learned well this time. They use their own channels to purchase grain from Algeria, Spain and other places and sell it to these grain merchants.

After all, the price abroad has increased by half and the price at home has doubled, so the profits will come, right?

As for keeping these mafia gangs, it is obvious that they want to smuggle food. Of course, if these mafias are not smart and dare to continue to engage in other illegal and disciplined things, the Ministry of Interior will let them know what it is like to remember the bitter things and think of the sweet things.

In this inventory operation, within one week alone, the Ministry of Interior found more than 300,000 tons of hidden grain, and businessmen voluntarily handed over 180,000 tons of grain. This fully demonstrates the effectiveness of the Ministry of Interior's execution.

Of course, this time the Ministry of Interior is mainly targeting the larger grain merchants. After the large grain merchants are investigated, the small and medium grain merchants will also be investigated.

As for those who make a living in the circulation field, they now have two options. One is to be mobilized to the battlefield, and the other is to join the government's rationing system.

For Italy, the wartime management system promulgated this time will allow Italy to use its maximum national strength to participate in this war.

This is from yesterday, there is another chapter for today

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