My Italy

Chapter 570 The Cavour is in service

The weather in Taranto in March is pleasant and perfect for travel. The colorful wildflowers on the mountains and the bright sunshine make it perfect.

However, for the Italian Navy, now is not the time to appreciate the beauty of spring, because today, the Italian Navy commissioned another large warship, the Cavour-class first ship, the Count of Cavour, was announced in Taranto.

So today's Taranto military port will look even more solemn.

Amidst the exciting military music and the witness of many naval officers and soldiers, the commissioning ceremony of the Cavour is underway.

Admiral Yagir, who is the Minister of the Navy, is holding a small wooden rudder symbolizing the Cavour, and is talking to its first captain, Colonel Bello.

"Colonel Bello, on behalf of the Navy, I will now hand over the Count of Cavour to your hands. I hope that you can lead the crew of the Cavour to make the ship as famous as its name throughout the world."

"Admiral, I will. I swear on my honor."

An excited Colonel Bello took over the rudder from the admiral. He put in a lot of effort to become the first captain of the Cavour, and at this moment he finally became the captain of a battleship. This is definitely the best reward for Colonel Bello, who has had a naval dream since he was a child.

At this time, there were bursts of applause. They were cheering for the navy to welcome a new warship, and they were also cheering for their colleagues. At the same time, a camera flashed, recording the moment.

Next, more than 900 crew members of the Cavour, led by Colonel Bello, boarded the already familiar ship. Admiral Yagir then took a group of naval officers to Cavour.

In fact, Admiral Yagir had visited the ship before it was launched, and the outfitting and sea trials had been carried out several times. Now it's more of a show-off, but I still spent half an hour walking around again.

Admiral Yagir, who took another tour of the Cavour, then inspected the fleet accompanied by Lieutenant General Leifer, Major General Gomes and others.

"Leifer, the Cavour is the beginning. There are two ships, the Giulio and the Duilio, that will be commissioned this year. As the commander of the battleship formation, your task is not light. You need to train the three ships to their combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

"As ordered, Admiral, I will personally monitor the training status of the three ships commissioned this year. In addition, I will also let him communicate with the captains of the First Battleship Squadron."

Facing Admiral Yagir's request, Leifer immediately laid out his next plan.

"This is very good. It is also beneficial for captains of battleships to communicate more. Using the experience gained in the past and passing it on to those who come after me, I think this method is good. It can also be expanded to include captains of new cruisers and destroyers. Strengthen the exchange of experiences.”

Admiral Yagir praised Leifer's approach very much.

Faced with the admiral's praise, Leifer did not show any expression of joy, as if the praise was not about him.

Yagir just admired Leifer's calm character, otherwise he would not have chosen him to lead the battleship formation.

Then he turned his attention to Major General Gomes on the other side. "Gomes, how is the tactical use and training of the battlecruisers going? You must know that next year, the Milan and the Florence will be in service, and there will be a lot of things by then. If the two ships can be trained at the same level, If you don't come out, you will be dismissed."

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, Admiral. I will definitely train those two battleships into elites. I have already selected the personnel who will board the ships. They are all elite soldiers and generals. They only need a little training to make them more capable." You are satisfied.”

Unlike Lieutenant General Leifer who was calm, Major General Gomes seemed a little lively. However, perhaps it is precisely because of its fearless character that it is particularly handy in the use of battle patrols.

Bold and careful, with a keen sense of smell, this is what Admiral Yagir said about him. Of course, as the head of the navy, Admiral Yagir can also control it to the letter.

"Gomez, this is what you said. If you do a good job, then I will consider adding stars to your shoulder straps."

Well, Admiral Yagil's words made everyone except Leifer immediately cast envious looks at him. The admiral's words are not considered. He simply means that you will be promoted if you do a good job.

Gomes, who had long been obsessed with the lieutenant general, was overjoyed. He did not dare to say such stupid words as "I am serious about this." Instead he spoke. "Admiral, please rest assured, I will definitely train the two ships into elites."

Gomes, who was stimulated by the rank of lieutenant general, wished he could start preparing for the commissioning of two Milan-class battle cruisers now, but in the end he was brought back by reason.

Looking around, there are currently more than 30 warships of various sizes parked in the Taranto military port. These warships are basically cutting-edge warships, and have been in service for no more than 10 years. They can be regarded as the most elite batch of warships in Italy. .

"That's the Petrarch, followed by the Dante, the Intrepid, the Leonardo, and on the left are the Michelangelo, the Taranto, the Bolsano, and the Fiume. Currently. With our eight most elite battlecruisers and battleships, plus the Cavour that is in service today, we currently have nine large battleships in service. Then next to the battlecruisers, in order..."

On the observation tower of the military port, Leifer was explaining to Admiral Yagier the various warships docked in the harbor. Of course, at this time, priority must be given to the largest to smallest ships. Admiral Yagir listened to Lieutenant General Leifer's story very carefully.

It wasn't until he finished speaking that Admiral Yagil spoke. "At present, the navy's funding is rarely so sufficient. Next, the navy will usher in a batch of warship construction work. You need to be best prepared for the upcoming large number of warships to enter service. And these new warships are newly commissioned by our Ministry of the Navy. I mean, most of them will come to Taranto, so you should be prepared."

Admiral Agil's words contained a lot of information. He told them that most of the new warships would be sent to Taranto. This means that their tasks are heavier and they need to work harder.

Of course, this is also an opportunity for performance. As long as you do it well, it is not difficult to become a squadron commander or a base commander. Moreover, these battleships need to be in formation, and if there are more battleships, the formation will need more commanders. Even if he doesn't need it, he is optimistic that the military officer can give him a hint.

Leifer and Gomes knew quite a bit about the thoughts of the other officers present without having to guess.

For the two of them, the most important thing is to take care of the current work in hand, because they hold the most elite power of the navy in their hands, and there is no need to consider anything else.

I finally finished writing and went to sleep.

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