My Italy

Chapter 245 Race against time

"Hurry, everyone, keep up."

On the rugged mountain road, a group of Italian officers and soldiers were rushing forward under the scorching sun under the command of an officer.

Sweat had already wet their military uniforms on the mountain, and water vapor had been emitted from the military caps. Every officer and soldier was panting as they ran. Carrying rifles and luggage, they were walking quickly through the mountains.

"Major Vic, the guide said we are about 21 kilometers ahead of Djakovica."

The panting Vic, who was also running with his subordinates, heard the news brought back by the messenger and immediately felt the breath in his chest relax.

"Let the team stop and rest for fifteen minutes to relax a little."

The messenger who received the officer's order immediately went down to convey the order. After a while, he heard statements one after another. "The battalion commander ordered everyone to rest for fifteen minutes. The battalion commander ordered everyone to rest for fifteen minutes."

As this order was conveyed, the team immediately stopped, and then a group of officers and soldiers collapsed on the ground without any image. Many people picked up the kettle and started to drink it in small sips. After drinking the water, sweat came out in streams, as if they had fallen into the water.

"Don't sit still, stand up and move around, otherwise you won't be able to walk for a while."

Experienced veterans and officers kept explaining their experiences to these soldiers who sat down and refused to get up.

Seeing that his soldiers were extremely tired, and considering that there was still plenty of time, the considerate Vic thought for a while and ordered. "The break will be extended by ten minutes."

"The break will be extended by ten minutes."

"The break will be extended by ten minutes."

As his orders continued to be passed on, there was a burst of cheers from the resting officers and soldiers.

No one can refuse that after walking dozens of miles of mountain roads, there is not enough rest time, and some people even want to take a nap.

The soldiers could rest, but Vic could not rest. He took out a military map from his bag and summoned the company and platoon leader of the team.

"Look, everyone, this is the town of Djakovica, our first target. According to intelligence, there are two companies of Ottoman troops here. This time we are traveling lightly and without heavy weapons, so the battle must be fast, not Give the enemy time to react. So after walking out of the mountain for a while, we will arrest all the pedestrians on the road and let them go when we arrive at Djakovica. This is especially true for Dia and your ninth company."

Vic said at the end, he also named the 9th Pioneer Company.

The baby-faced Lieutenant Dia immediately assured. "Don't worry, battalion commander. I will never let a passerby escape."

Faced with Dia's assurance, Vic was still relieved, because even though the other person had a tender face, he did things the most appropriate way. Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked Jiulian to be the vanguard.

Then Vic assigned some other tasks and precautions. The young officers present listened carefully to the battalion commander's instructions.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was time to set off. With the shouts coming and going, the resting soldiers could only stand up again. Under the leadership of their respective commanders, they continued to move towards their destinations.

Twenty kilometers behind them, most of the Army's 41st Division was slowly passing through the mountains. A large number of officers and soldiers lined up in a long queue and meandered forward. Behind them, the artillery and logistics carriages and artillery were constantly moving, driven by the accumulation of energy and manpower, although the speed was not as fast as those marching in front. Infantry, but not too slow.

However, Colonel Kasapa, the commander of the 41st Division, was not satisfied with the speed of the marching team at all. "It's too slow. This speed is too slow. It only takes one and a half hours to walk five kilometers. It is difficult to meet the requirements of the Chief of General Staff at this speed."

Faced with the dissatisfaction of his partner, Lieutenant Colonel Timothy, the chief of staff of the 41st Division, understood his mood very well, but rapid marching in mountainous areas has always been a problem for all countries.

"Our speed is already good. The mountain roads are complicated and it is impossible to pass quickly. At present, our progress is considered good, at least we have gone half way. The 48th Division next door has only gone one-third."

The words of his chief of staff did not dispel Colonel Kasapa's sorrow, he only saw him speaking. "Chief of Staff, I am not thinking about the present, but the future."

Upon hearing Colonel Kasapa's words, Lieutenant Colonel Timothy was silent for a while and then said slowly. "This kind of thing, now I wonder if it is too far away."

"How could it be so far? We have talked about it before. Our 41st Division had no chance to perform in the previous battle. If it cannot perform well this time, then after the war is over, things will be very clear."

What kind of riddle are the two chief officers of the 41st Division playing?

In fact, they were not playing riddles, but talking about the future of the 41st Division. The 41st Division can be seen from their numbers. This is a newly formed division before the war. This era is not the type where the numbers are very large in later generations. Basically, you can tell from their numbers that this division The quality of the troops. At least you can definitely tell whether it's a new one or not.

This kind of division newly formed before the war will basically end up being disbanded after the war. Except for a few personnel who are absorbed into other units, as long as the others are killed on the battlefield, they will continue to do what they originally did in the future. Of course, there are exceptions. Those troops that fight very well will be retained by the army.

And Colonel Casapa had exactly this idea. He has his own ambitions and does not want to be inactive for the rest of his life because he is already in his early fifties. If you can't achieve outstanding results, you will face the end of quitting the army. For Colonel Kasapa, who had spent most of his life in the army, this was unacceptable.

Therefore, this war was his last chance. In order to make his military career colorful, he wanted to make enough contributions. At least he must be called a general before he retires.

However, it is not easy to become a general. You must know that Italy currently maintains an army of 300,000 people all year round, and the number of its generals is only close to over a hundred. It can be said that every general has its own outstanding performance. And a large number of school-level officers like him were stuck in the position of colonel, unable to achieve breakthroughs.

So this time, it is completely normal for Colonel Kasapa to have his own plans.

While Colonel Kasapa was fighting for his future, the main force of the Balkan Army led by General Cadorna was also in action.

However, compared to concealing their partial masters, their movements are much greater.

He led the Balkan Army, starting from Prilep and heading towards Kospri, the most important city in Macedonia, because basically all the Ottoman troops are currently gathered here.

They need to keep an eye on their opponents and create opportunities for their side.

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