My Italy

Chapter 236 Battle of Saloniga (End)

Lieutenant General Owuzi knew about the fall of Kalamaria last night. Regarding Major General Akyol who committed suicide out of fear of crime, no matter how angry he was in his heart, he would not vent it on a dead person.

However, the problem left by Major General Akyol was difficult for him to solve. The news of the loss of the coastal defense fort could not be concealed from the officers and soldiers below. Moreover, without the coastal defense fort, enemy warships could directly bombard the city of Saloniga. In this way, the battle that was still possible will become more difficult.

Moreover, as a senior Ottoman officer, he was not ignorant of the strength of the enemy warships, but at present, he had no weapons that could deal with them, so he could only be beaten in vain.

Faced with this situation, Lieutenant General Owuzi didn't know what to do.

Although he didn't know what to do, the Italian army would not give him time to think about it. Early the next morning, the Italian fleet appeared in front of the Saloniga defenders.

Although the defeated soldiers escaped last night and brought news of the fall of Kalamaria, ordinary soldiers don't have that much knowledge. But they will soon see it. Why Calamaria is so important to Thessaloniki.

"Immediately order each ship to bombard Salonica in turn."

On the flagship Turin, Lieutenant General Yagier, the fleet commander, immediately issued the order to open fire. Following his order, heavy artillery fire from Italian warships allowed the Ottomans to see the power of the navy.


The seven battleships in the fleet used their main guns in order to open the eyes of the Ottoman bumpkins.


A shell landed on a house, and after the deafening explosion, the house was no longer there. Not only was one house missing, but the surrounding houses were damaged to varying degrees.

And more than thirty meters away from the explosion, many people were still injured.


A cannonball landed on the city wall, directly blasting a gap in the solid city wall. A large number of bricks and wood were pushed around by the explosive airflow, causing tragic secondary damage.

Scenes like this can be seen everywhere in the city of Saloniga, and there are tragic images everywhere after being shot by the main guns of battleships. Such shelling made the Ottoman army feel uneasy. This kind of battle where they could only be beaten but not fight back was very frustrating. This made some Ottoman soldiers who were not strong-willed enough to quietly take off their uniforms at this time and want to leave this purgatory-like place.

If it weren't for the suppression by the gendarmerie in the city, they might not have wanted to protect the two armies from attacking, and they would have dispersed on their own.

Don't think that only the Ottoman army is like this. Even if it is the army of other powers, in this environment, morale will still collapse.

As for the tragic scene in the city, naturally everything was seen by Lieutenant General Owuzi who was observing the movements from a certain height.

He had previously expected the damage caused by enemy warships, but the current enemy firepower was far from what he expected. He found that none of the countermeasures he had previously imagined would be useful because he underestimated the power of the warship's artillery.

Yes, he did underestimate it. But then again, it is indeed a bit difficult for an army officer to estimate the naval firepower. As for the shabby Ottoman navy, no reference can be provided at all. As for other countries, who would share this information with the Ottomans, and also with an army officer. So he underestimated, which is human nature.

"We can't continue like this. We must immediately convene a meeting with the commanders of each division. We need to consider a retreat."

Lieutenant General Owuzi, who put down the telescope in his hand, suddenly said this after being silent for a long time.

His words frightened Major General Emily, the chief of staff beside him, who was at a loss. After being stunned for a while, he slowly spoke.

"Your Majesty Lieutenant General, we can definitely wait for the reinforcements sent by General Yilmaz."

It's okay that Major General Emily didn't mention this, but once he mentioned it, Lieutenant General Owuzi immediately became furious. "In this case, you ask me to wait for reinforcements. Do you know our current situation? The enemy warships are constantly destroying our city fortifications, and we are helpless. The enemy has surrounded us and wants to break out of the city. It becomes difficult, and where can we break through?”

"We can retreat to Macedonia and join General Yilmaz's army."

At this time, Major General Emily suddenly said this.

Faced with the advice of his chief of staff, Lieutenant General Owuzi showed a disdainful expression. "Retreating to Macedonia, I won't talk about the situation on the road. Under the current situation, you can let the soldiers break through the enemy's interception."

Thinking of the scene they just saw on their side, it was indeed difficult for them to launch an offensive against the enemy.

"And Admiral Yilmaz is currently unable to protect himself. If we retreat, we will end up with the same fate."

Lieutenant General Owuzi's sudden words made Major General Emily show a puzzled expression.

Seeing his chief of staff's doubts, Lieutenant General Owuzi took out a telegram and said. "Originally, I wanted to tell you together later, but now that I've said it, you should take a look. This is what I received last night."

Major General Emily received this telegram and was shocked when he saw it.

This is the latest telegram. The telegram states that the Italian army has broken through the blockade of the Second Macedonian Army in the Dinara Mountains and that they have entered the Macedonian region.

Yes, the Italian Balkan Army finally lived up to its name.

The assault group led by Lieutenant General Simeone, under constant attacks from heavy artillery and mountain infantry, finally defeated the enemy at the Kicevo Pass. They have entered the Macedonian region, and their vanguard is less than fifteen kilometers away from the military town of Prilep. At this time, General Yilmaz can still come up with reinforcements, so reinforcements will be useful.

Major General Emily would not understand what this telegram means. He collapsed on the ground all at once, with tears in his eyes.

Compared with the frustration of the Salonican defenders, the Italian and Bulgarian armies were much calmer. As the commander of the Italian forces, Lieutenant General Grovei was even interested in inviting Major General Uzunov, commander of the Bulgarian Third Army, to watch the naval-led bombardment with him.

"It's amazing. Without coastal defense, the enemy has no ability to defend itself against attacks from the sea."

Major General Uzunov looked at the steel behemoths on the sea with envy. These behemoths were constantly spraying tongues of fire. Naturally, the defenders of Salonica were suffering.

Although Uzunov envied Italy's powerful fleet, he knew that Bulgaria could not possess it. Because Bulgaria's environment determines that they must ensure safety on land. Of course, the purchase of some heavy coastal defense artillery must be put on the agenda in the future. A port that lacks protection is as fragile as a piece of paper when faced with enemy sea attacks.

Just when he was about to say something more to praise the other party, suddenly a staff officer hurried over.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing this officer running directly towards him, Lieutenant General Grovey quickly asked.

Faced with the commander's question, the officer immediately responded. "General, the garrison in the city requested to send someone to discuss peace matters with us."

Although the officer said it very euphemistically, everyone knew that it was just a qualifying word, and the Salonic garrison wanted to surrender.

The two commanders looked at each other and smiled. Being able to capture the city without any effort was a good thing. Of course we can talk about this, as long as the other party doesn't go too far.

"Tell the Ottomans that Major General Uzunov and I are at the headquarters, waiting for their envoy."

With these words of Lieutenant General Grovey, it was announced that the Italian and Italian armies were willing to accept the surrender of the defenders. And this news is excellent news for everyone in Salonika.

Only by experiencing the cruelty of the battlefield can we know the beauty of peace.

I cried, this is my second revision. It was originally corrected at 0:45, but the machine crashed and I vomited three liters of blood.

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