My Iron Suit

Chapter 394: Your prey is coming!

In the first few years of the US fur company's monopoly on the fur trade in Missouri, many daring businessmen dared to take risks. However, after all the foreign businessmen who entered the company disappeared without exception, no one would dare to take the risk. To challenge the authority of the American fur company.

Shortly after Chen Mo’s three people entered the forest, a fur-buying team consisting of ten armed men armed with guns also came out in advance, followed by Chen Mo’s three people, and chased after the traces left by them.

On the edge of this vast forest, Chen Mozhen walked deep into the forest with Victor and James along a path that was stepped on by people who often entered the mountains.

The two little guys are like two little beasts that are out of the cage. They are completely languish in New York before. They are all bright and bright, full of excitement and joy, and they walk on the rugged forest path. The tall trees of varying sizes are scattered randomly in the forest, and the branches are stretched everywhere, occupying every corner of the line of sight.

Although it is late autumn, the forests in Missouri are not as bleak as Canada. The leaves on the trees are yellow and green. Although the ground has been covered with thick leaves, the leaves on the trees are still very lush. The forest is still alive.

Although the lush foliage does not completely cover the sky like the summer, it still blocks most of the sun. The shattered sunlight passes through the gaps of the leaves, and the mottled light and shadow are sprinkled on the ground, showing that the school is completely different from the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Another beauty of the forest.

The two little guys were also attracted by this completely different scenery from their hometown. They kept walking under their feet. The two small heads were waiting from time to time. They looked around and looked more like they did when they first arrived in New York. Excited.

Chen Mo is also an outskirt-like expression, walking behind the two, leisurely admiring the early 19th century, without the slightest destruction of the forest.

Suddenly, Chen Mo’s eyes were moving and his feet could not help but slow down.

The movement behind him naturally stunned Chen Mo's ear. Chen Mo, who was marching deep into the forest, heard a rush of dense and dense footsteps hundreds of meters behind him. The corner of his mouth could not help but spurt a trace of curvature.

Although Chen Mo did not see the things that happened in the village, he had already expected it. The American fur company under John Jacob Astor controlled the fur trade in Missouri for more than a decade. The villages that come in and out of the forest after all, must have been fully controlled, and their whereabouts are absolutely beyond the staff of the American Fur Company.

However, Chen Mo did not intend to hide, just the opposite, Chen Mo's goal is them!

Since the "prey" has been actively chased up, Chen Mo did not continue to hurry, and waved directly to stop from the entry into the forest and began to become highly interested in Victor and James.

"Don't go, your prey is coming, get ready to fight!"

Just as the two springs that walked happily through the beautiful woods with the spring tour couldn't help but stop, and confused and turned to look at Chen Mo.

Facing the doubtful eyes of the two, Chen Mo said with a smile.

"I said that the purpose of our visit this time is to hunt, but the goal of hunting is not animals, but people! Your prey is ten armed men with firearms!"

Hearing the long-awaited hunting was to fight humans, Victor and James did not reveal any loss of color.

After a series of battles from Canada to the United States, the two were no longer rookies who had never killed anyone.

The two people who have been motivated by special abilities have a strong wildness in their hearts. Vickert’s performance is the most obvious. Although James is awakened later, under the influence of this wild instinct, he quickly becomes militant. It’s up.

Whether it is the feeling of boiling in the battle, or the slow improvement of their own strength after a battle, they both yearn for the battle.

Before in New York, because in the bustling big city, the two will inevitably be affected by the secular laws, and dare not want to fight again. In fact, they have been on the road from New York, and they are always looking forward to the bandits. The arrival of the robbers is a good opportunity to fight again.

They never thought about taking the initiative to find a target to fight.

Unexpectedly, the "hunting" in Chen Mokou actually means fighting with armed personnel!

If the ordinary civilians are shot, the two will inevitably have scruples and conflicts. After all, they also have their own concept of right and wrong.

However, the militants did not, including James, there was no conflict between the two.

The two have little contact with the world. All the armed militants they have seen do not seem to be good people. Thomas killed James’s adoptive father John Howett with a gun. They met along the way. The gunmen were all bandits. At this time, Chen Mo was said to have ten armed men armed with guns. The two naturally attributed them to the bandit bandits.

However, the two people can't be wrong. For the Indian indigenous people in Missouri, the armed men of the American fur company are robbers. They only take a small amount of things and take a lot of fur from their hands, even a word. If you don't, you will kill.

For foreign fur traders who enter the Missouri area for fur trade, they are more terrible than the bandits, not only stealing their supplies and the fur of the acquisition, but also taking away their lives!

To get rid of the running dogs of these American fur companies, to some extent, it is to kill the people!

After the two militant children learned that they were going to have a big fight, they were not afraid of it, but excited.

After waiting for such a long time, I can finally fight for a hard time. Compared to hunting animals, they are more willing to fight humans!

The two immediately showed their own weapons. The sharp nails on the ten fingers and the sharp bones on the fists stretched out and grew out. The lively expressions of the two children who were originally spring children were quickly replaced by madness and fierceness.

As the "prey" approached, the two people with animal-like perception also showed their position. They turned and turned their eyes sharply toward the direction behind them. Both hands stretched out on both sides and the body leaned forward slightly. When you are hunting, you will be ready to attack.

Chen Mo stood by and looked at the movements of the two men. He shook his head secretly. The fighting consciousness was still too bad. He only knew that it was hard and hard, a little ambush, and there was no awareness of sneak attack.

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