My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 814 is a person pretending to be

Zhou Guanting came from a certain province in the southeast. This time he came to the imperial capital with his friends. On the one hand, he was traveling, and on the other hand, he wanted to find some black materials about the imperial capital.

After all, in the past few years, there has been a trend of blowing inland in their province. In order to prove that the imperial capital is not as good as their provincial capital, he came to the imperial capital with his friends to take some evidence that the imperial capital is relatively backward.

But it is a pity that although some parts of the imperial capital do look dilapidated, they have to pass through the dilapidated streets of their provincial capital.

And with various rectification actions, these dilapidated places have gradually improved.

Zhou Guanting, who had nothing to gain, wanted to leave at first, but his friend found out that there is a winery here that uses the ancient method to make wine. There are very few such wineries in their area, so my friend is very interested and wants to see it. The wineries on the side have not inherited the essence of ancient winemaking techniques.

I asked my friends to get the qualifications to come to the winery. Although they were not allowed to enter the winemaking area, after tasting the fine wines and visiting the environment, they had to admit that the layout here is indeed much better than theirs.

Zhou Guanting decided to give up after thinking about it because he couldn't get black material. Before leaving, he inquired that the winery was built next to the stream, so he planned to take a few photos of the winery from a distance.

When asked about the way, Zhou Guanting took his friends to the upper reaches of the stream, set up his camera and started taking pictures.

At this time, there happened to be a few people coming from a distance, because Zhou Guanting and the others were standing on it, so the people who walked over did not see them.

"It seems that the masters of the winery have come to fetch water." My friend saw the clothes of the few people walking in front from a distance, and recognized their identities.

"Come here to get water when it's almost dark. Is there any particularity and rules?" Zhou Guanting curiously turned the camera to take a few photos, and then suddenly made a new discovery, "Look at the people who are walking behind That fat man."

When my friend heard Zhou Guanting's words, he hurriedly looked up and found a big fat man talking to an old man at the end of the crowd.

"This man is so fat." The friend stretched out his hand and gestured, and found that this was indeed a very rare fat man.

"That's not human at all." Zhou Guanting shouted, "Look at his skin."

After Zhou Guanting's reminder, my friend came to his senses and looked over carefully, only to find that the fat man had animal-like hair on his body.

At this time, a group of people from the winery also walked to the stream, and the big fat man who followed at the end took off the straw hat on his head, and then stood and listened to the old man next to him.

"Panda Bear!" At this moment, my friend finally saw the true face of this strange person.

It is a creature exactly like a giant panda.

However, unlike other giant pandas, this giant panda walks upright, more like a human.

"It's indeed a panda, but whose panda can stand up." Zhou Guanting quickly took a few photos and said to his friend, "I feel like this person is wearing a puppet costume."

"But no one walks in such strange clothes in the middle of the night." My friend also thinks that it will not be a giant panda in front of them now, but they don't agree with the explanation of wearing doll clothes.

"That's true." Zhou Guanting thought for a while, but he really couldn't understand why someone would appear in the winery in the middle of the night wearing a panda doll's clothes with the brewing masters.

"But having said that, this panda looks very similar to the panda we saw in the Imperial Zoo."

"Do you think there is such a possibility?" Zhou Guanting's brain was wide open, and suddenly he thought of a possibility, "The panda is actually extinct, but the mainland government wants to prevent others from finding out that the giant panda is extinct. Train some people to grow up in panda costumes so they can pretend to be pandas."

"Then what are those little pandas?" Although my friend thought Zhou Guanting's statement was ridiculous,

But he still insisted on following his train of thought.

"Then find a child to pretend to be." Zhou Guanting continued, "Think about it, is it difficult for pandas to reproduce once they leave China? This shows that these pandas are actually people pretending to be human. Those foreign zoos want to make money. , so I deceived people with the mainland government. Because children playing pandas are prone to accidents, so there are very few little pandas abroad.”

"There's a bit of truth in what you say." My friend was also a little bit convinced by Zhou Guanting at the moment.

"This person pretending to be a panda is the evidence. This person must be used to wearing doll clothes in the zoo, so even if it is a holiday, he will still wear a panda doll costume when he comes out of the zoo."

"Then let's take a few photos and send them to our media when we go back."

"Okay, no problem, look at mine." Zhou Guanting took the camera to take a lot of photos as he said, and then uploaded the photos to the cloud storage immediately after taking them for safety.

At this time, the patrolling personnel also found Zhou Guanting who was secretly filming.

Although it is usually allowed to shoot here, because the little boss ordered a special guest to come recently, no one is allowed to get close to the surrounding area to take pictures.

"What are you doing?" Several patrolling security guards walked over immediately.

"It's over and I was discovered." After seeing the security guard, my friend instinctively wanted to run away, but because the DSLR worth more than 100,000 yuan was still on the shelf at this time, if he ran away now, he would definitely not come back, so he had to stand with Zhou Guanting in place.

"We just took pictures of the scenery casually." Zhou Guanting squinted down while talking. After discovering that someone was secretly taking pictures, all the people below left immediately, as if they were worried about being photographed.

"Photography is not allowed here." The security guard said, "Please take out your mobile phones and cameras, and delete the photos taken here under our supervision."

"No problem, no problem." Zhou Guanting knew that this kind of high-end place is not something he can mess around with. Fortunately, the photos have been uploaded to the cloud disk, so Zhou Guanting didn't care, and he took out his phone and camera, and deleted the previous photos. All the photos taken are very compatible with the security work.

After leaving the winery, Zhou Guanting immediately said to his friend, "The person wearing the panda doll really has something wrong, otherwise how could we not be allowed to take pictures there? I heard before I came that it is allowed to take pictures there. So they must have seen us secretly taking pictures of people pretending to be pandas, so they didn’t allow us to take pictures.” Reading Yue, Reading Yue is wonderful! (= Reading Yue)

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