My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 716 Fat Ding's singing

In the hospital ward, which is only responsible for receiving a small number of special personnel, Fang Zegang and Wang Cheng finished talking, and then reached out to take the preliminary medical certificates from the doctors in the hospital.

After examining Zhao Linger's body, the doctor gave that the reason for Zhao Linger's coma might be due to overwork after giving birth.

Indeed, if it weren't for this medical certificate, Fang Ze would have almost forgotten that in the game, Zhao Linger was pregnant when she followed Li Xiaoyao through hardships and obstacles.

And before she was about to give birth, she was imprisoned in the Demon Locking Tower. And after finally escaping to give birth to a child, he had to follow Li Xiaoyao to worship the leader of the moon.

If it weren't for the strong physique of Nuwa's descendants, ordinary people would have collapsed long ago if they struggled like her.

After all, Zhao Ling'er is only sixteen years old at this time, and she is still four years away from the legal age for marriage in our country!

Zhao Ling'er is still half-human and half-snake at this time. According to the test results, although her body is severely deficient, her life is not in danger, so she should be sent over halfway through the seal of the sealed water monster.

As a result, the water monster fell into a deep sleep with her.

Fang Ze stood outside the window holding the examination results, but he didn't look at Zhao Linger's physical examination results anymore, but was thinking, should he use the space shuttle to give the water monster to the water monster before it wakes up? Pull it up to the moon.

After all, although this guy is immortal, he can't fly, and he can't be reborn without water. The moon is the best place to seal it.

However, there is no weapon device in the space lock after all. Once the water monster wakes up during the flight, it may be able to destroy the space shuttle in the first place.

Just when Fang Ze was struggling, the rain outside the window suddenly stopped, and the raindrops that were like pouring beans disappeared instantly without a trace. Moreover, the sky of the imperial capital, which was shrouded in dark clouds, also began to gradually return to light.

The heavy rain only fell overnight and then disappeared. For others, it's likely just a downpour brought on by the weather.

But Fang Ze knew that the reason for the heavy rain was the water monster.

Although the water monster is sleeping, for this kind of ancient monster, even if the spirit is asleep, the body can unconsciously affect the surrounding environment.

But I didn't expect that the heavy rain would stop after only one night? !

Could it be that this water monster is immortal in the Xianxia world,

After coming to the earth, this trait was lost, so it was wiped out by the government with thermal weapons?

This is unlikely.

Fang Ze subconsciously turned on the phone, and then searched for keywords. At first, he thought he couldn't find anything, but now he found that he could not only find videos and pictures of water monsters, but also found many links to live broadcasts!

Randomly clicked into a live broadcast platform, and the live broadcast on the recommendation column on the homepage of the platform was the live broadcast room of the monsters in the imperial capital. Fang Ze clicked in and found that the anchor was standing on a residential building to the east of the small square where the water monster was. ..

Because this residential building is very high, the anchor standing on the top of the building can clearly capture the water monster in the square with his mobile phone.

"Friends, friends, the rain in the imperial capital has finally stopped!" The anchor didn't know the connection between the heavy rain and the water monster. He shook his raincoat and pointed at the water monster on the square. , "Now we can finally see this huge monster clearly. I zoomed in on the camera for my brothers, and you see, that's the monster. The area it occupies is as big as a football field."

The anchor used his mobile phone to film the water monster in the small square without any scruples. No one came out to stop him during the whole process, and he was surrounded by a group of people taking pictures in the rain.

Fortunately, it was raining before, so not many people came to the top floor, otherwise it is guaranteed to be full of people now.

The attitude of the government is strange enough.

Fang Ze felt strange when he saw that the water monster hadn't been wiped out.

Such a monster that can destroy the world is lying here, and it doesn't matter if you don't evacuate the surrounding residents, but now it doesn't even stop ordinary people from taking pictures.

The government doesn't seem to mind that everyone knows that there is such a huge monster in the imperial capital?

Is it because there have been monsters in Australia before, so Huaxia is not worried that others will accuse the monsters here because of such rumors as biological experiments?

However, the key thing now is that Fang Ze wants to know how the country stopped this water monster from causing heavy rain in the imperial capital.

A deadly streamer never disappoints.

The anchor squatting on the top of the building saw that the government did not seem to prohibit everyone from filming the monster, so he immediately went downstairs to the edge of the 500-meter cordon set up by the army, and carefully took out his mobile phone.

At this time, the soldiers and police who were maintaining order also saw the deadly anchor, but no one came forward to stop them. They just glanced at the anchor, then warned the anchor not to cross the cordon, and continued to stand guard, as if it was just It's just a scenic spot for anyone to take pictures.

So the anchor only needs to use an ordinary mobile phone to easily capture the current situation in the small square.

And Fang Ze also knew why the heavy rain suddenly stopped.

The functions of these playback devices may be hidden from others, but Fang Ze is definitely not hidden.

After all, Fat Ding's song recordings were handed over to someone sent by his father.

At that time, he didn't understand why his father asked Fang Ze to hand over the recording so carefully. Now that I understand, what he had in mind was whether Pang Ding's songs could be reduced to a powerful lullaby to help insomniacs cure insomnia, or to allow people to sleep quickly and efficiently.

But his father immediately thought of how effective this kind of audio that forced any creature to sleep would be used on weapons.

Once the problem that the user of this weapon will fall asleep after listening to this sound can be overcome, then the role of this weapon in urban street fighting is absolutely enormous.

No matter how strong the enemy is hiding in the facility, as long as Pang Ding's song is played within the effective range, all the enemies in the facility will immediately fall asleep and be slaughtered by others.

It now appears that the country has overcome this problem and developed a device that confines the sound to a certain range.

Although the force value of the Pokémon world where Fat Ding is located is not as good as that of the general fairy world, it is not much lower to be honest.

Therefore, Fat Ding's song from the Pokémon World still had an effect on the ancient monster water monster.

Although it is not yet clear whether the hypnosis equipment can subdue the awake water monster, but it can make the sleeping water monster lose its influence on the external environment!

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