My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 651 Meow? Meow? Meow?

Chapter 651 Meow? Meow? Meow?

What? What are they?

Fang Ze and Chen Jian were talking, while Li Zihao at the side could only listen with 'Meow Meow Meow? ’ to describe how I feel right now.

Didn't we just come to Australia to hunt?

Isn't Fang Ze just joking that he has no time to come here because he is busy saving the world!

Why did they suddenly involve a girl named Xiaoqian?


This Xiaoqian can still get through the two worlds of monsters?

To be honest, Li Zihao grows up so big, he has only seen Thai ladyboys, but he has never seen any monsters.

Hearing the conversation between Chen Jian and Fang Ze suddenly, if it wasn't for Chen Jian's blushing and thick neck, he looked serious. Li Zihao would definitely think that these two guys were joking.

"What did you say!" Chen Jian shouted again: "You said that Xiaoqian is the beacon of the demon world. As long as she exists in this world, the passage between the human and demon worlds will slowly open?!"

Forehead. Are you acting out the plot of some second-rate novel?

Looking at the roaring Chen Jian, Li Zihao had more and more doubts in his heart.

But just when Li Zihao wanted to hear more, Chen Jian hung up the phone directly, and then took out the calling card in Li Zihao's phone and broke it.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Li Zihao watched Chen Jian's actions, and finally decided that Chen Jian was not joking.

"Zihao, can you go out now, I want to be alone and calm." Chen Jian looked at Li Zihao and said. '

As soon as Li Zihao turned his head, he found that there were many friends behind him, who were watching this side, so he said to Chen Jian, "Do I need to call you a psychiatrist."

"No thanks. I feel fine now."

What a fart.

From wearing crotch pants to now, I have never seen you so manic.

Li Zihao looked at Chen Jian, and began to hesitate whether to secretly call a psychiatrist to show Chen Jian after he left.

But before he walked out of the room, suddenly there was a woman beside Li Zihao.

Yes, suddenly.

Li Zihao dared to swear on the sexual happiness of all his cronies and friends for the rest of their lives that he had never seen any women in this room before.

What's more, here is Australia, where the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the farm is at least three hours' drive away from the populated places.

So it is impossible for this unknown woman to just come from outside.

"Xiaoqian." Chen Jian turned his head and saw Nie Xiaoqian, and his mood recovered immediately. "I'm sorry, I was a little rude just now, mainly because my friend said something joking, me."

"That's not a joke." Nie Xiaoqian interrupted Chen Jian. "I am not some thousand-year-old female ghost who has lived from ancient times to the present. I come from a world where demons are rampant, and I was sent in as a beacon."

Meow? Meow? Meow?

Li Zihao was really meowing now.

What the hell is this all about? One crazy three?

"Xiaoqian, stop talking!" Chen Jian stretched out his hand to touch Nie Xiaoqian, but Nie Xiaoqian was not real at this time, so Chen Jian's hand directly passed through Nie Xiaoqian's body.

"Fuck, fuck!" Li Zihao was stunned when he saw this scene.

Is this woman really a female ghost? !

"I'm sorry." Nie Xiaoqian turned her head away. "My dead body is with my grandma. I have to listen to her. I should have guessed who your friend is. Let him come and take me back. Maybe it's good for you It's the best ending for me. I actually wanted to go back early in the morning, but I was reluctant to stay here for so long because of you."

"I will absolutely not allow anyone to take you away!" Chen Jian rummaged through his suitcase frantically, and then took out a box.

Chen Jian opened the box, and Li Zihao saw that there was a small piece of clean finger bone in the box.

In the security check room at the airport before, Li Zihao also asked Chen Jian why he carried human bones. But Chen Jian told Li Zihao that it was just a fake decoration.

"You told me that where your finger is, you will be there. Let's go now, get out of here. I have already broken off Li Zihao's phone card, Fang Ze will not know where we went."

"Chen Jian, calm down." Now even Li Zihao could see that something was wrong with Chen Jian, he hurried forward and said, "I guess you and Fang Ze have a little misunderstanding, and we will misunderstand when Fang Ze comes. How about explaining clearly?"

"I didn't have any misunderstanding with him." Chen Jian grabbed Li Zihao's collar frantically and said, "I will absolutely, absolutely not allow anyone to take anyone or anything away from me. Do you understand? The world is really destroyed, and I will be with the person I love deeply to accompany the whole world to be destroyed."

"I know, I know, calm down, calm down." At this moment, Li Zihao suddenly remembered what Chen Jian's cousin, who had suffered from depression before, once said, "Chen Jian has been holding back his breath all the time. I hope he can find a gentle person in the future to resolve all the grievances he has suffered since he was a child."

Li Zihao used to think that Chen Jian's cousin was just nonsense. After all, how can a person who is mentally ill say that others are mentally ill.

But now he finally figured it out.

He always thought that Chen Jian was the same kind of person as him. But it is not.

The Li family is a business family. Although the education of the younger generation is relatively strict, as long as Li Zihao fulfills the rules set by the family, he can do whatever he wants in the rest of the time.

But Chen Jian was different.

The Chen family in Haiping, a scholarly family, a family of officials. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, various methods have been used to develop their own family.

Chen Jian is the eldest son of the family. Although his status is not high now, it is because the family insists that Chen Jian first take root at the grassroots level.

As for Chen Jian, he was strictly demanded from a young age. As long as he is slightly obsessed with which game or which toy.

Then this thing will completely disappear from his world, without exception.

When he was in college in Haiping, Chen Jian had a girlfriend. The family situation can be regarded as a little rich, so Chen Jian thought that his relationship with this girl would be approved by his parents.

But after Chen Jian brought the girl home, from the overly polite eyes of his parents, he immediately knew that he might be disappointed again.

When the vacation is over, all contact information is deleted, and the girl transfers to another school.

The stories in the dog blood novels are not imagined out of thin air. For upper-class families, marriage is the most solid way of combining interests.

You don't have to appoint someone for you, you can also choose yourself. But the scope of your choice is determined by your parents.

Not to mention families like Chen Jian, even some families with a little bit of status will have requirements for the families of their children's love partners.

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