My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 613 Title Party Videos

"You think I'm a fool." Ji Lin looked at the rune sword that Fang Ze had brought up, and at the pair of unicorn arms he had trained all the year round. I can't even mention it.

He watched Fang Ze easily hold the big sword and was about to put it on the roof of the car, and he stretched out his hand to try to hold it in disbelief. In the end, it took a lot of effort to lift a little bit from Fang Ze's hands. He could only watch Fang Ze put the great rune sword on the roof of the car, and then Fang Ze jumped up and tied it with a rope.

"Look, it's really easy." Fang Ze forcibly fooled Ji Lin. Although Ji Lin didn't believe it, he didn't know what to say.

After all, Fang Ze's small arms and legs are not half as thick as his. Fang Ze can mention it, there is no reason for him not to mention it.

After tying the great rune sword to the roof of the car, Fang Ze got down and got into the car with Yasuo.

Ji Lin originally wanted to get in the driver's seat and drive. But he suddenly thought of what to do if the two of them really had a problem, what if he was kidnapped and killed in the wilderness, so he suddenly yelled.

"What's wrong?" Fang Ze looked at Ji Lin with his head.

"I hurt my wrist." Ji Lin said, clutching his wrist, "I said why I couldn't lift it up just now. It turned out that I sprained my wrist while climbing."

"Let me take a look for you." Fang Ze was wondering if he had fooled Ji Lin's wrist casually, but when Ji Lin sat in the passenger seat, he said to Fang Ze, "How about You can drive by yourself, anyway, you must know the way where you are going.”

"Okay." Fang Ze took a look at Ji Lin and immediately understood that Ji Lin was afraid that they were bad people. If he drove, he would put a knife on his waist and he wouldn't be able to run even if he wanted to.

When Fang Ze was driving and Ji Lin was sitting in the co-pilot seat, if something was wrong, as long as he opened the car door when he saw the police, the traffic police would have to chase after him desperately. At that time, Fang Ze really wanted to commit a crime, so he jumped out of the car or fought with Fang Ze, buying time for the traffic police is all right.

Fang Ze didn't care.

After getting in the car, put the mobile phone on the front mobile phone holder, turn on the map navigation, and then look at the navigation and drive in the direction of the hotel.

Seeing that Fang Ze was driving towards the city, Ji Lin, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, felt more at ease.

He suddenly thought of something, and then said to Fang Ze, "By the way, brother, when did you leave the rock climbing field?"

"I left after saying goodbye to you, what's wrong?" Fang Ze turned to Ji Lin and asked.

"Let me tell you." Ji Lin's tubercular physique made him forget the suspicion of Fang Ze before, and he couldn't help talking.

"Not long after you went down, when I was resting in the rest area, guess what I saw?"

"What did you see?"

"There is a person who ran directly along the rock wall from below to above. When I saw him, he had already run up the mountain. He was really running purely with his legs, without using his hands. It was like having a special function of anti-gravity. "Ji Lin said excitedly holding his mobile phone to show Fang Ze the photos he took, "Look, this man is still wearing rock climbing clothes. He looks like someone who came to rock climbing. I guess there is something wrong with his pair of shoes. There should be some latest technology attached to it to allow him to suck on the rock wall."

"How do you know it's a shoe problem?" Fang Ze said, "Maybe someone will do light work."

"Bullshit, how can there be such light work in this world." Ji Lin shouted, "I still say that, if anyone can use light work to achieve such an effect, I will call him Dad. I see, someone must have developed something High-tech equipment, and then conduct experiments here. Otherwise, why would he wear rock-climbing protective clothing? It must be because he is afraid that if something goes wrong, he will fall to his death."

"Maybe." Fang Ze didn't have any emotional fluctuations.

Although I made a piece of news this time, the hot spots from today to tomorrow will definitely be dominated by the so1o battle between Riven and Yasuo on Lianyu Mountain, and there is nothing wrong with him.

"You look like this, don't you believe me, think I'm lying to you." Ji Lin saw that Fang Ze had already driven the car to the city, and was completely relieved, so he took the phone and said to Fang Ze, "Wait a minute , There were so many people watching at that time, there must be someone else who took the video besides me. I will search it out for you and let you watch the video, and you will believe it when the time comes."

As Ji Lin spoke, he entered the three words Lianyushan into Baidu. He felt that someone must have made this news, and there must be a video at that time, and the introduction of the video must write where it happened. So search Lian Yushan and you will be able to find it.

But after Ji Lin entered Lianyushan in Baidu, the first thing that came out of Lianyushan was not someone performing anti-gravity ability in public, but: Riven fought Yasuo on Lianyushan.

"Where did this headline come from?" Ji Lin complained, "I'm looking for anti-gravity news."

Ji Lin flipped through a few pages, and found that the news about Lianyushan found today was all about Riven and Yasuo, and the titles were all similar.

Could it be that the League of Legends is really going to be cold? Even the goose factory has started to buy popularity and advertise.

Ji Lin found that many links pointed to Weibo, so he clicked on one at random.

This is a blogger who specializes in interesting news, and has millions of followers. His video titles are exactly the same as others', Lian Yushan, Riven and Yasuo.

Click to open.

At the beginning, the camera was filming the Lianyushan martial arts arena, but it soon shifted to the sky with the surrounding exclamations.

A figure fell from a height of at least five or six meters, and then another person chased after her.

Both fell at least five meters above the crowd. There are no high platforms around, and the two of them are like hanging on a wire.

Immediately afterwards, the camera returned to the ring, and the two began to confront each other.

Because the camera is very far away, the two people on the stage are not shown in the camera, but they look like ancient warriors in their clothes.

Soon, the camera zooms in a bit, and by this time both of them have drawn their weapons. A long sword similar to a Tang knife and a huge sword like a door panel.

This big sword looks familiar.

Ji Lin muttered silently in his heart.

But he quickly thought, 'What's the point of this video, isn't it just two cosplayers performing, it looks like Yasuo and Riven? At first glance, Goose Factory is promoting League of Legends. '

But not long after this thought came up, Ji Lin's three views were shattered.

Because the two people on the stage started to really fight.

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