My Inseparable House Guests

Chapter 584: Glowing Vegetables


Fang Ze saw that everyone had already tasted Chef Song's crystal phoenix once, so he put the dish in his hand again, possessed the character of a playwright, and the soul of the middle school was burning, then stood up straight and looked around the group of people present The crowd said in a deep voice, "I learned to cook at the age of seven, and I have achieved success in seven years. Up to now more than ten years, I have never let go of my devout heart for food. Since childhood, I have never left the kitchen utensils, and I have never left the kitchen utensils, eating and sleeping. No exception. Every time before cooking, you must fast for three days and take a bath with incense, in order to be sincere and sincere in the way of food."

Fang Ze's drama personality and the soul of the middle school were burning together, and he was excited when he said it, but the expressions of the people around him became more and more strange the more they listened.

This child is such a big man.

I thought he was a normal person just now, but now that I look at it, there is something wrong with my brain!

None of the members of the cult are as evil as this guy, they have to be addicted to the virtual world to do such a thing!

When everyone looked at each other head-on, Fang Ze saw that there was already a pretentious rhythm, so he directly started to use the hand of God of Cooking in front of everyone.

"Young man, I don't think cooking is suitable for you. The manga exhibition across the street is more suitable for you." Chef Song actually knows about manga exhibitions, and it seems that he has a strong ability to accept new things.

But Fang Ze is obviously not an ordinary secondary disease.

Chef's Hand, activate.

Bright and visible white light emitted from Fang Ze's hand, penetrated the porcelain plate, and then illuminated the entire plate of crystal phoenix, instantly turning the fake phoenix made of mashed potatoes and bean sprouts into a real crystal.

"F, glow?!" Everyone was stunned.

Little did they expect, the dish really shined!

Everyone present pinched themselves involuntarily, trying to see if they were dreaming at the moment.

A dish can actually shine, do you want to be so exaggerated, only a movie dares to shoot like this.

No matter what everyone present thought, the dish in front of their eyes really shined.

The reporter watching from the side couldn't help covering her mouth, but then she turned her eyes and signaled the cameraman to shoot the camera at Fang Ze's hand. She wondered if the method used some kind of magic technique to hide a glowing object in hand.

"Okay." Fang Ze finished using the chef's hand, and brought the crystal phoenix dish before everyone's eyes again, "Now you can taste this real crystal phoenix, or phoenix crystal."

"After shining, can it really become delicious?" Everyone hadn't recovered from the shock of the food in Fang Ze's hand suddenly glowing just now, when they heard Fang Ze asking them to taste the food.

Now, can you still eat the dishes that have shone? Ask online, it's urgent.

Although Fang Ze's move made the few people in front of him very confused. But there are still some bold people. A middle-aged man with a big belly felt that there were so many people present, and if he ate something badly, the young man would definitely not be able to escape, so he picked up the chopsticks with confidence, took a bite, and put into the mouth.

"How is it?" The buddy next to him didn't dare to eat it himself, but he wanted to ask when he saw someone else eating it.

"You don't know how to taste it yourself!" The middle-aged man didn't care about telling others whether it was delicious or not when he entered the food. He didn't even think about it, and quickly picked up the second chopstick.

Seeing the middle-aged man's attitude and expression, the people nearby also guessed that the dish had really tasted better, so they all put their chopsticks on and started to bloom, including Chef Song and the reporter.

Unexpectedly, it really became delicious!

Chef Song's eyes stared straight!

It's not that it tastes a little bit better, but that the quality of the whole dish has directly improved.

Although it was slightly inferior to the phoenix crystal that the kid had amazed in the game that day, it was absolutely delicious. It doesn't taste like mashed potatoes and bean sprouts at all!

Not to mention selling this dish for 3,000, even if it is doubled, someone will definitely buy it.

The meals in many private clubs in the south of the Yangtze River cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per meal.

There is still an endless stream of people eating. If you know this kind of finale dish, you will definitely be snapped up by these private clubs.

But how did this kid make this dish delicious in an instant? !

Chef Song took a few more bites of the dish, and found that it was definitely not due to any condiments, only the sauce.

Even if these condiments are put in, even if they can really improve the deliciousness of the dishes, they can only improve part of the dishes. After all, this kind of thing is impossible to spread evenly.

But Chef Song took three bites of dishes from three different places, and found that including the mashed potatoes inside, the taste of the dishes in all places has improved to the same degree.

It's almost like changing the ingredients!

Chef Song looked up at Fang Ze, but found that Fang Ze had already put the crystal phoenix on the table at this time, and was about to leave.

"Wait." Chef Song stopped Fang Ze.

"Why, there's something wrong." Fang Ze looked at Chef Song and said, "Or do you think this dish, after being influenced by my sincere heart for food, is still not as good as your previous dish, which is purely made with The rubbish that comes to deceive people?"

Chef Song wanted to say that, but Fang Ze had already learned how to behave. He didn’t give this old dog any chance. The four melon-eating people who called him before were eating vigorously on the table. How could he say that it was not delicious? .

The people who can come to this hotel to eat melons are all people of some status, and he can't be fooled by a word.

So Chef Song admitted honestly, "Your cooking is indeed much tastier than mine."

"That's fine." Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "I didn't come here to give a bad review of your cooking. It's your cooking that is really bad. I can't stand it anymore. Let's die for the food. It's settled, you slandered me and said that I was your defeated apprentice, we will settle it later, now you get out of the way, I'm going home."

"Yes, can you teach me?" Chef Song looked at the phoenix crystal that was being scrambled by diners, and said to Fang Ze in a pleading tone, "I will give you as much as you want. You show me how you just did it."

"Didn't I tell you everything, I learned to be a chef at the age of seven, and then I ignored the kitchen utensils and became sincere in food, so I can do it. You are not pure in heart, and you are not religious to food, so you can't do it." .”

How dare you think you are Ximen Chuuxue!

Also sincere in food!

Can a person of my age have not read Gu Long's novels!

Chef Song knew that Fang Ze was teasing him, but there was nothing he could do at the moment!

He couldn't stop Fang Ze in public.

"Get out of the way, I have to pay the bill." Fang Ze pushed Chef Song and left the room under the watchful eyes of the camera. Reading Joy, Reading Joy is wonderful! (=Reading Joy)

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